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 Message Boards » » I want to eat some mushrooms Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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i hate eating shrooms when they aren't in chocolates or something.

^^that's why I've never gotten it from someone I didn't know very well.

5/31/2008 5:26:34 AM

All American
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Is there anyone who still knows how to make clinical grade LSD like the original inventor did? I would think a fairly decent chemist could do it with the proper know-how, I personally have only done shrooms in Amsterdam because I felt pretty confident about their legitimacy

Over here, however, I don't trust a damn thing except maybe weed. Funny story, a friend of mine smoked some with a person he didn't really know and after telling the guy he felt funny was informed that it was "wu" weed, which had crack sprinkled on it. So I try to stay away from drugs.

Anyone know how one would start looking for safe and legitimate mind expansion (i.e. ACTUAL LSD or mescaline)?

5/31/2008 8:16:15 AM

All American
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1. go to the mountains
2. find a hippie
3. $profit

5/31/2008 8:23:09 AM

All American
63547 Posts
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well I think the dealer would be the one to profit

1. Buy mushrooms
2. Eat mushrooms
3. Prophet

5/31/2008 8:37:37 AM

All American
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^brilliant snewf, your conclusion was nothing if not epic

5/31/2008 8:38:55 AM

All American
63547 Posts
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well thanks I suppose

are you being sarcastic?

I'm really not used to praise

5/31/2008 9:04:45 AM

All American
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The last time I ate mushrooms was about a year ago. I cried a lot.

5/31/2008 9:44:29 AM

All American
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the first time i had shrooms was the best night of my life..

it opened up so many doors, everything was AMAZING i was so happy, and care free, and could think of things in ways that i never in a millions years would ever think about.

i had an insane appreciation for nature and all it's beauty, i spent most of the trip in my backyard just appreciating the colors of the trees, grass, the sky, and my friend's super red hair.

i wish i could find that kind of peace and contentment all the time... *sigh*

good times, good times

5/31/2008 10:10:26 AM

All American
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mushrooms = without a doubt the best mild-altering substance i've ever had.

5/31/2008 10:32:46 AM

Mr Scrumples
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Anybody who says they feel "sober" after eating mushrooms has clearly never eaten potent ones.

Two times I've witnessed people put themselves in legal situations after eating mushrooms and "thinking they can handle" this and that when they were warned about the stuff...

5/31/2008 10:41:31 AM

All American
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when i was like, 16, my friend brought a ton of assorted substances to camp. at breakfast, i was complaining about the pepper not being spicy enough, so he pulls this pepper shaker out of his bookbag and dumps it all over my eggs. i was like "wtf this is shitty pepper" and shortly thereafter, my cousin and i (she ate half of my eggs) were tripping balls wandering around on the beach, throwing portugese man-o-wars at each other. everything was so shiny and colorful, and the ocean was animated in huge pixely blocks like i was in a NES game.

oh yeah... it was bible camp.

5/31/2008 10:44:02 AM

All American
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you were throwing portuguese man o wars at each other and you didn't die?

5/31/2008 10:45:23 AM

Mr Scrumples
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Yeah, this thread has the "I'm so fucking cool because I like to fuck my mind up" badass mentality.

5/31/2008 10:48:12 AM

All American
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picking them up with sticks and lobbing them... she did get me in the knee, but it wasn't bad.

5/31/2008 10:48:32 AM

All American
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^^ Better than the "I've never done any of this and I have no idea what it actually does to you but I like to bitch at people who do know because I'm way above them" mentality.

If you could actually pull your head out of your ass you might realize that there are plenty of people who have done their fair share of mind altering substances whose minds aren't actually fucked up you dipshit.

5/31/2008 1:46:54 PM

All American
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hallucinogens don't necessarily harm your mind

sometimes they are quite helpful

5/31/2008 2:03:29 PM

All American
17118 Posts
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Quote :
"Anybody who says they feel "sober" after eating mushrooms has clearly never eaten potent ones. "

you know what I'm talking about. not the crazy come-up wild intense fun shit...I'm talking about the head trip

of course sometimes you're going to be blown out of the water and this is all irrelevant

don't be obtuse

5/31/2008 10:14:20 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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Mushrooms are definitely my favorite pizza topping.

I don't know what the rest of you kids are talking about.

6/1/2008 2:02:44 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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I'd like to eat some mellow mushrooms.

6/1/2008 2:10:39 AM

12937 Posts
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Quote :
"Mushrooms are definitely my favorite pizza topping."

That's disheartening.

6/1/2008 2:10:47 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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Why come?

6/1/2008 2:14:05 AM

12937 Posts
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I'm a strictly pepperoni & green peppers kind of guy.

6/1/2008 2:16:52 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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you have horrible taste in toppings

It's gotta be either:

Chicken + Mushrooms

Ham + Pineapple or

Sausage + Black Olives

6/1/2008 2:19:11 AM

hates 4 lokos
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go ahead, i made them tasty on pizzas you know

6/1/2008 2:21:06 AM

147487 Posts
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pizza without meat is a bunch of freaking carbs and bread...i need at least 2 meats...sausage pepperoni and green pepper are pretty good i tried that once

6/1/2008 2:22:30 AM


10410 Posts
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Italian Sausage, Peppers, Onions
sometimes ham and pepperoni as wel.

6/1/2008 2:23:19 AM

12937 Posts
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Quote :
"Ham + Pineapple"

Get that west coast shit out of here.

6/1/2008 2:28:56 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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Well, I was born in California.

6/1/2008 2:35:18 AM

12937 Posts
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And the pieces being to fall into place!

6/1/2008 2:38:50 AM

All American
9157 Posts
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my only shroom experience was a Ween concert.

When they started there were blue lights and with every strum of the distorted electric guitar, it looked like the band members were made of blue electricity that was pulsating with each hit of a note.

but afterwards in the hotel I was kind of questioning existence and afraid to go to sleep and such, that wasn't pleasant.

6/1/2008 2:39:58 AM

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