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All American
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[Edited on June 1, 2008 at 12:45 AM. Reason : page dos!!!!!]

6/1/2008 12:45:28 AM

56200 Posts
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Quote :
"^^^^^ this thread is SO full of substance: message_topic.aspx?topic=525757&page=1"

nice try shitbitch, its got plenty

6/1/2008 12:53:16 AM

All American
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6/1/2008 12:56:09 AM

All American
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shitbitch is a new one

rather catchy

^do you even know what that says? pretty sure it's "homo acceptance begins in the family"

6/1/2008 12:56:14 AM

All American
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6/1/2008 12:57:02 AM

All American
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6/1/2008 12:57:12 AM

All American
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evan did you get booted from the grains, I can't find your pic on the website to troll with

6/1/2008 1:03:09 AM

All American
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^no, but i took a leave of absence due to my insanely busy schedule the past semester.

expect to see me back in the fall.

i'll see if i can find one and stick it up on my photo gallery so you can troll again

6/1/2008 1:04:11 AM

70298 Posts
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wow I never realized what a huge faggot jaybee was

more like gaypee amirite

6/1/2008 1:06:38 AM

All American
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there was a kid in my neighborhood name J.B. we called him gaybee.

there was another kid named B.J. that lived across the street from gaybee. we called him beegay.


6/1/2008 1:09:37 AM

All American
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i never knew you were gay... that's weird... I thought you talked about a girlfriend before or something.

6/1/2008 2:05:30 AM

All American
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dude this is TWW.

I have been here for 8 fucking years and not once have I ever given a shit about what people here fucking think of me.

Get over yourself and stop thinking that people have to like you. They don't.

Once you come to terms with that, you'll be ok.

6/1/2008 2:16:42 AM

hates 4 lokos
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because you are my most flawed creation... and here I gave you such good start too...

[Edited on June 1, 2008 at 2:19 AM. Reason : pfft]

6/1/2008 2:19:26 AM

147487 Posts
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^ also had "and i did not make you gay you did that yourself"

[Edited on June 1, 2008 at 2:20 AM. Reason : .]

[Edited on June 1, 2008 at 2:20 AM. Reason : .]

6/1/2008 2:20:02 AM

Mr. Joshua
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I think that evan is the shit.

Quality poster.

6/1/2008 2:20:11 AM

Zinc Saucier
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Quote :
"try not bringing parts of your personal life that you don't want to be harassed about to tww - you know the userbase is relentless - it's your own fault"


On top of that, you argue with people who are clearly just here to insult you. Everyone who's ever exhibited your pattern of behavior on TWW (male, female, gay, straight) has dealt with the same shit. I'm inclined to think you accept it because you'd rather have negative attention than no attention, which is what another attention whore basically said.

Just to clarify, I don't hate you (mostly indifferent), but if you're really surprised about what happens, I don't know what to tell you.

[Edited on June 1, 2008 at 2:26 AM. Reason : .]

6/1/2008 2:23:00 AM

56200 Posts
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Quote :
"dude this is TWW.

I have been here for 8 fucking years and not once have I ever given a shit about what people here fucking think of me.

Get over yourself and stop thinking that people have to like you. They don't.

Once you come to terms with that, you'll be ok.


6/1/2008 2:55:41 AM

All American
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i don't see anything i've done that would give anyone a reason to dislike me however

it sorta pisses me off when people hate me for no reason

6/1/2008 2:57:50 AM

56200 Posts
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stuff like that... and I wouldn't say I hate you, I just think you are fucking dork... but seeing as how we dont know each other, and never will, I dont see why you care what I think

6/1/2008 2:59:31 AM

All American
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oh yeah, i'm the dork

rockin the american beauty and there's something about mary posters

6/1/2008 3:05:43 AM

56200 Posts
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yeah, movies are stupid!

especially a multiple academy award winning movie and one of the funniest movies ever, you got me internet "team" member

6/1/2008 3:08:05 AM

All American
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i sure did, didn't i!

oh, so you're saying we're on the same team?

you calling yourself a fag?

6/1/2008 3:09:37 AM

56200 Posts
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that was fucking stupid, you asked the question, just trying to help, later dork

6/1/2008 3:11:15 AM

All American
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and he concedes defeat.

6/1/2008 3:12:13 AM

All American
15858 Posts
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Dear god, just stop this. Don't let the internet become some source of drama in your life. It's just a fun way to piss away time while you're waiting for insulin to start working in your system while the meal you just ate gets converted into sugar. Nothing more!

6/1/2008 3:20:08 AM

BEUs Lady
All American
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<3 evan

6/1/2008 10:02:35 AM

balls deep
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evan, we've been over this countless times

The people on TWW are not your friends....stop acting like they are. It's just a website. Anything and everything that you say on there will probably be used against you. Why would you willingly give out information about yourself to people that aren't your friends in the first place?
Sure, there are some people on TWW that can be friends. If you need to tell them something, then pick up the phone. I have a handfull of friends on here (I think), and I don't feel the need to let everyone know every detail about my personal life.


I wouldn't be surprised if TWW turned around and attacked me for it.

6/1/2008 10:16:15 AM

All American
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6/1/2008 10:24:13 AM

All American
8704 Posts
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it's june 1st and i still hate evan

6/1/2008 12:35:28 PM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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I don't hate you in the least bit.

6/1/2008 12:51:10 PM

All American
8888 Posts
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I don't hate you.

6/1/2008 3:48:03 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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at least homeboy came out, roddy has been closet since the days of nelson hall back in like 2001

6/1/2008 4:00:42 PM

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