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 Message Boards » » Is it possible to curve a bullets pathway? Page 1 [2], Prev  
Tom Joad
72866 Posts
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this movie is gonna prompt a brand new way for youtube video making idiots to hurt themselves


6/3/2008 9:34:25 AM

All American
4030 Posts
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sounds like a winner
Quote :
"Wanted tells the tale of one apathetic nobody's transformation into an unparalleled enforcer of justice. In 2008, the world will be introduced to a hero for a new generation: Wesley Gibson. 25-year-old Wes was the most disaffected, cube-dwelling drone the planet had ever known. His boss chewed him out hourly, his girlfriend ignored him routinely and his life plodded on interminably. Everyone was certain this disengaged slacker would amount to nothing. There was little else for Wes to do but wile away the days and die in his slow, clock-punching rut. Until he met a woman named Fox. After his estranged father is murdered, the deadly sexy Fox recruits him into the Fraternity, a secret society that trains Wes to avenge his father's death by unlocking his dormant powers. As she teaches him how to develop lightning-quick reflexes and phenomenal agility, Wes discovers this team lives by an ancient, unbreakable code: carry out the death orders given by fate itself. With wickedly brilliant tutor - including the fraternity's enigmatic leader, Sloan - Wes grows to enjoy all the strength he ever wanted. But slowly, he begins to realize there is more to his dangerous associates than meets the eye. And as he wavers between newfound heroism and vengeance, Wes will come to learn what no one can ever teach him: he alone controls his destiny."

6/3/2008 10:06:24 AM

balls deep
89891 Posts
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Quote :
"this movie is gonna prompt a brand new way for youtube video making idiots to hurt themselves"


OK OK OK, Take 13. I'm going to try to curve the trajectory of the bullet around THIS camera man...

6/3/2008 10:50:50 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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there was a thing in the discovery channel (i think) the other week about artillery that could change trajectory in flight, so basically all you had to do was point the paladin in the general direction of the target

6/3/2008 5:53:40 PM

All American
14393 Posts
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Quote :
"All bullets curve down naturally after being shot out of the gun."

6/3/2008 5:54:56 PM

All American
34477 Posts
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Quote :
"the vertical spin on the bullet pretty much ensures that there's not nearly enough horizontal spin on the bullet to produce any type of magnus effect that would curve the bullet.

This is not about magnus effect, it's about precession.

6/4/2008 1:30:01 AM

12937 Posts
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^^^^ That's the first thing that I thought about when I saw the Wanted trailer.

6/4/2008 3:11:19 AM

All American
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consensus please

6/4/2008 7:29:00 PM

All American
8846 Posts
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You can curve them in Counter-Strike

6/4/2008 7:29:19 PM

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6/4/2008 7:43:29 PM

All American
14880 Posts
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how can this new movie so blatantly rip off the matrix and still get A list actors to star
dont they have any shame

6/4/2008 8:07:53 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :



6/4/2008 8:08:33 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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Well, the guns are being spun around in circles now. This way it looks like jackasses are operating them instead of tacticool columbine kids that grew up to be grumpy, heavily armed nerds.

It's different!


This movie is going to suck.

6/4/2008 8:09:40 PM

All American
14880 Posts
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indeed, when the highlight of the trailer is the curving bullet you know you've seen all there is to see there

im looking forward to x-files though

6/4/2008 9:48:09 PM

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