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[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 3:50 PM. Reason : 2]

6/3/2008 3:50:36 PM

All American
27701 Posts
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Quote :
"Nothing is ever right about old navy denim. It's so cheap feeling/looking. You can look at a girl or a guy (without seeing the pockets) and tell if they have on quality jeans or not. They just make your whole body look good"

man speaks the truth

6/3/2008 3:51:03 PM

All American
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Damn, some of you all are crazy free-spending with all that money.

To each their own I guess.

I'm content with my ~$30 Levi's though. They fit nice, they look nice, they're durable as all hell, and I don't feel bad about wearing them while doing things like walking in the rain or something. If I had on a $100+ pair of anything I'd be wary of doing anything where the clothes could get dirty or damaged, and that's not what I want.

6/3/2008 3:51:31 PM

35780 Posts
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i'm in charlotte, which means i should have plenty of options around me

6/3/2008 3:51:38 PM

12280 Posts
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^^^haha well to be fair, Erica said that I was just quoting. Although I do agree 100%

Quote :
"I'm content with my ~$30 Levi's though. They fit nice, they look nice, they're durable as all hell, and I don't feel bad about wearing them while doing things like walking in the rain or something. If I had on a $100+ pair of anything I'd be wary of doing anything where the clothes could get dirty or damaged, and that's not what I want."

The fact that they're such amazing quality is more reason to be able to "walk in the rain" with them. Just because they are expensive doesn't mean they'll fall apart if wet. I wash mine regularly and they hold up really well. The only reason 1 pair has a massive hole in it is because I happened to be wearing them while doing some 'manual labor' and track events.

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 3:53 PM. Reason : .]

6/3/2008 3:52:00 PM

35780 Posts
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i have a bad habit of looking at dudes' butts to see what kind of jeans they have on. I'm not checking them out at all, its just a habit to look at their stitching on the back pocket and try and tell what they have on. [no homo]

and sometimes i see a pair that look good over a pair of boots which i always wear but i know if i ask the dude what he has on i'd come off as queer. so sadly i trek along searching for the perfect pair

6/3/2008 3:54:45 PM

45208 Posts
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This WOman speaks the truth

Some people spend money on electronics. I spend it on my clothes/shoes. It's what I enjoy to spend money on, so I don't feel bad at all!!!

Hahah I'm always looking at girls butts. I'm like "ooooh new pocket design!!!"

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 3:55 PM. Reason : ehe]

6/3/2008 3:54:45 PM

All American
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it is difficult for tall girls sometimes. most stores don't automatically carry extra-long inseams to fit slender waists.

6/3/2008 3:54:53 PM

19447 Posts
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Why do they need to know my bra size to build me pants?

6/3/2008 3:55:02 PM

147487 Posts
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uh oh...

6/3/2008 3:55:29 PM

45208 Posts
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I'm sure a girl with a 38 bra isn't gonna have a 21" waist. It's just to get an overall picture. I bet it will help them know where to start the flare or the bootcut. Or even how to put the pocket on the jeans. If your body is shaped one way, a wrong angled pocket can be a travesty!

6/3/2008 3:57:58 PM

19447 Posts
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But it also asks the waist size ... what if I had really huge boobs?

6/3/2008 3:59:36 PM

45208 Posts
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Really huge boobs won't give you a large bra measurement if you're wearing the correct size. You'll have a huge cup but not a large band size ya dig?

Large band size usually coincides with a larger waist.

6/3/2008 4:01:10 PM

19447 Posts
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But then they ask cup size ...

whatever. I give up at caring.

6/3/2008 4:02:37 PM

147487 Posts
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i think what skwinkle is getting at is she feel uncomfortable by them asking her what her tit size is

6/3/2008 4:04:11 PM

19447 Posts
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I just don't see how, if I give them my bottom half measurements, they can't figure out how to build my pants. That's like them asking how old I am. It just shouldn't be relevant.

6/3/2008 4:05:09 PM

45208 Posts
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Well what I was tryna say is maybe they are trying to make these proportionate to the rest of your body. Perfect jeans make the WHOLE body look good.

6/3/2008 4:07:52 PM

19447 Posts
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Maybe my resistance to the question is part of why I've never had a perfect pair. Or the fact that I've never been willing to pay more than $100 for a pair.

6/3/2008 4:11:28 PM

12937 Posts
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Quote :
"Why do they need to know my bra size to build me pants?"

They just to know, okay?

6/3/2008 4:12:25 PM

All American
4532 Posts
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maybe they have other create your own clothes things, so they're going to email you all kinds of recommendations for tshirts and other things that you can pay too much for.

6/3/2008 4:12:47 PM

All American
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i didnt know there were other denim lovers on tww! we must do lunch, k?

6/3/2008 4:14:04 PM

35780 Posts
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they probably dont want to give you the muffin top look.

they are trying to spare you from embarassment.

6/3/2008 4:15:08 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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I found some Levi's on sale at wal-mart for $7 each one time a few years back, I assume it was a misprint of the price. I bought like 6 pairs of them and haven't bought jeans since.

6/3/2008 4:18:38 PM

All American
2869 Posts
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levi's are definitely acceptable as far as jeans go.

6/3/2008 4:21:54 PM

35780 Posts
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i love levis and thought i found the perfect fit in the 527. I asked my mom to pick me up a pair a few months ago when she was at the mall because i needed a new pair. She did, same style and size so i assumed and threw them in the wash. but the pant leg opening on these were like 3 inches wider making them swallow my boot and looking like old school "wide leg jeans". Needless to say i haven't worn them once and probably won't ever

6/3/2008 4:21:58 PM

All American
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*grrr* I just built a pair and I don't even get an example photo?


6/3/2008 4:44:14 PM

35780 Posts
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^yeah i x'ed out when i didnt get one either.

6/3/2008 5:21:46 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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I have a hard time finding jeans >.<

I have an extra large ass with a medium waste. So I end up buying stretch jeans most of the time. I hate when the jeans bellow in the back if I dont wear a belt

...but I dont spend more than $50 for jeans.

6/3/2008 5:50:44 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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Quote :
"and sometimes i see a pair that look good over a pair of boots which i always wear but i know if i ask the dude what he has on i'd come off as queer. so sadly i trek along searching for the perfect pair"

haha since i bought my new pair of badass looking boots ive been looking down more too

i dont have a problem spending extra on jeans. i only have about 4 or 5 pairs, although they all were probably over $100. $500 on pants that will last you for years is not a bad deal.

6/3/2008 5:59:28 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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Quote :
"I have an extra large ass with a medium waste."

poop more often ----> smaller waste

6/3/2008 6:00:30 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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if you spend 130 bucks for a pair of jeans youre a faggot.

6/3/2008 6:00:47 PM

All American
22242 Posts
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Quote :
I have an extra large ass with a medium waste. So I end up buying stretch jeans most of the time. I hate when the jeans bellow in the back if I dont wear a belt

...but I dont spend more than $50 for jeans."

The last bit is the problem I have that issue too, but express jeans (~$75) fit much better than say old navy jeans.

6/3/2008 6:02:35 PM

All American
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nice jeans

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 6:07 PM. Reason : \/ forgot about joes]

6/3/2008 6:04:42 PM

63151 Posts
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7s, joes, and true religion, and j.crew

the jeans from this link for dudes all look shitty

6/3/2008 6:05:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The fact that they're such amazing quality is more reason to be able to "walk in the rain" with them. Just because they are expensive doesn't mean they'll fall apart if wet."

That's not the issue. The issue is getting jeans that cost more than a monthly electric bill and possibly damaging or staining them in daily activity.

If I had shit like that I'd have to treat them like church clothes.

6/3/2008 6:07:03 PM

252 Posts
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Quote :
"if you spend 130 bucks for a pair of jeans youre a faggot.


Jeans that fit right are HARD to find!!!! Sometimes, the more expensive jeans are better in the long run... Not only do they usually fit better, they also last a lot longer.

6/3/2008 6:11:42 PM

147487 Posts
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haha i seriously cant believe people are coming in and defending spending a fucking 130 dollars on jeans

shit to me 50 bucks is too much....anything over like 40 is too much

6/3/2008 6:13:20 PM

63151 Posts
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maybe we all arent just broke as shit.

6/3/2008 6:13:44 PM

147487 Posts
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or you like spending too much money

6/3/2008 6:14:06 PM

63151 Posts
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it's called disposable income.

6/3/2008 6:14:45 PM

147487 Posts
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its called a waste of money holmes

6/3/2008 6:15:29 PM

12280 Posts
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Dnl, go be a poor bitching college kid in another thread.

6/3/2008 6:15:38 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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people spend money on things differently. woop dee doo. get off your high horse and quit preaching/bitching at people who spend more than $75 on a pair of jeans.

6/3/2008 6:16:09 PM

147487 Posts
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i mean is it like one of those placebo effects?

"hmmm i spent 130 on some jeans, they must look good!" type of things?

6/3/2008 6:16:20 PM

147487 Posts
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haha to be perfectly honest i dont even know where to shop to find a pair of jeans thats 130...i think i saw some that were like 65 once

6/3/2008 6:17:12 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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you don't know where to find nice jeans? try the mall.

6/3/2008 6:18:11 PM

All American
22242 Posts
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Quote :
"its called a waste of money holmes"

a decent pair of jeans will last longer than pot and booze

6/3/2008 6:18:33 PM

12280 Posts
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you generally need to be able to afford a car to even be able to get to these stores, dnl. Thats probably why you've never seen a store that sells stuff that costs more than wal mart.

6/3/2008 6:19:56 PM

147487 Posts
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last time i got clothes it was off tww lol

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 6:20 PM. Reason : haha wearing one of the polos now]

6/3/2008 6:20:43 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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Dilliard's is a good spot [for overpriced shit].

I was looking at a pair of jeans that were next to the levi's 527 jeans in the store, tried them on, they fit pretty nicely, about as good as the 527's but they looked slightly better, I asked if they had them in a slightly different size and they about pissed all over themselves to help me. Then i looked at the price and they were $115 or so. They didn't offer to help when I was looking at the Levi's. I love that store for being so impractical, hence me never shopping there.

I'd spend up to $80 on a pair of Jeans IF they were the most bomb-ass fitting jeans ever and I had a real reason for getting them (like a nagging girlfriend) and a lot of money I didn't like.

I think this thread needs more conflict.

[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 6:21 PM. Reason : []]

6/3/2008 6:20:59 PM

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