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Bee Hugger
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6/11/2008 5:50:12 PM

All American
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General Endowment is a big fucking bank account that pretty much just acrues interest. That interest goes toward paying professors, building new facilities, and reinvesting in the endowment.

The Achieve! campaign for State that raised over $1billion is pretty much going to be blown immediately on new facilities. It'd be nice to raise that much, put it in the general endowment, and draw interest on it every year. That seems to be about 50% of what USN&WR uses to "rank" their universities. Another 50% is graduation rate (because graduating sub-par students is better than failing them. or maybe just not letting them in in the first place is better). The last 50% is other peoples' perceptions of the school. The rankings are so fucking retarded. (But a lot of people look at them, so it's a good thing to be at the top.)

There are also plenty of other endowments in the university. Athletics has their own one. Each college has their own one. etc

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 6:03 PM. Reason : ]

6/11/2008 6:02:35 PM

All American
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granted, i'm sure when UNC finishes their new expansion of Kenan stadium it will take a chunk out of that 2 billion

6/11/2008 6:14:50 PM

All American
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And the 4th 50% is ability of the students to do basic math

6/11/2008 6:21:11 PM

All American
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^ no no there's only three

6/11/2008 6:23:22 PM

All American
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6/11/2008 6:23:50 PM

All American
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There's always three halves.

^^^^ Chances are that the Kenan expansion isn't taking any money from their general endowment. Nothing at Carter Finley took away from ours. It was all money raised by the Wolfpack Club (and on loan, but the WPC will be the ones to repay it)

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 6:33 PM. Reason : ]

6/11/2008 6:30:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'd be suprised to see that there are 63 better universities in the country"

WTF? I am not even American, and I can bet big money that I can name at least half of those 63 right off the bat, and the other half after a couple of hours of recalling/looking at a US map.

Are you that uneducated?

Quote :
"what? i never heard of university of chicago"

Jesus dude, are you that stupid/ignnorant???

Who hasn't heard of it? It is literally world famous, right behind Harvard/Stanford/MIT/etc. Yeah, understandably, it doesn't have the name recognition of Harvard et al, but it definitely has like 10x the name recognition of NCSU.

6/11/2008 6:33:14 PM

All American
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^ $10

6/11/2008 6:35:59 PM

All American
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Start with UC... You can come up with 6 just right there (at least)
Then do all the Ivies
Then the schools that are like Ivies
Then do what's left of the ACC

6/11/2008 6:40:00 PM

All American
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I mean I could probably name 30-40 of them at least

And I agree, I have no idea how you didn't know there was a university of chicago. Even if you didn't know it was a great school.

In fact, you can pretty much guarentee that "University of [insert city with over 1,000,000 ppl]" exists and is fairly large.

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 6:41 PM. Reason : ]

6/11/2008 6:40:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"WTF? I am not even American, and I can bet big money "

6/11/2008 6:46:37 PM

All American
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This is in response to our school striving for the goal to be a top 5 engineering school. We have a long way to go. I cut the list where we finished as of 2006. Oh, and fuck Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst

Quote :
"Best Universities
Top Engineering Colleges
Ranking by 2006
S.No University/College
1 Massachusetts Inst of Technology
2 Stanford University
3 University of California-Berkeley
4 California Institute Technology
5 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
6 Georgia Institute of Technology
7 University of Michigan
8 Cornell University
9 Carnegie Mellon University
10 University of Texas at Austin
11 Purdue University
12 University of California- San Diego
13 University of California- Los Angeles
14 Texas A&M University
15 Princeton University
16 Pennsylvania State University
17 University of Wisconsin-Madison
18 University of Maryland College Park
19 Harvard University
20 University of California-Santa Barbara
21 University of Southern California
22 University of Minnesota
23 Northwestern University
24 Johns Hopkins University
25 Virginia Polytech Inst & State University
26 Ohio State University
27 University of Virginia
28 Columbia University (FU)
29 University of Pennsylvania
30 Duke University
31 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst
32 North Carolina State University"

On a second note, number 7 in Nuclear Engineering. Oh yeah! Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst is number 12, suck it.

Quote :
"Nuclear Engineering School Ranking in USA

Home >> University Ranking >> USA >> Nuclear Engineering

U.S. News Rank

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2 University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign

3 University of Michigan–Ann Arbor

4 University of California–Berkeley

5 University of Wisconsin–Madison

6 Penn State University–University Park

7 North Carolina State University

8 Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN)

9 Texas A&M University–College Station

10 University of Florida

11 Georgia Institute of Technology

12 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY)

12 University of Tennesse

14 Ohio State University"

[Edited on June 11, 2008 at 6:56 PM. Reason : sdg]

6/11/2008 6:53:05 PM

All American
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speaking of nuclear power

University of Chicago was also the site of the first sustained man-made nuclear reaction

6/11/2008 8:46:31 PM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"the university wants to be in the top 5 for engineering within 10 years"

rofl good luck with that shit

i'd rank ncsu out of the world prolly like 150 all things considered

6/11/2008 8:51:46 PM

All American
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You just entered a world of pain (I'm predicting).

6/11/2008 9:08:57 PM

All American
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I didn't really enjoy NCSU

it was "intellectual suicide"

I put that in quotes because I'm quoting a faculty member

6/11/2008 9:09:58 PM

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