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All American
1340 Posts
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^You went to NCSSM too? When did you graduate?

6/18/2008 3:05:37 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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NCSSM explains a lot to me. A LOT.

6/18/2008 3:08:42 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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I think i would have loved it but i didn't know it existed....

6/18/2008 3:10:14 PM

All American
6092 Posts
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I was under the impression that IB was only a high school thing. I know not of any schools that offer IB in 5th grade.

from what school system did you come?

6/18/2008 3:11:00 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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^ "pre-IB" at Druid Hills and Davidson IB Middle, in CMS: officially, yes, it's only high school

Quote :
"You went to NCSSM too? When did you graduate?"


Quote :
"NCSSM explains a lot to me. A LOT."

fuck off

6/18/2008 3:24:00 PM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"Your IQ is higher than Stillfurshia's"


[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 3:25 PM. Reason : gonna try it again...]

6/18/2008 3:25:02 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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Quote :

i have NEVER heard anything good about this school

6/18/2008 3:27:38 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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That's a shame, it was a great experience.

Well, before I left. Now they've got trimesters and a bunch of dumb shit.

6/18/2008 3:28:17 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Ha, we didn't even have AP at my high school.

We had to make do with regular honors.

6/18/2008 3:29:10 PM

All American
9877 Posts
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My IQ is higher than Spyami's and Stillfurshia's combined

6/18/2008 3:29:54 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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^ lol

6/18/2008 3:30:31 PM

All American
4755 Posts
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i took 2 AP classes and bombed the AP exams because there's no way those teachers could teach us that shit. i said to hell with that shit and took community college classes my senior year. i entered state with 14 credit hours, didn't have to waste time in raleigh with little piddly classes, and now i've got 4 more semesters of 13 hrs. each. best decision ever.

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 3:34 PM. Reason : sss]

6/18/2008 3:34:12 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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I went to NCSSM

it's a smart school with very smart people who sometimes turn homosexual

6/18/2008 3:34:56 PM

All American
4755 Posts
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that school ruined a very good friend of mine

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 3:35 PM. Reason : ^didn't turn him gay though. i don't think ]

6/18/2008 3:35:26 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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^^I didn't know anyone who "turned" homosexual when I was there

repressed gays, sure

but they were going to come out sooner or later

^ "ruined"?

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 3:36 PM. Reason : ,]

6/18/2008 3:35:57 PM

All American
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oh course they didn't "turn"

but NCSSM is probably a place where people turn to get the fuck out of dodge and be in a much more accepting environment

that and the constant fairy dust 24/7

6/18/2008 3:37:47 PM

All American
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(this is chalked on the side of every building on campus on GAY DAY)

6/18/2008 3:39:46 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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^come out to play on gay day!

^^ well yeah, it was rather accepting

6/18/2008 3:42:57 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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they didn't like me very much there

they actually tried to keep me from coming back my second year

yeah... that didn't happen

6/18/2008 3:45:08 PM

All American
9877 Posts
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Also I don't think questions where you fill in the blank to complete a proverb are on real IQ tests but ymmv

6/18/2008 3:45:14 PM

All American
1340 Posts
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^ you also like obama...

6/18/2008 4:04:17 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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this made me sad

6/18/2008 4:34:45 PM

All American
1340 Posts
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^ That is a serious problem with our education system. Like communism, it (generally) brings all students down to the same level. Instead of allowing those children who are gifted to hit the ground running, it forces them to stay behind at the slower learning curve.

6/18/2008 4:39:46 PM

All American
3186 Posts
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i got a 133

6/18/2008 5:37:44 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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If anyone gonna save us from impending doom and our fuel crisis and global warming, it's gonna be the gifted kids.

I'd funnel AT LEAST the same amount of funding into their programs as for disabled kids.

The feds mandate that every disabled kid receive an appropriate education, no matter how handicapped. Why don't gifted kids deserve an appropriate education too?

6/18/2008 6:17:02 PM

All American
16417 Posts
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"H"AG made me hate school for the rest of my life.

I don't know why they subject kids to that shit.

6/18/2008 6:31:42 PM

All American
44691 Posts
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AG wasn't too bad at my school(s), but it wasn't that great either.

It was paced pretty poorly, though. I rarely paid attention and still murdered everything put in front of me.

I get pretty jealous when I see the opportunities that kids are provided now, though. When I was in elementary and middle school (and even high school), it was damn near impossible to get into higher level classes without an act of Congress, and you could forget about taking higher level anything if it wasnt math or science related. Now I see kids taking classes that we never got the opportunity to take, and there's no reason for it. These kids aren't smarter than we were at that same age.

6/18/2008 6:47:26 PM

All American
34479 Posts
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142 but i've taken that test maybe 5 times over the past couple of years (they've changed it some though).

I also think it's a little amusing that W. Va., a predominantly white state, and mississippi, mostly black (but not as black as W. Va. is white) are the 2 lowest states.

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 7:23 PM. Reason : ]

6/18/2008 7:13:13 PM

All American
1340 Posts
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^nice certificate lol

6/18/2008 7:48:39 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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they also happen to be the two poorest states in the country

6/18/2008 7:53:25 PM

All American
34479 Posts
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^ That is why it amuses me.

6/18/2008 8:01:28 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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the real question is:

are poor people stupid or are stupid people poor?

6/18/2008 8:02:56 PM

All American
1340 Posts
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good question

6/18/2008 8:27:34 PM

All American
42569 Posts
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Congratulations, trapezius!

Your IQ score is 142

I got one question wrong. Interestingly enough, I got all the proverbs/adages correct.

Quote :
"You scored in the 100th percentile on the mathematical intelligence scale.
You scored in the 100th percentile on the visual-spatial intelligence scale.
You scored in the 100th percentile on the linguistic intelligence scale.
You scored in the 100th percentile on the logical intelligence scale."

Quote :
"Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results. "

Quote :
"Your mind's strengths allow you to think ahead of the game — to imagine or anticipate what should come next in just about any situation. Because you're equally skilled in the numerical and verbal universes of the brain, you can draw from multiple sources of information to come up with great ideas. The timelessness of your vision and the balance between your various skills are what make you a Visionary Philosopher.

In addition to your strengths in math and linguistics, you have a knack for matching and anticipating patterns. These skills and your uncanny ability to detect the underlying blueprint of most of life's situations add to your Visionary Philosopher mind."

Quote :
"Great Jobs For You

Because of the way you process information, these are just some of the many careers in which you could excel:

City planner
Chief executive"

Quote :
"Some of Your Greatest Talents

You've got tons of strengths. It wouldn't surprise us if you:

Think of the "big picture"
Can anticipate and predict patterns
Are good at context clues
Can see similarities in seemingly disparate things "

BTW, I took Mensa International's Advanced Progressive Matrices II IQ test when I was 19. It cost me £12!

And no, I am not gonna say how much I got, except that I was in the 99+th percentile

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 9:38 PM. Reason : ]

6/18/2008 9:12:49 PM

All American
6271 Posts
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i thought this was interesting:
Quote :
"A widely-cited example of possible cultural bias appeared in the Scholastic Aptitude Test in the early 90s:

Runner: marathon
A) Envoy: embassy
B) Martyr: massacre
C) Oarsman: regatta
D) Referee: tournament
E) Horse: stable.

(Herrnstein and Murray, 1994) According to many, the answer, C), is more likely to be answered correctly by upper class children (predominantly white) because they are more inclined to know the definition of regatta."

i've always wondered about specific examples of the cultural bias argument. if this is the best they can come up with i call bullshit, unless by cultural bias they mean "didn't do 5th grade vocabulary words homework".

6/18/2008 9:22:01 PM

All American
9134 Posts
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6/18/2008 9:52:16 PM

All American
14039 Posts
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138 here

6/18/2008 10:08:50 PM

All American
1340 Posts
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^^^regatta is a 5th grade vocab word?

6/18/2008 10:23:43 PM

All American
37009 Posts
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Quote :
"i've always wondered about specific examples of the cultural bias argument. if this is the best they can come up with i call bullshit, unless by cultural bias they mean "didn't do 5th grade vocabulary words homework"."

The question is a good indicator of whether you engage in upper class New England recreation. It's a bad indicator of general knowledge. Of course 'regatta' is a vocabulary word, but it's also culture specific and unfair to people who aren't part of that culture.

Another example is an SAT question that had a drawing of a football field with measurements. It asked for the ratio of the goal lines to the sidelines. Females tended to miss that question because they didn't know which side was the goal line. The question isn't testing math like it's supposed to - it's testing how well you know the rules of football.

6/18/2008 11:01:03 PM

All American
42569 Posts
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Quote :
"if this is the best they can come up with i call bullshit, unless by cultural bias they mean "didn't do 5th grade vocabulary words homework"."

1) regatta is not 5th grade vocabulary
2) regatta is not taught in all schools, whether at 5th grade or 12 the grade
3) it is not only americans who take the SAT
4) based on what you said, you are an idiot

^ beat me to it!

BTW, even i wouldn't be able to answer that football question because i don't know a damn thing about football. of course, if they labeled the goal lines and sidelines, then the question is valid.

[Edited on June 18, 2008 at 11:06 PM. Reason : ]

6/18/2008 11:05:09 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"Now I see kids taking classes that we never got the opportunity to take, and there's no reason for it. These kids aren't smarter than we were at that same age."

yeah, I wish we had lots of things kids have now

6/18/2008 11:05:25 PM

All American
2965 Posts
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Of course, S&M gets brought up in an IQ thread. . . . .

i came, i saw, i got the boot for security reasons...
but i still think it was better than the year and a half i would've spent in gaston county.

6/18/2008 11:27:45 PM

All American
42569 Posts
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BTW, I redid it with all correct answers (I just had 1 wrong and it gave 142) and it gave me 144.

So this test only measures till 144.

Compared to the actual Mensa test I took, this one is far easier. Even though they say it was made by "PhDs", I wonder how valid it is.

6/18/2008 11:31:20 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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It's not valid, at all. But, I suppose it's a good way to get marginally less-intelligent or -secure people to subscribe to their pointless e-mails.

Quote :
"Man we had to take D.A.R.E."


My DARE coincided exactly with the one period a week we had AG at my poor-ass fucktard of an elementary school. We got to pick. My choice was between:

1) The cool teacher who let us blow things up, and

2) The school resource officer

I guess it's already obvious which one I picked.

Quote :
"i hated IB"

Really? IB was about the only public school experience I actually enjoyed, though I suppose that's because it involved way fewer savage beatings than all of the experience prior to that point.

Quote :
"ahaha i scored in the 60th percentile for visual/spatial."

That's because you're a vapid whore that's gotten by your entire life on being fairly attractive and, I assume, fucking everyone who could possibly give you a job. At least, I assume that's how you got your position at the Technician back, you idiot slattern.

Quote :
"I was in IB from 5th grade until I went away to NCSSM, but I really liked it"

Now, maybe I'm confused, but I thought NCSSM was only 11th and 12th grade?

And having gone through IB, I'm quite certain that it is only 11th and 12th grade.

Frankly, I'm not buying this "pre-IB" line of horseshit for one second.

[Edited on June 19, 2008 at 3:30 AM. Reason : ]

6/19/2008 3:29:22 AM

All American
2965 Posts
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i didn't have IB at my local high school, but i did have tons of AP credits before i was a junior . . .

6/19/2008 4:02:55 AM

Not an alcoholic
8015 Posts
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i got 136. but to answer this
Quote :
"A widely-cited example of possible cultural bias appeared in the Scholastic Aptitude Test in the early 90s:

Runner: marathon
A) Envoy: embassy
B) Martyr: massacre
C) Oarsman: regatta
D) Referee: tournament
E) Horse: stable.

(Herrnstein and Murray, 1994) According to many, the answer, C), is more likely to be answered correctly by upper class children (predominantly white) because they are more inclined to know the definition of regatta."

I probably would have said D. or maybe E. or maybe C. I dunno since I've seen the answer. Honestly I probably would have opened a new tab and looked it up.

6/19/2008 4:14:49 AM

All American
10343 Posts
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i would have said c. without looking it up.

6/19/2008 4:18:14 AM

147487 Posts
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i woulda said c cause the other ones were not correct

6/19/2008 4:19:33 AM

All American
10343 Posts
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^for realz

6/19/2008 4:20:00 AM

Not an alcoholic
8015 Posts
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DnL def wouldn't have known that shit. that niggas dumb.

6/19/2008 4:20:51 AM

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