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6/19/2008 2:44:49 PM

All American
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^^^^ if sitting in a cell for one night cause you psychological damage then you need help.

6/19/2008 2:45:46 PM

All American
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not me, but i know some people who aren't as well adjusted. this doesn't make them deserving of such a treatment.

6/19/2008 2:46:35 PM

All American
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They went to jail for one day for something they didn't do. Yes its a big inconvenience but it shouldn't be psychologically damage unless you are a retard.

6/19/2008 2:48:03 PM

All American
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I am going to have to simultaneously jump in on both sides of this argument.
First off, cooperating with a cop at a traffic stop or DUI checkpoint is a simple matter. Everyone knows what's expected, and you generally get in more trouble for not cooperating. Seriously, this guy let this matter get so far out of hand for not rolling his window the fuck down a little more?
On the other hand, the cop was an idiot to not be able to figure out that the guy he was dealing with actually was someone with some social power, especially someone involved in the criminal justice system, who should be exempt from all that kind of bullshit.
Both people fail massively on this one.

6/19/2008 2:51:04 PM

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Some cops get some sick pleasure from hauling someone in who has never been to jail before.

My gf's mom got drug out of her apartment by a Cary cop for a FTA warrant at 4 am, on a ticket that she had the receipt for on her counter. The cop did not even want to look at it. Some idiot fuck in the mts put in the computer that she was not in court when her lawyer had appeard and disposed of the ticket the same day. She had to bail herself out with $500 and then work a 12 hour nursing shift the next day....

What happened to whoever fucked up her paperwork? NOTHING.

The cop laughed at her while he was hauling her to jail, and reiterated how he did not care that the ticket was paid, but she better have some bail money.

6/19/2008 2:51:31 PM

All American
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^ So its the cops fault for serving the warrant and doing what he was told?

6/19/2008 2:53:08 PM

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Nope its the cops fault for being a douche about it. Apparently no one is held accountable when an arrest warant is falsely issued.

6/19/2008 2:54:20 PM

All American
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So you hate the cop and not the guy who screwed up the ticket?

6/19/2008 2:55:07 PM

All American
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personally, hate is too strong, but I have major qualms with the CJ system.

6/19/2008 2:56:44 PM

41759 Posts
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I dont hate cops. They do a pretty thankless job and do not get paid well. I mean I sit on my ass and post here all day and make more than they do. They also run toward emergencies while the rest of us run away. They definitely should get credit for that. They do a dangerous job and save lives.

There are douches and idiots in every single profession, the problem is when they are in law enforcement they have the right to throw you to the ground and handcuff you.

6/19/2008 2:57:09 PM

soup du hier
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Christ RD you had to go and gay up my green tag...

6/19/2008 3:05:50 PM

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