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All American
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someone find the passive aggressive notes exchanged between hammster and Sarose

6/25/2008 7:00:46 PM

All American
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your failed thread is doing pretty good jackleg

6/25/2008 7:02:25 PM

All American
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the puking thing is directed at the bulimic chicks. you're not supposed to realize it unless you've been to rehab or your're a chick

ps another. i'd go insane

i actually like that one

6/25/2008 7:03:07 PM

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[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 7:04 PM. Reason : totally in another world]

6/25/2008 7:03:14 PM

All American
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also, maxime would get a nice shitty surprise when she least expected it

6/25/2008 7:04:16 PM

All American
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bahaha who did that at my house

6/25/2008 7:08:47 PM

All American
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[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 7:11 PM. Reason : i like how she points out the weight, like it matters how much her now ex's ex weighs]

6/25/2008 7:10:43 PM

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they always claim the other girl is fat

6/25/2008 7:15:18 PM

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ok the naked ex one is hilarious

6/25/2008 7:15:55 PM

All American
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at least she said something
most chicks I know would just get all pissy and not say a word

6/25/2008 7:17:19 PM

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btw she hates writing the word "and" about as much as i do

we should hook up

6/25/2008 7:21:17 PM

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and that is fucking awesome. i now know what i'll do next time this happens.. or similar. i've had someone leave their myspace up before and me find out about their cheating that way while they were in the shower

a little more nosey than just looking at a background but still..good idea

[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 7:21 PM. Reason : no homo]

6/25/2008 7:21:20 PM

All American
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When I was living in Avent Ferry Complex I was so tired of people not parking straight and making it next to impossible to park in the spot next to them. Since I had a beat up car I would always squeeze my car into the spot even if I had to get out through the window. But I would make sure to open my car door hard enough in attempt to get out. Then I would write notes saying "if you would learn how to fucking park you wouldn't have that dent on the side of your car"

I would leave that note when I left cause I'll be damned if they're gonna get my plate number.

6/25/2008 7:27:17 PM

All American
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That's not cool. At all.

6/25/2008 7:33:53 PM

All American
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haha what's not cool is when the lot is full and there is some douche who is too lazy to back up and straighten their car takes up two spots.

6/25/2008 7:36:19 PM

All American
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Wait, you climbed out a window?

[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 7:36 PM. Reason : lol]

6/25/2008 7:36:21 PM

All American
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Hell yeah...Or I'd get out on the passenger side.

People who can't park is one of my biggest pet peeves. I mean damn if I can back a 72 passenger bus into a parking spot straight then people can at least take the time to straighten out their honda civic.

6/25/2008 7:37:51 PM

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that's a huge bitch move.

6/25/2008 7:38:44 PM

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Quote :
"that's a huge bitch move."

[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 7:39 PM. Reason : there ya go]

6/25/2008 7:39:14 PM

All American
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so the justifiable punishment for laziness is damage to personal property?

and people wonder why i'm misanthropic.

6/25/2008 7:39:27 PM

All American
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^^^Hey you were gonna charge people $5 to use your pots and pans...I was going to make people pay for taking up two spots when the lot is full at it's the middle of the night.

And for the record, most people who used two spots had newer cars that wouldn't dent cause they had plastic doors. So rarely if ever did I ever do damage to their cars. I just did my best to make it impossible for them to get into their cars without it being a pain in the ass for them. I would park as close as possible.

Writing the note that they had a dent in their car was just funny, cause you know once they saw the note they'd be all like "oh shit I have a dent in my car!!"

[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 7:43 PM. Reason : ]

6/25/2008 7:40:21 PM

All American
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6/25/2008 7:41:08 PM

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shes talking to me

it was a threat

that's a bit different than bashing someone's car door.

you shithead

6/25/2008 7:42:59 PM

All American
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from NC?

6/25/2008 7:43:18 PM

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6/25/2008 7:44:21 PM

All American
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I'd leave threats on the note too sometimes.

Sometimes the note would say "Next time you take up two spots there will be a dent in the side of your car from me opening my door into it."

6/25/2008 7:44:45 PM

All American
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Mexican or Irish?

^did they ever leave a response that read, "::shudder::"?

[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 7:45 PM. Reason : asdfasdfa]

6/25/2008 7:45:11 PM

All American
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Okay I'll back down. You sure showed me! Those people who are too lazy to park correctly didn't deserve such notes on their car!

6/25/2008 7:47:03 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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lol I just read what I could of pilgrimshoes note

brings back memories of pots and pans drama at Wolf Creek

I never cooked, like maybe 8 times all year

and whenever I did I tried to be clean about it

but I had otherwise normal roommate who was possessive as shit with his cookware

He'd flip out if I used it like "what the fuck are you doing ? what the FUCK are you doing ? This is the fucking Bobby fucking Flay fucking do NOT use these, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES !!!"

I was like "dude, they're fucking pots" to which he responded "Yeah...MY fucking pots" then would go in his room and paint his warcraft figures

It was weired because he was cool like 98 percent of the time, as long as you didn't use his pots

I was

6/25/2008 7:48:10 PM

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only thing i'm anal about my pots is putting them in the dishwasher

6/25/2008 7:48:55 PM

All American
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^^^you'll have to excuse me. i forget that women get an immeasurable amount of joy from being spiteful. carry on.

6/25/2008 7:50:04 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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since then I've become quite the cook, but I went out almost every night then, so whenever I wanted to make something real quick I didn't expect it to be such a big deal

6/25/2008 7:50:09 PM

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^^^^he probably thought you were gonna steal them or something

[Edited on June 25, 2008 at 7:51 PM. Reason : l]

6/25/2008 7:50:51 PM

balls deep
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that bitch left 2 notes

6/25/2008 7:51:35 PM

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sawahash the point isnt that you left some douchebag-ish note...its that instead of trying to talk to the person you took the douchebag-ish route

6/25/2008 7:51:46 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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oh yeah i just read about that girl who would hit other cars on purpose

if she was a dude I'd call her an asshole

but she's a girl so I'll call her a cunt

6/25/2008 7:52:43 PM

All American
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I would never hit a car on purpose. If I really did hit a car it would be with my door while I was opening it to get out. Y'all are forgetting that I'm a fat girl and I need plenty of space to open my door to get out.

Also, why would I wait around for the driver of the car to come out? I had no clue who the car belonged to.

6/25/2008 7:54:59 PM

All American
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womens bathroom is always much worse than men's

6/25/2008 7:55:45 PM

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oh for some reason in your example i thought there was a culdasac involved

6/25/2008 7:57:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"But I would make sure to open my car door hard enough in attempt to get out"

but you weren't purposely hitting other cars? what, were you measuring the velocity at which you could sling the shit open?

does not compute.

i'm going for a run.

6/25/2008 7:59:08 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"I would never hit a car on purpose. If I really did hit a car it would be with my door while I was opening it to get out. Y'all are forgetting that I'm a fat girl and I need plenty of space to open my door to get out."

6/25/2008 8:02:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I would park as close as possible."

So you would park as close as possible then smash your door into theirs and blame them?

6/25/2008 8:02:57 PM

All American
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6/25/2008 8:03:09 PM

All American
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if i parked in the middle of two spots for space and noticed you intentionally parked that way, i'd ding the hell out of your door while squeezing into my car to leave

6/25/2008 8:04:12 PM

All American
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I like my Jeep too much to wield it as a weapon because someone annoyed me in a parking lot.

Also I'm not the kind of dick who intentionally damages other people's cars. Not that I think any of you would actually do that either. Y'all probably just like to talk a good game on the Internet.

6/25/2008 8:06:17 PM

All American
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Well if someone wanted to get back at me by putting a dent into my car I'd laugh. I mean my car is a piece of shit anyway. If I sold it for parts I'd get more than selling the whole thing.

6/25/2008 8:21:16 PM

All American
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so you wouldn't care because your car is a piece of shit.

got it.

6/25/2008 8:22:40 PM

All American
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so are you trying to take a stab at me for have a pos car?

6/25/2008 9:46:22 PM

All American
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I also hate people who can't park correctly, it fucking boggles my mind that they can't do it. However, I've never intentionally fucked with someone else's car, that's just a bitch move.

Quote :
"you'll have to excuse me. i forget that women get an immeasurable amount of joy from being spiteful. carry on."

Fucking gold!

6/25/2008 10:13:11 PM

All American
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^^jesus christ no. my god.

my point is it's completely self-involved, negligent and disgusting to go dinging others' cars because of a bad parking job, only to justify it by saying that YOU don't care about YOUR car because YOU think YOUR car is a piece of shit. would your stance be different about personal property if you owned a nice car? probably, and that makes you a wretch.

6/25/2008 10:24:38 PM

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