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All American
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6/30/2008 11:49:11 AM

148878 Posts
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Quote :
"if eve carson was a black girl, she wouldnt make it on page 10 of the newspaper"

unless of course she was allegedly raped by some rich white duke students on the lacrosse team...then sharpton and jackson would be protesting in chapel hill...

6/30/2008 11:51:56 AM

All American
18177 Posts
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^great point

6/30/2008 11:57:19 AM

All American
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6/30/2008 12:02:30 PM

22518 Posts
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i dont think that i could be a medical examiner

that autopsy was cold and methodical

i know that is required due diligence but i would only be able to think that this was a person

6/30/2008 12:02:37 PM

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6/30/2008 12:04:19 PM

Redneck Bob
All American
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Quote :
"curb stomp"

6/30/2008 12:05:17 PM

All American
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fry 'em

6/30/2008 12:13:11 PM

All American
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My sister and Eve were close friends. I think making an issue of race is distracting from what actually matters.

6/30/2008 12:20:18 PM

6999 Posts
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Quote :
"i dont think that i could be a medical examiner

that autopsy was cold and methodical

i know that is required due diligence but i would only be able to think that this was a person"

a dead college student is nothin to them, imagine how many dead and mutilated children theyve seen in their career

plus a medical examiners report isnt supposed to be some sensational piece, its 99% factual support to the ME's educated opinion as to the cause of death

^so race shouldnt be an issue because she has friends that arent white? so the race issue automatically doesnt exist


[Edited on June 30, 2008 at 1:29 PM. Reason : d]

6/30/2008 1:28:41 PM

22518 Posts
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^ i know, it would be tough because everyone they slice would have a story

thats why i qualified my post with the whole due diligence part

6/30/2008 1:55:23 PM

Thots and Prayers
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that's not what she said at all.

6/30/2008 2:00:31 PM

All American
9828 Posts
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Quote :
"ha if you dont think white fratty girls dont deal with tuggish dopeboys for drugs you are completely niave


6/30/2008 2:03:13 PM

148878 Posts
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yeah dont kill a random person to get your rep up in the streets...kill one of your sources of income...that makes a ton of sense

6/30/2008 2:05:20 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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i'm changing away from the race issue for a moment.

Quote :
"putting words in my mouth much

sorry, i know. i respect that you are a cop, however i was just trying to illustrate that your statement was kindof scary---especially coming from a cop. and i agree this should open people's eyes but it doesn't. people are outraged that a successful young woman with a lot of potential was murdered, but murder happens everyday. i don't think that this necessarily opens people's eyes to the need for change. and what change are we talking about? more cops? cops being more aggressive with people? pushing the death penalty?

as i'm sure you realize, prisons are overcrowded and don't exactly help in terms of recidivism. so i don't really understand the point of "cracking down on crime" --- the death penalty and other harsh sanctions don't deter. and the crackdown (or whatever) just puts people away AFTER the fact. i think crime prevention should come from a different angle.

i think the answer lies in education and other programs (NOT necessarily welfare, i don't want to get into that debate) that are constantly underfunded. yes, people are going to stray, there will always be crime, etc etc but a lot of people that grow up in poor areas (even rural areas) don't have the family life that they need to succeed (yes success can be self driven and blah blah blah but that argument is so much easier to throw out without actually thinking of how hard it must be for a lot of poor children with shitty parents). for them education needs to be something more than what it is you know? there are some systems trying to facilitate an increase in education quality through higher teacher salary. will be interesting to see if this has any bearing on the quality of education and the children educated there. after school programs for at risk youth seem important to me too. but gangs are such a problem now it seems difficult to determine where to start. and obviously nothing gets done without $$$.

its a vicious cycle. and i think there are obviously a lot of factors.

back to race...i'm still on the fence. i'd LIKE to think she got so much coverage because she was a remarkable young student, it was a violent crime and it happened in chapel hill (which is kind of a bubble). the duke student was arguably equally as successful/promising but it did happen in durham which is a crime ridden area. i dunno. hard to stay. i mean this was equally as upsetting and should make everyone angry about gang violence, but it hasn't gotten too much coverage either.

6/30/2008 2:06:29 PM

6999 Posts
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[Edited on June 30, 2008 at 2:09 PM. Reason : z]

6/30/2008 2:08:41 PM

All American
23085 Posts
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has anyone thought that maybe she got so much attention was b/c she was the student body president of a 20,000+ (I dont know exact attendance for UNC) student body?

I remember going to State and getting tired as fuck of hearing all of the names running for SBP. She got a lot of exposure doing that.

I'm sure if the SBP of UNC was a black female, she would've gotten just as much air time.

Not to mention every freshman that went to UNC at the time was probably like "OMG I knew her" to their parents.

[Edited on June 30, 2008 at 2:14 PM. Reason : adsgff]

6/30/2008 2:11:03 PM

All American
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^ kind of my thoughts as well. although i didn't know UNC was that big. i was thinking more that they have a huge alumni base, too. and that she was SBP of a triangle area college.

6/30/2008 2:22:19 PM

Sup, B
53288 Posts
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i'd love to be the guy to pull the switch on these assholes

6/30/2008 2:48:15 PM

All American
8029 Posts
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Quote :
"ha if you dont think white fratty girls dont deal with tuggish dopeboys for drugs you are completely niave


[Edited on June 30, 2008 at 5:55 PM. Reason : !]

6/30/2008 5:55:29 PM

All American
1027 Posts
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This is what happens when we let race make up our minds rather than facts.

Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

Overview of Duke Lacrosse Scandal
Posted on 07.04.06 by Admin @ 12:06 am
The 2006 Duke University lacrosse team scandal began in April 2006 when three members of Duke University’s men’s lacrosse team were accused of raping female stripper Crystal Gail Mangum during a party held at the residence of two of the team captains. The investigation has led to the indictment of three members of the lacrosse team. David Evans of Bethesda, Maryland, Reade , and Collin Finnerty have been charged with first degree forcible rape, first degree sexual offense, and kidnapping. Duke’s nationally ranked lacrosse team’s season was suspended for the rest of the season as a result. The event has drawn national attention and highlighted racial tensions in the Durham, North Carolina area. Some have criticized Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong for prosecuting the case in light of an apparent lack of physical evidence, the accuser’s lack of credibility, and arguably improper actions by the police that undermine the investigation. Others have suggested the possibility that news coverage favorable to the defendants is a defense strategy.Timeline of events

The alleged victim is a 27-year-old African-American woman named Crystal Gail Mangum. She served in the United States Navy, is a single mother, and a student at North Carolina Central University, a state-owned and historically black college located in Durham, North Carolina. She claims that, on March 13, 2006, three white members of Duke University’s lacrosse team beat, strangled, and sexually assaulted her anally, vaginally and orally. Her father, who was unaware of her job until after the rape allegations, told authorities several weeks later that she was also penetrated with a broom.

Before arrival
In an interview with a local newspaper, the accuser said she had worked for an escort service for two months, meeting clients one-on-one several times a week. She said, however, that this was the first time she had been hired to perform a striptease for a large group of people. She claims that she and another female performer had been hired to perform for a bachelor party of five men at an off-campus house, rented by the team and recently purchased by Duke University. Fox News reports she acknowledged having sex with at least three men before the party took place. Based on defense motion exhibits, it has been reported that the accuser told the sexual assault nurse-in-training who examined her at Duke Hospital the evening of the alleged assault that she had consumed one drink of alcohol that evening and had also taken the medication Flexeril, which is a prescription muscle relaxant. Flexeril, especially when used with alcohol, “may impair mental and/or physical abilities,” and it may “enhance the effects of alcohol,” according to the drug’s manufacturer. The accuser also told a UNC Hospital physician the day after the alleged assault that she was drunk and had consumed “a lot of alcohol.” She reportedly later told Durham police detective Benjamin Himan that she had consumed a 24-ounce bottle of beer and two 22-ounce beers.

6/30/2008 7:20:01 PM

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