NCSUGirl83 All American 10343 Posts user info edit post |
2 7/2/2008 2:31:09 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
I've seen worse showers... 7/2/2008 2:36:26 AM
NCSUGirl83 All American 10343 Posts user info edit post |
it's that type of shower/tub. my old apt had those and it was gross 
they aren't sealed there so moisture gets trapped in there and it gets nasty...basically. i was soooo grossed out when i realized how nasty it was underneath there that i quit taking baths (only took showers) in there. As for the "pinkish stuff", any chance you have hard water?? it'll do that... 7/2/2008 2:49:42 AM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
The red stuff isn't bacteria, its an alga. Haematococcus sp. commonly inhabits birdbaths as well as showers and pet bowls. what you see is the resting state of the cell, which can withstand desiccation. probably got some Philodina (a rotifer) in there as well. life is amazing  7/2/2008 2:51:25 AM
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
and here I thought the red was the result of a bad sensor on the camera...  7/2/2008 2:54:16 AM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "but that little bit would cause me some issues 
I'm highly allergic to all molds. I can tell when some starts to build up in my shower " |
Same here, though that's a recent development as a result of working in buildings filled with delightful deathly molds.
It's nifty though, it's like I've got a super-sensitive mold detector now. Any time my lungs start to malfunction I know mold is nearby and go and reach for the tub & tile mold & mildew spray. 7/2/2008 3:13:06 AM