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 Message Boards » » Distance runners Shirt on or off? Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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Quote :
"$20 says i can keep up w/ you through 8 miles ^^

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 6:40 AM. Reason : seriously next time i'm in charlotte or you're in raleigh i bet my 200lb ass will make you feel stup]


Dude, I'm laughing because you said you "haul ass".

My last 10k that I ran (6.2 miles), I came in just under 42 minutes. That's right at a 6:40'ish mile.

I've never timed myself for 8 miles, but I guarantee it'd be under 57 minutes, much more than a minute faster PER MILE than you quoted above.

I guess I do pretty well for myself, but I've never claimed to "haul ass" either. I dont get how people are so damn cocky/full of themselves.

7/2/2008 1:14:52 PM

Art Vandelay
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Quote :
"my arms rub my sides "

run with your elbows out more... not right up against your sides....

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 2:20 PM. Reason : that or your shoulders / frame isn't wide enough for what you have on it]

7/2/2008 2:20:09 PM

soup du hier
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^^ with a 1/2 mile cool down walk... i promise you i could keep up in a 10k no problem...
not to mention the mileage was measured with a lifted jeep 31/27 = 1.148 so... there is a chance the mileage could be up to 15% low... the person i ran with has qualified and run in the boston marathon 3 times and couldn't keep up.

That is why i assumed it was a fast time... cause i ran with someone who runs and had to wait on them every mile after the 1st 4 (they didn't know the loop and i didn't want them to get lost)

7/2/2008 2:46:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"that or your shoulders / frame isn't wide enough for what you have on "


7/2/2008 2:51:47 PM

All American
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jesus you two, cut it out.

how about we all agree on this: you are both mediocre recreational runners.

7/2/2008 2:56:14 PM

All American
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1st annual tww 10k...coming soon

7/2/2008 3:00:26 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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twwer's only run in the Krispy Kreme challenge.

7/2/2008 3:37:00 PM

1004 Posts
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Quote :
"the person i ran with has qualified and run in the boston marathon 3 times and couldn't keep up."

That person

lied to you
was injured
was out of running for years
all of the above

You don't run 8:40 miles and get in to Boston. You don't run 8 minute miles and get in to Boston.

I'd put up $100 right now to see you drive to Raleigh and get owned by tnezami.

7/2/2008 3:55:49 PM

All American
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I insist i'm the greater running snob than [random name]

7/2/2008 4:01:04 PM

All American
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I didnt mean for this to become a "my E-DICK is bigger than YOURS" competition.

I'm just saying that while I do consider myself a decently fast runner, I dont go around saying I "haul ass".

But if your buddy did qualify for Boston, he had a better day than Floyd Landis did on his miracle stage. You shouldnt have had to wait on him...period.

7/2/2008 4:40:53 PM

soup du hier
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^^^ pay pal it to me and i'll do it i swear.

Keep in mind there are stoplights crosswalks and traffic in my 8 mile loop...

and the boston girl was NOT who i was running with when i quoted you that time.

7/8/2008 5:00:11 PM

balls deep
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I ran with a shirt up
but with bandaids on my nips

7/8/2008 5:00:53 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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I got some of the arm lube & run shirtless now i like it...

7/8/2008 5:01:42 PM

All American
8972 Posts
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I got some Bodyglide a while back, but only used it twice.

felt really wierd to me for some reason.

7/8/2008 5:05:30 PM

147487 Posts
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honestly other than maybe teh_toch or that one dude who did the krispy kreme challenge, tnezami is probably the best runner on tww

7/8/2008 5:25:08 PM

All American
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there's an asian on here that competes in triatholons and is supposed to be good.

7/8/2008 5:40:38 PM

147487 Posts
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yeah hes suspenders tho

7/8/2008 5:42:39 PM

All American
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I'm pretty sure his mom or aunt also bought the transmission shop across hillsborough from campus.

[Edited on July 8, 2008 at 5:44 PM. Reason : way off topic]

7/8/2008 5:44:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Friday i did 7.7 miles in 67 min"

Unless you got attacked by a fucking bear for 15 minutes...that's not fast.

7/8/2008 6:22:58 PM

1004 Posts
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Quote :
"Keep in mind there are stoplights crosswalks and traffic in my 8 mile loop..."

What kinda horse shit is this? Who quotes how long their run was and doesn't mention they were standing there scratching their nuts waiting for the light to change?

I find it extremely suspect that you are doing tons of running and really don't have a clue what your mile time, 5k time, or 10k time is.

7/8/2008 6:31:02 PM

soup du hier
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I'm just stubborn i can pace with almost anyone and chance... you should prolly shut the fuck up.

7/8/2008 8:35:37 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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edit post're just comparing your times to paraplegics.

7/8/2008 8:38:55 PM

soup du hier
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look i'll run something of a definite distance and get a definite time then I'll let you know.

I really find it funny that yall are harping on me when probably 3 people in this thread can run @ all

7/8/2008 8:46:44 PM

All American
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7/8/2008 9:07:03 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :
"7.7 miles in 67 min... i haul ass"


Gotta have a shirt, though. I need it to wipe up sweat and keep it out of my eyes and such.

7/8/2008 9:18:51 PM

1004 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm just stubborn i can pace with almost anyone and chance... you should prolly shut the fuck up."

Go enter a 5k or a 10k, there is bound to be one within walking distance (or did you get your license back, I can't remember?), and report back.

Everyone that has a half a clue on this site and has paid attention to your posts over the years knows they are about 80% true and about 20% slathered on bullshit.

7/8/2008 9:35:49 PM

All American
13936 Posts
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^^^ and other sites are more powerful than gmap-pedometer (which was basically the original run-mapping site)., for example, has "follow the road" feature where you can click along a road and it will automatically follow the road instead of clicking on every tiny turn, and displays elevation and allows you to save them to a profile, etc

7/8/2008 9:39:46 PM

soup du hier
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8.2 miles on gmap ped.

7/8/2008 10:00:37 PM

soup du hier
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i ran 11.3 miles on Friday night averaging 7min 27sec miles and i still had to stop at a couple intersections and wait on traffic. I ran 9.6 miles on sun @7min 17 sec/mile

Anyone have a good marathon training schedule thats like a 6 day / week schedule or something ??
I'm looking for some... right now i'm running 5-7 miles mon-thurs then a long run on fri and a long run on sun.

7/28/2008 8:08:01 AM

All American
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Running and Skin Cancer

Quote :
"Marathon running is such a great form of exercise, it's hard to believe that it could have a negative impact on your health. It keeps you in shape. Helps control your blood pressure. And even elevates your mood. But according to a new study published in the Archives of Dermatology, marathon runners have a higher risk of developing atypical moles and skin lesions — which suggest a higher risk for skin cancer — than those who do not run.

The study evaluated 210 marathon runners for skin cancer risk factors by analyzing the intensity of their training, the type of clothing they wore and whether or not they applied sunscreen. Another control group of 210 non-runners of the same age and sex were also evaluated. Each of the 420 participants answered a questionnaire about their skin, family history and other physical characteristics."

Quote :
"What it means: More studies need to be done to determine the association between running and skin cancer. But in the meantime, take some precautions when running outside — make sure to apply sun and wear clothes that cover you."

Full disclosure: I haven't been a runner of any significant distance for a number of years now.

7/28/2008 8:28:11 AM

All American
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I'd say 90% of the runners I know dont apply sunscreen before running, and most of us run with our shirts off.

There's the missing link right there.

7/28/2008 8:32:28 AM

soup du hier
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Yeah i actually run shirtless w/ no sunscreen but at dusk/night.. cause i live in the city and the combo of heat & car exhaust is too much for me during the day.

but yest being in the sun for and extra 2 hours on a daily basis will increase your chance of having skin cancer.... Duh...

7/28/2008 8:36:50 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Anyone have a good marathon training schedule thats like a 6 day / week schedule or something
I'm looking for some... right now i'm running 5-7 miles mon-thurs then a long run on fri and a long run on sun."

I used the Intermediate I plan here, training for the Myrtle Beach Marathon in 2007
He has 6 different plans, ranging from beginner to advanced, mostly 16-18 week plans. It's nothing revolutionary or experimental, mostly back-to-the-basics step training - no more than 10% increase in mileage each week, step down every 3rd week.
The Intermediate plans are 5 days running, 1 day rest, 1 cross training each week, following a basic weekly schedule of:
cross train
medium tempo

The Advanced plans go up to 6 days/week, remove the cross training, and add some hill and interval workouts.
The best advice I can give you, if you're soliciting advice, is not to bite off more than you can chew. If you get 10 weeks into the advanced plan then get injured, then you're screwed. If this is your first marathon, I would suggest to look over those plans, find the one that instinctively looks good to you, then go down one step and do an easier plan. For the first time, it's better to be catious and make sure you can handle 18 weeks of solid training then a race, without getting injured or burnt out. Then next time you can go to the next plan and focus more on the time

7/28/2008 10:02:09 AM

soup du hier
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Thanks.. i'm trying to take it slow... if things start to hurt some i try to ease up on them i don't want to get injured and be out a $texas entry fee

7/28/2008 10:07:07 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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^^^^ and ^^^ I don't know if you caught this part:

Quote :
"Second, endurance exercise may suppress the immune system."

I'm not at all saying don't run, but it's just something to be aware of. In addition, I don't think they have any direct causal link between endurance exercise and skin cancer--more like a somewhat suspicious correlation, it appears.

7/28/2008 10:37:55 AM

All American
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^ what's your point?
by publishing that single sentence, Time has done more damage than good. They spend 3 paragraphs talking about marginal increased in moles and skin cancer, and then in a single sentence throw in "oh, by the way, it may be bad for your immune system". What does that even mean, how did they come to that conclusion, and what are the consequences of it? Without answers to those basic questions, that bullet point is useless

newsflash: everything you do has side effects, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes neutral. Do you think that a single person should decide not to run because of, maybe, a marginal suppression of the immune system?
You know what else probably suppresses the immune system? sitting on your ass doing nothing.

7/28/2008 11:00:47 AM

soup du hier
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It doesn't seem that way for me... But this is just in my case.

I've gotten a sinus infection at least once per year for the past 5 years other than since i started running/walking everywhere here in Charlotte.

7/28/2008 11:00:53 AM

All American
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Quote :
" and other sites are more powerful than gmap-pedometer (which was basically the original run-mapping site)., for example, has "follow the road" feature where you can click along a road and it will automatically follow the road instead of clicking on every tiny turn, and displays elevation and allows you to save them to a profile, etc"

Awesome site man. Thanks.

I am starting training for my second marathon (Kiawa Island) in a week or so and that should help a ton in planning out my long runs.

7/28/2008 11:04:21 AM

All American
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^^^ For God's sake, man, you don't have to flip a bitch about it! And I clearly qualified my post.

And can you commit another either-or fallacy? People can only be distance runners or sit on their ass and do nothing--there's no in-between?

I'll bow out yet again--I was simply attempting to contribute to the topic. Thanks to a handful of users, it seems that every thread has to end in hooksaw derangement syndrome anymore.

[Edited on July 28, 2008 at 11:44 AM. Reason : ]

7/28/2008 11:41:51 AM

soup du hier
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I'm just doing these couple of runs and then i'm cutting back i don't want to be a distance runner i just want to prove it to myself.

7/28/2008 11:49:11 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Thanks to a handful of users hooksaw, it seems that every thread has to end in hooksaw derangement syndrome anymore. "

i'm not sure what you were doing here in the first place anyway

adding that "I'm not at all saying don't run, but it's just something to be aware of" based on a vague, unsubstantiated sentence is not a legitimate qualification, because it's not something we need to be aware of unless there is more information about it. Spreading incomplete or incorrect knowledge on a subject is worse than keeping your fucking mouth shut, which is what you should work on doing whenever your brain attempts to form a sentence.

7/28/2008 1:03:15 PM

soup du hier
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So i just started running 8 mile loops in the evenings and since i bumped it up to 8 miles daily i'm having a lot of difficulty sleeping... any ideas?

8/12/2008 9:47:38 AM

All American
12803 Posts
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RunningSun Exposure and Skin Cancer


8/12/2008 10:59:06 AM

All American
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^^ how late in the evenings do you run and when do you go to bed?

My guess is your body doesn't have enough time to come down from the increased endorphin levels you get when you are running.

I don't know how feasible it is with your schedule, but I run mornings at 5:30am. It took some adjustment at first, but now my body is used to it and I have more energy at work and I damn sure don't have a problem falling asleep at night.

8/12/2008 11:07:52 AM

soup du hier
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i could probably do the 5:30 thing.. i usually go 8-10 then hit the sack @ 11 but since i did the 8 miles i've been waking up every hour or so..

8/12/2008 11:31:48 AM

 Message Boards » The Lounge » Distance runners Shirt on or off? Page 1 [2], Prev  
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