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 Message Boards » » tell me about food stamps Page 1 [2] 3, Prev Next  
All American
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Food stamps should be accepted AND worth more at the farmer's market.

7/2/2008 1:17:14 PM

All American
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If you get approved I'll give you 50 cents on the dollar for 'em; take the cash and do what you do

7/2/2008 1:24:03 PM

All American
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I wish they still had to use paper stamps too. I mean, some people really are embarrassed to have to use them. But when I ask people for their form pf payment so I can press the correct key SO THE TAXES ARE TAKEN OFF THE TOTAL, if they just flash their card at me and don't speak up I say "OH, OK! FOOD STAMPS!" or "OH, OK! EBT!". (Call me a bitch, I don't care.) And no I don't do this to all of them.

7/2/2008 3:56:23 PM

All American
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^ HAHAHAH!! That's what I do too!!

7/2/2008 4:04:53 PM

All American
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I have always wondered if in more socialized countries like in Europe if the same %age or greater of the population use or chronically rely on gov't sponsored programs. Or if just us in the US have more lazy people.

7/2/2008 4:41:52 PM

All American
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I never did that to people in the 3 months I worked at HT. That's a bit harsh. You shouldn't jump to conclusions. Maybe they are unfortunate enought to have a kid, but also trying to finish school. Drunkn is just absent pride/drive.

Then again, it was HT and an affluent area. I think I maybe saw food stamps twice. I was weirded out a little both times.

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 4:57 PM. Reason : ]

7/2/2008 4:46:47 PM

All American
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Think about the difference in HT and Food lion by HUD houses...

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 4:56 PM. Reason : ]

7/2/2008 4:56:21 PM

All American
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this reminds me of a rant of a good freind of mine who works w/ habitat. He interviews those seeking a house. He is very put off by the lack of planning fiscally by the morons who apply, and their lack of will to work. They gripe about about having to help work on the house, and getting a job--ANY job. They don't understand that if they are that poor/destitute, you probably shouldn't have cable, a new plasma tv, an expensive clothing habit, new car, expensive phone plan, etc, etc, etc.

7/2/2008 5:03:35 PM

All American
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we helped build a habitat house in a neighborhood with a bunch of other habitat houses, and we were all pissed off when we left because of all the bmw's and nice ass cars in the driveways, and their flat screen plasma tvs on the wall.. that shit blows my mind. luckily the family we were building for was really cool, and i was happy to help them.

7/2/2008 5:05:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Think about the difference in HT and Food lion by HUD houses"

I think its funny in wilmington there is a food lion off of market and a Lowes Food off of college. The two stores are probably separated by at most 2 miles. Going to either though is like stepping into a totally separate world. The food lion is dirty and full of gangster looking darker complexion people and fat trashy white women that just left the trailer park from watching the ricky lake all day. The Lowes on the other hand is clean cut college students and MILFs rolling over from Landfall in their Mercedes S-Class

7/2/2008 5:34:52 PM

All American
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i just watched a thing on food stamps on wral world news.

a couple was boo hooing on how their $364/MONTH in food stamps does not last like it used to

For $90/week i could eat like a fucking king.

7/2/2008 7:06:32 PM

All American
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i was thinking of WIC, my bad

i wish there was a better way to regulate this stuff

i have no problem helping someone in need trying to better themselves

but these fuckers with a sense of entitlement need to be cut off. wtf do they do all day anyways?? i'd be so bored! and you KNOW the ladies are getting their nails did and pedicures and hair did like every week.

7/2/2008 7:22:58 PM

32613 Posts
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yup..have no problem helping ppl in need that are trying to help themselves and are just having a rough period and need to feed their families

but ppl expecting something for nothing is just a god damn crock of shit

7/2/2008 7:31:27 PM

147487 Posts
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told my boss i was eligible for this...he made it sound like he was all for it and i'm kinda all for it too so i think i'm gonna look into it...shit 200 dollars a month to eat tax free? shittttttttttttttttt u aint gotta tell me twice

7/2/2008 9:02:54 PM

All American
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time to look for a new job

7/2/2008 9:03:51 PM

All American
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I doubt you're really eligible. You probably make too much.

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 9:04 PM. Reason : ]

7/2/2008 9:03:53 PM

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gosh many times do i have to post that i dont have 0 income coming in right now...cant even do 20 dollars worth of data entry right now

7/2/2008 9:04:45 PM

All American
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7/2/2008 9:05:46 PM

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my bad i meant to say that i'm doing an unpaid internship and have 0 coming in per week currently

7/2/2008 9:07:00 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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this thread has me thinking...

i might go down there and apply for this shit. i might as well get some of my tax money back before it's wasted on some lazy fucks.

i read over the requirements and i think i can pull it off.

7/2/2008 9:15:21 PM

147487 Posts
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^exactly...i'd much rather collect than some hood rat

7/2/2008 9:18:09 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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let's go together dnl

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 9:21 PM. Reason : stick it to the man etc etc]

7/2/2008 9:21:11 PM

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i aint trying to stick it to no one....seriously like i only spend 120 a month on groceries now...200 and i can eat like a king

7/2/2008 9:22:51 PM

All American
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lol... Food Assistance Program = FAP

/ 15 yr. old boy

7/2/2008 11:00:09 PM

147487 Posts
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lol... Food Assistance Program = FAP

/ 15 yr. old girl

7/2/2008 11:12:30 PM

All American
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well good luck if you can get it

ive tried applying for them and can't get them because all of my jobs are under the table other than my tutoring job and thats not considered hourly pay since its done by the project and i may get paid once every 2-3 mths if i dont hit my $500 mark (which is usually during the summer since its slow)

social services told me to get a work study job (which i cant because i dont live near any and i dont even come to campus) or work 20 hrs a week at a regular job - which i find funny, since if i worked 20 hrs a week, id make too much to be eligible

my husband doesnt work but is on permanent disability and hes eligible to get them but he can only get $35 a month because they say he makes too much from disability (who the fuck can live on $600 a month?)

thank god we own a house and don't have a car payment

[Edited on July 2, 2008 at 11:53 PM. Reason : ]

7/2/2008 11:51:31 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"the stamps only apply to certain food items

you cant just go get whateverthefuck


Yeah, you can buy six dollars worth of pineapple and six dollar bottle of salad dressing.

I don't remember the last time I could afford fresh fruit or salad dressing ><

Quote :
"she was going to school, and working part time (trying to better herself) and was denied food stamps. she was told it was because she didn't have a kid."

Hmmm, this gives me an idea...

[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 12:41 AM. Reason : .]

7/3/2008 12:33:06 AM

All American
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you can buy any food/drink items that aren't (freshly) you can't buy those whole chickens (or any other cooked food) from the deli dept (although you can buy them after they're cold i think, for some reason). no "non-food" items (cleaners, paper products, etc), no alcohol or tobacco (i know that's already been said but...)

once you qualify and they set you up, you get a predetermined amount per month. it's automatically updated every month. you're situation has to be re-evaluated every certain-amount-of-months or whatever and the amount you get may be adjusted - also may be adjusted if you're not using all of it.

you can use it on cheap shit like ramen or whatever or on caviar and ^pineapple and $6 dressing, lol


7/3/2008 12:44:59 AM

All American
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Quote :
"if they just flash their card at me and don't speak up I say "OH, OK! FOOD STAMPS!" or "OH, OK! EBT!". (Call me a bitch, I don't care.)"

and that would be the last day you had your job if i were anywhere around to witness the public shaming of someone down on their luck.

and then you'd require food stamps.

then we could pick on you on the wolf web!!1

wouldnt that be funny

7/3/2008 12:46:19 AM

All American
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it's not always "scumbags" who have food stamps

7/3/2008 12:50:10 AM

All American
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7/3/2008 12:50:43 AM

All American
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I grew up on food stamps. Technically, I'm currently eligible for them. But I don't wanna be a fucking negative feedback loop stereotype/pimple on the ass of society person.

7/3/2008 12:51:34 AM

All American
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never mind

[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 12:54 AM. Reason : ]

7/3/2008 12:53:32 AM

All American
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i really dont care, i just think its funny how "subtle" everyone is being about this "one segment" of society

7/3/2008 12:54:06 AM

All American
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Goddammit. I'm white trash.

7/3/2008 12:54:06 AM

All American
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i think the government should come out with frat stamps, so poor kids can afford friends in college!!1


7/3/2008 12:56:18 AM

All American
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7/3/2008 12:59:50 AM

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7/3/2008 1:00:28 AM

All American
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I don't give a damn. I've ALWAYS worked hard for a living. Shit I was holding down 2 jobs working 70 (YES 70!) hrs a week right up until my injury on Feb 3rd. Sooooo...I definitely need to get them.

So I wouldn't have to use the "gov't cheese" I was still working from home for 2 more months for IBM LAYING IN MY BED with a herniated disc not able to even go take a shit. Then I even tried to get a new job that paid HELLA GOOD, but got let go 1 month into b/c of my injury, so CLEARLY no one is gonna hire me with this shit going on = I NEED FOOD STAMPS. I haven't had any income in 2 MONTHS...shit is crazy. Now I got my hospital/doctor's bills being turned over to collections b/c I don't have money to pay them. Grrrr! To hell with BILLS!!

Thank GOD for my unemployment checks!!

7/3/2008 1:00:33 AM

147487 Posts
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put it this way...i could pay 130 to eat healthy

or the gov can give me 200 to eat healthy

easy choice for me...socialism ftw

7/3/2008 1:01:25 AM

All American
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^ Damn. I'm sorry. At least you're one of the good ones who legitimately would get out of your situation when you could.

7/3/2008 1:02:12 AM

All American
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Yep..that's what we pay taxes for. Shit if these triflin' ass bitches can be on food stamps that are just lazy and not trying to be productive and better themselves, then damnit...I KNOW I can...when I'm TRYING to get better so I can go back to working 70! hrs again!!!!!

7/3/2008 1:02:40 AM

All American
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to all the people who don't get them, but "could" - who supposedly are not lazy and are just down on your luck.. who don't want to get them because you don't want to be "one of those people"

you do realize that if you did collect benefits, you'd place someone less deserving out. so you'd be doing yourself a favor, and you'd be helping your cause

if i were eligible for government assistance, i'd be all over it. your governor isnt too proud to vacation with government money, why should you be too proud to eat with it?

7/3/2008 1:10:01 AM

147487 Posts
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edit post least i eat healthy

7/3/2008 1:14:16 AM

All American
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The only bullshit things about them though are that you have to have like 10 forms of ID and proof of income, bills, and apartment leases, and stocks or anything you own (ie. a car, boat, whatever). Doesn't sound like much, but when you have to run to like 3-4 places to get each of these things, it is! Plus, they have to have a written statement with signatures from each person that has been helping me financially in the past 3 months. WTF?!?! Grrr! Not to mention, you have to arrive an hour before the CLASS of 20 some ppl (mostly bums I'm sure) to sit through a 2-hour class to just get "interviewed" for them. Blah! Makes me not even want to go through all that trouble!!!

7/3/2008 3:12:00 AM

All American
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so what you're saying is...

the people who get them really aren't lazy at all?

ha ha

7/3/2008 3:14:10 AM

All American
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Well, actually in the respect I already mentioned above.....they ARE lazy.

But in that sense (^) they aren't THAT lazy considering it DOES take some preparation. However, you have to keep in mind, that most of those ppl who go in there, AREN'T gonna have a bank account, stock, apts, or even a car. So they wouldn't have to bring anything but the ID (license or picture ID, social security card, etc.) That shit is with it's not like it's harddddd.

So actually NO, that's NOT what I'm saying and YES they are! Those fuckers need to stop having kids and get a job (if mentally handicapped kids can get a job, they DAMN sure can) and then they wouldn't have to get FOOD STAMPS!


[Edited on July 3, 2008 at 3:20 AM. Reason : .]

7/3/2008 3:17:56 AM

All American
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im gonna go out on a limb and say that the people with no car or STOCKS are pretty hungry

push comes to shove you can always sell some shit and get food. what can they do?

and yes i am playing devils advocate, but thats not important right now

7/3/2008 3:20:29 AM

All American
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Ok ok ok! You win! Either way...u know what I'm saying! The system is a crazy thing!

7/3/2008 3:21:20 AM

All American
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nothing like a girl who lets you win

7/3/2008 3:23:54 AM

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