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Bee Hugger
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7/9/2008 10:30:39 AM

All American
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wow. i had no idea she was that cute.

and again, dnl, a little creepy, but you are getting attention so i guess it works.

7/9/2008 10:33:44 AM

soup du hier
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Who really cares they have fun and don't aggravate everyone else in the process.

7/9/2008 10:37:16 AM

All American
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true true... more power to them. i won't deny it has made this board more entertaining. ahhh to procrastinate!

7/9/2008 10:38:01 AM

All American
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^^thanks...i think

Quote :
"i think this girl gets off on being one of the cuter regular posters. and that's kinda more creepy to me."

you're an idiot, sometimes, jackleg.

p.s. i edited your "thats" needed an " ' "

7/9/2008 10:43:24 AM

soup du hier
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hahah all I'm saying is who cares and why should they. Have fun and enjoy it.

7/9/2008 10:48:58 AM

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7/10/2008 5:31:28 PM

All American
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7/11/2008 5:46:39 PM

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this thread delivered.

7/11/2008 6:09:42 PM

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i <3 this thread

[Edited on July 17, 2008 at 1:37 AM. Reason : .]

7/17/2008 1:34:42 AM

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out of any thread a broads ever made me i probably like this one the most

7/19/2008 1:06:43 AM

12921 Posts
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8/4/2008 3:28:11 PM

soup du hier
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Quote :




8/4/2008 3:28:45 PM

12921 Posts
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how is it any different than when other people bump threads?

please explain, in detail

8/4/2008 3:30:04 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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cause you never just bump 1.... you bump 5 to a page full thats the difference.

And you usually never have anything to actually add to any of them you just want to see some threads at the top.

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 3:34 PM. Reason : ./]

8/4/2008 3:32:22 PM

12921 Posts
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and other people don't do that?

I think it's just because you don't like me that you point it out and notice it, while other people can get away with it and you don't give a shit

8/4/2008 3:35:21 PM

soup du hier
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Listen man.. i have no reason to otherwise like or dislike you... all i know is you're incessant attn:whoring gets annoying... I'm sorry if i call you out more than others... feel free to make a list of other attn:whores that should bother me and i will dislike them too.

and if you say heather i'm gonna e-slap you... i know her irl thus have a reason to like her despite tww personality.

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 3:44 PM. Reason : *]

8/4/2008 3:43:52 PM

12921 Posts
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lol heather isn't an attn: whore

she is a <3 whore


8/4/2008 3:48:54 PM

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lol what is your definition of "know"?

i mean i met her a few times but i definitely dont "know" her, even after all the shit shes told me via aim/pm

8/4/2008 3:59:31 PM

All American
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K for your information, asshole, I have seen a lion. And not one of your crap ass queen of the jungle homoerotic pussy-cat lions. A real lion, with fangs and horns and wings and shit. Don't pull your fucking wierd ass african voodoo hypnosis crap on me when you don't even know wtf you're talking about.

8/4/2008 4:02:03 PM

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sir, you have never seen me...must have been another lion(not a real one)

8/4/2008 4:04:20 PM

All American
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Fuck it you know what?

No more Mr. Nice Guy, I come in your threads and I post so that you think someone gives a damn about your stupid worthless so called "life" well this is the end of the fucking line. From now on im gonna make your message board life a living hell and you cant do anything about it except burn, and if someone comes to put the fire out ill tear them down like a tree limb by limb just like I did you. I almost want you to test me just so I can unleash the beast on your sorry ass and be done with you forever so go ahead and give me the green light,faggot.

8/4/2008 4:05:37 PM

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yo i got to go to the bus stop now...later

8/4/2008 4:06:12 PM

All American
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lol, later

8/4/2008 4:11:14 PM

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at least it didnt suck to ride the bus today...both ways really

8/4/2008 4:51:10 PM

All American
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my commute usually isnt too bad. charlotte traffic can suck though.

8/4/2008 4:54:19 PM

1004 Posts
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Quote :
"Fuck it you know what?

No more Mr. Nice Guy, I come in your threads and I post so that you think someone gives a damn about your stupid worthless so called "life" well this is the end of the fucking line. From now on im gonna make your message board life a living hell and you cant do anything about it except burn, and if someone comes to put the fire out ill tear them down like a tree limb by limb just like I did you. I almost want you to test me just so I can unleash the beast on your sorry ass and be done with you forever so go ahead and give me the green light,faggot."

What kinda horseshit is this?

8/4/2008 4:58:41 PM

All American
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^just e-thuggin.

you feel like punching me in the face? bring it on you faggot. I know multiple fighting styles, and I also carry a switchblade with me at all times. Something fucking tells me that you'd be better off keeping your arms down at your sides. If you can't fucking put "cause" and "effect" together in that pathetic brain of yours, I'll help you out here. You'll be standing face to face with me, and let me fucking tell you, it'll already be too fucking late to back down at that point. You might decide "well shit, I might as well stay true to my word and throw a fucking punch". This is where you will go wrong. I hope you don't have a job that requires two fucking hands, because you're going to be missing one after I'm done with you. I'll casually divert your fist off to the side, as you suddenly realize you may have gotten yourself into something you can't back up. You'll try to regroup and pull your arm back, but that wont be easy when I jab my spear-pointed Benchmade switchblade straight through the bone in your forearm, and proceed to rip your entire fucking forearm and hand off in one quick pull. At this point, you'll probably spend 2 seconds in shock. I say 2 seconds, because thats the amount of time you'll have before I reverse the knife in my hand, and uppercut it straight through your throat. You'll spend your last few seconds gurgling blood, and wondering where you went wrong. After that, I'll be forced to take care of any witnesses who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nothing a few quick choke slams can't fix, followed by a nice gentle slice across the jugular with the Benchmade.

Now, motherfucker, you sure you want to go through with that punch?

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 6:04 PM. Reason : adff]

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 6:05 PM. Reason : lol]

8/4/2008 6:02:56 PM

147487 Posts
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lol...29 motherfucking times i had to take a pic of me kissing my laptop for it to come out like that...twenty nine was worth it tho for what i got the next day

8/4/2008 6:08:53 PM

All American
985 Posts
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excellent execution

8/4/2008 6:09:58 PM

All American
25459 Posts
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Quote :
"i think this girl gets off on being one of the cuter regular posters. and thats kinda more creepy to me."

8/4/2008 6:19:42 PM

147487 Posts
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shit dude if i were here i'd be whoring it up...shes doing pretty good imo

8/4/2008 6:20:33 PM

1004 Posts
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Quote :
"you feel like punching me in the face? bring it on you faggot. I know multiple fighting styles, and I also carry a switchblade with me at all times. Something fucking tells me that you'd be better off keeping your arms down at your sides. If you can't fucking put "cause" and "effect" together in that pathetic brain of yours, I'll help you out here. You'll be standing face to face with me, and let me fucking tell you, it'll already be too fucking late to back down at that point. You might decide "well shit, I might as well stay true to my word and throw a fucking punch". This is where you will go wrong. I hope you don't have a job that requires two fucking hands, because you're going to be missing one after I'm done with you. I'll casually divert your fist off to the side, as you suddenly realize you may have gotten yourself into something you can't back up. You'll try to regroup and pull your arm back, but that wont be easy when I jab my spear-pointed Benchmade switchblade straight through the bone in your forearm, and proceed to rip your entire fucking forearm and hand off in one quick pull. At this point, you'll probably spend 2 seconds in shock. I say 2 seconds, because thats the amount of time you'll have before I reverse the knife in my hand, and uppercut it straight through your throat. You'll spend your last few seconds gurgling blood, and wondering where you went wrong. After that, I'll be forced to take care of any witnesses who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nothing a few quick choke slams can't fix, followed by a nice gentle slice across the jugular with the Benchmade.

Now, motherfucker, you sure you want to go through with that punch?"

Can you post this again, I didn't read it the first time.

8/5/2008 8:50:09 AM

All American
6839 Posts
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shit just got real

8/5/2008 8:51:14 AM

147487 Posts
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i really wish when i farted, that it did not smell bad...whats up with that??? i want my farts to smell good...

8/5/2008 8:52:11 AM

All American
6839 Posts
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Mine smell like bakery-fresh cinnamon rolls.

8/5/2008 8:52:40 AM

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