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7/12/2008 2:05:50 AM

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Quote :
"sans the merchants that actually check the last 4. Lowes maybe?"

they ask for them 99% of the time and you type them in yourself on the self check out machines

[Edited on July 12, 2008 at 2:17 AM. Reason : asdf]

7/12/2008 2:17:42 AM

68205 Posts
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i called out this indian bitch in Marion SC yesterday about this.

she even said she knew she was breaking the terms of agreement. i called her a criminal, made a scene in the store about how i was going to report them to the visa, MC and AMEX

cursed a lot and stormed out and forgot to write down any info about the store i was at.
all i wanted was to use a map and buy a 20oz. mt. dew

7/14/2008 12:58:40 PM

All American
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I went to the Peace Street Market this morning to get a green tea, and the bastard was like "three dollar minimum"

I said oh hell no.

and explained to him that credit card companies technically don't allow that.

So i picked up my phone and called customer service to let them know.

and they told me that it was the individual store's discretion to have a minimum purchase amount.

so thanks to tdub, i looked like an idiot. (not that i couldn't have done so on my own.)

7/14/2008 1:02:42 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 14, 2008 at 1:04 PM. Reason : ]

7/14/2008 1:03:59 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
and they told me that it was the individual store's discretion to have a minimum purchase amount.

minimum purchase amount or minimum amount that can be charged to a credit card?

two entirely different things.

7/14/2008 1:05:02 PM

All American
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this thread is now bringing the lulz

Quote :
"News flash. If you act like a prickshaft they can also refuse to sell things to you. They aren't required to let you buy anything."

So true

[Edited on July 14, 2008 at 1:09 PM. Reason : s]

7/14/2008 1:07:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"minimum purchase amount or minimum amount that can be charged to a credit card?

two entirely different things."

you have to buy more than 3 bucks worth of shit to charge it to your credit card.

7/14/2008 1:10:55 PM

All American
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the only places you see a minimum charge is in small stores/restaurants because in the end the owner ends up paying a flat fee ( once all the percentages and fees are divided with sales ) for each transaction.

so it would not be in the interest of this store/restaurant to accept a purchase of less than 3 or 5 dollars.

also, if you truly think that a credit card machine merchant is going to do something over 3 dollars you are a god damn idiot. Do you truly think they're going to shut off a source of revenue generating them a steady flow of money over the .25 cents they would have gotten for your transaction?

7/14/2008 1:16:08 PM

All American
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has anybody gone to the gas station yet and was only able to get 35 dollars worth of gas on their card? the attendant suggested i run the card again to fill up my tank. weird.

7/14/2008 1:17:09 PM

All American
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I can't remember exactly what my merchant account fees are, but I know it used to be a flat fee of 35 cents plus 1.75% per transaction. Now I think it's around 1% of the total , but I do a lot of CC sales per month.

7/14/2008 1:20:02 PM

32613 Posts
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^^35? no.. that's weird. 50/75/100 are the common limits

7/14/2008 1:27:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"So say I'm a thief who's gotten your card. I get asked for ID.

"By the Visa merchant agreement you're prohibited from asking for ID, run it or I'll take my business elsewhere"

That, and the fact that they can probably scratch out or cover up your message just as easily as your wrote it yourself... it's cool if you want to put that on your card, but it simply doesn't give any added security. You should just understand this before you use the card in such a way."

oh, i'm not pretending it's safe...i've used my gf's card before and it has her picture on the front...but i daresay that having your picture on it is (overall) more secure than not...if they had bothered to check the card like they're trained to, they would have noticed that i couldn't possibly be the owner of the card

7/14/2008 1:32:21 PM

All American
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Can't the merchant just refuse to sell you the item? They would do that in NYC I think.

7/14/2008 1:41:29 PM

All American
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i am never ever going to that store in mission valley right down from the liquor store again. their bathroom is always out of service (yeah) and the guy had to act like an asshole to people.

7/14/2008 1:46:50 PM

best gottfriend
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george of pipes by george told me this once, although his solution was that i just pay him the next time i come in, and i had only been there once before.

he's a pretty trusting guy.

7/14/2008 1:57:13 PM

147487 Posts
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taz's on wilmington...they require 5min purchase

7/14/2008 1:59:06 PM

All American
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I was at the local 506 this weekend, and they had a $8 min on CC.

and then i closed the tab of the girl i was with. she was amazed that they let me sign for her.

i assured her i could have signed pablo escobar and they wouldn't have cared.

7/14/2008 2:04:59 PM

All American
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i got hit with the $5 minimum at the shell off of glenwood ave. today. i really felt violated. i told the cashier that this was a violation of the merchant agreement, but he just smiled at me (almost agreeingly) because he didn't understand my american jibber-jabber. foreigners...meh.

8/12/2008 8:16:39 PM

76471 Posts
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did you not have the violation hotline programmed into your cell?

8/12/2008 8:19:36 PM

All American
2991 Posts
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why is it so hard for folks to carry cash??

quit being such a mook

8/12/2008 9:02:47 PM

Not an alcoholic
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cash is stupid. you don't need cash for anything unless you buy drugs. but then again maybe drug buyers should start paypal-ing drug dealers, then we can get rid of cash forever.

8/12/2008 9:13:14 PM

All American
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you're stupid............that's right, i win

what about cab rides?
most vending machines?
really small businesses?
fairs, carnivals?
titty bars?
stranded in the middle of BFE where Billy-Bob only takes cash at his store?

cash still has its place

8/14/2008 1:01:00 PM

All American
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only because other places haven't advanced their technology. your logic is saying that if places still required sea-shells we should still carry them, despite the fact there are better ways of paying for things. if the customer base encourages change, the businesses will follow.

8/14/2008 1:04:33 PM


15145 Posts
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if you don't think people need cash anymore, you haven't been on a date in a while.

8/14/2008 1:06:29 PM

All American
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i don't pay my hookers cash

8/14/2008 1:07:15 PM

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