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 Message Boards » » Anyone have the Samsung Instinct? Page 1 [2], Prev  
balls deep
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well, after playing around with this one for a while....I'm pretty sure I'm going to exchange it tomorrow. I'm probably going to go for one of the blackberrys, or the mogul

This phone....
It's a bit sluggish when it shouldn't be.
The email is great on it. I can add multiple accounts, one of which is outlook (which I really need).
but apparently the sync connections are quite limited with Vista (which is what I have at home).
I had a stupid woman in the store that failed at answering my questions. I read online that it had GPS capabilities. I also read that it did not. The lady in the store told me that it did. It does not.

Also, not that I need it, but it doesn't have a readily available AIM function. I kind of want that because I use AIM as an "answering machine" when I'm away from home. If I'm going to have my three main email accounts going to my phone, I might as well have AIM as well.

7/12/2008 6:57:41 PM

balls deep
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I got the Palm Treo 800w

I will let you all know if it changes my life...

7/13/2008 3:34:50 PM

All American
8029 Posts
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I need a new phone, may get that blackburrry 8330

7/13/2008 4:17:56 PM

All American
38546 Posts
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the lg dare blows iphone out of the water


7/13/2008 4:19:43 PM

32613 Posts
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hm everything i've read about the Instinct says it has GPS

oh well.. anyways.

[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 4:20 PM. Reason : have you used both for a while?^]

7/13/2008 4:19:52 PM

All American
2110 Posts
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^^What makes you say that? Not trying to start an argument, j/w. I looked at it yesterday and it was meh. I would like to get a decent phone and stay with verizon I think but can't find a phone I like.

7/13/2008 4:38:42 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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i wish they would hurry up and come out with the treo 800P so i can upgrade my 700 series.

windows mobile sucks bad

7/13/2008 4:44:55 PM

All American
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I did some research before my man got his new phone, the dare has a better megapixel camera(3.2 as opposed to 2.0 and also has a photo editing tool installed with features like photostitching and face recognition), allows downloads which the iphone does not, has a better service provider, has gps (of course extra), similar enough to the iphone that figuring it out isn't hard yet different, longer standby battery life (5 hours for iphone vs. 16 hours the dare). You can even use your own finger to write if you dont like the touchpad keyboard. Downfall is external memory but right now there's a deal with a fifty dollar rebate and a free 8gb microsd to go with it.

I own an itouch and have only played with the dare for a few days but I'm impressed.

[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 4:57 PM. Reason : fhdsdf]

7/13/2008 4:56:11 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Anyone have the Samsung Instinct? Page 1 [2], Prev  
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