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All American
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I would have just been annoyed to have had to deal w/ it. I hate being woken up.

I told all my campers, that if they just had to use the bathroom, to tip toe out, don't slam the doors, encouraged them to take a buddy (rules) (but also told them to GO if they couldn't get any one, or woke up needing to go quick), and I never had a problem.

[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 10:45 PM. Reason : They were supposed to wake me. That ended QUICK]

7/13/2008 10:42:17 PM

All American
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did she wake up the other campers? what were the reactions?

7/13/2008 10:43:25 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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there is nothing worse than camping with someone who snores.

buddy wouldnt shut up one night, so i went and tied the two zippers to his tent together from the outside to punish him.

7/13/2008 10:46:41 PM

All American
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yea a couple of campers were awake i realized (after i woke up, i'm a pretty heavy sleeper so i don't know how long it was going on) but they were just in their beds really scared. and there was some crying. the cabin had 5 girls in it and they were some of the younger campers like 8 and 9 year olds. and the girl with night terror had also wet her bed it was sad but honestly so freaky. and i was 19 so i was like even more scared/confused/etc.

^^^ yea the being woken up thing sucked. but i had the babies for a few sessions so they like HAD to wake me because they were too scared to go alone and little girls away from home like 7, 8 and 9 can have a tendency to maybe sometimes bed wet. i had a lot of late night trips to the bath house

[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 10:50 PM. Reason : .]

7/13/2008 10:46:50 PM

All American
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i always take my ipod camping

if there is a snorer in the group it ruins the already shitty sleep

also sometimes its just too quiet for me to sleep

7/13/2008 10:52:55 PM

All American
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i camped out once, and got drunk and slept right on the floor in the tent when it was about 15 degrees out, haha i thought i was going to die when i woke up at 5am. i did not go back to sleep and it ruined my mini-camping trip lol

7/13/2008 10:56:51 PM

All American
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I only snore when I'm really drunk or have a cold

7/13/2008 11:22:29 PM

All American
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one time i was camping with some stupid middle school girls (i was a senior in high school) and i had rolled onto my side so my nose was pushed against the tent and i was snoring... they saw my face poking out the side of the tent and fucking kicked me in the nose. i had to really restrain myself from beating some people that night

7/14/2008 12:37:27 AM

All American
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7/14/2008 3:03:35 PM

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I snore when sick or unbelievably drunk.

My dog snores and it's so cute, but it's not super loud.

7/14/2008 3:16:57 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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my gf very rarely snores, but when she does it's real soft (not like a man-snore) and actually kinda cute

7/14/2008 3:18:17 PM

Bee Hugger
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they all do it, but none of them will admit it. my ex used to get so pissed at me when i told her she snored. i almost recorded her 1 night just to prove it, but i am sure that would have gotten me the silent treatment for a couple days.

7/14/2008 3:19:53 PM

All American
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like a baby duck snoring?

7/14/2008 3:20:00 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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7/14/2008 3:20:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
"they all do it, but none of them will admit it. my ex used to get so pissed at me when i told her she snored. i almost recorded her 1 night just to prove it, but i am sure that would have gotten me the silent treatment no hanky panky for a couple days."

7/14/2008 3:21:02 PM

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I snore when my sinuses are acting up.

And I drool like no one has ever drooled before. It's really really gross to wake up nearly every morning in a puddle of your own spit.

7/14/2008 3:23:01 PM

All American
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the gf snores lightly

i think it's cute

7/14/2008 3:23:09 PM

All American
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my ex used to snore sometimes when she was drunk. i dunno if this is the prefered method, but i would pinch her nose until she stopped. it worked, although sometimes i got punched, but it made me laugh.

7/14/2008 3:24:00 PM

All American
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he guys, i think if you have a ggf that snores you should try to stick it in real hard while she is snoring to see if it would make them snort really loudly in a mid-snore.

7/14/2008 3:27:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"this one girl i used to knee in the back when she started snoring

but it was fucking loud as shit.. like waking me up 10x a night style snoring"

I have to kick, hit, poke, pinch, or close Lucky1's nose to stop his snoring. When he snores, it is SOOO loud that the windows should be rattling. And I was a pretty light sleeper, unless I was just exhausted.
When we lived together, sometimes he would get so tired of me waking him up that he'd just sleep in the living room. Because of all that, I eventually became a deeper sleeper; and we'd go to bed together, and I'd wake up alone. He'd leave the room if he was too loud.
He also tends to talk in his sleep. But its usually a bad dream kind of talking, where he's yelling at someone or running from something. Its pretty scary when the whole house is dark and you hear scary murmuring coming from somewhere in the house.

For me, I don't snore. I used to snore and talk in my sleep before I had my tonsils taken out. My Mom would sit on my bed and I'd talk to her for a long time, and never know I did it. That all stopped in 2nd grade, fortunately!
I do drool occasionally, either if my allergies are bothering me or if I am sleeping really hard. I also grind my teeth most nights.

[Edited on July 14, 2008 at 3:50 PM. Reason : ]

7/14/2008 3:48:42 PM


15145 Posts
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snoring really ruins a shocking high number of relationships/marriages.

7/14/2008 3:51:10 PM

All American
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I totally believe that. I mean, if you're not getting an ample amount of good quality sleep because your partner is snoring, you start the blame game and are just ill with each other. For me, I just got used to it and became a deeper sleeper, which actually worked out in my favor. Now, I don't wake up over small stuff, like when Grits gets on and off my bed like I used to.

[Edited on July 14, 2008 at 3:54 PM. Reason : ]

7/14/2008 3:53:52 PM


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what's messed up is when ppl develop it as they get older. It's like "I was okay being your life partner before... but not after this".

7/14/2008 3:58:54 PM

All American
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Yeah, that is sad. People need to be more forgiving and understanding. There are all kinds of things to fix snoring these days if you're willing to just talk about it and see a doctor.

7/14/2008 4:00:52 PM

All American
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i can't believe how sensitive some people are...nothing wakes up at night unless it's not "normal"...for example, i can sleep through music and television and snoring and someone messing around in the kitchen, but the sound of footsteps on my back porch wakes me up FAST

7/14/2008 4:02:19 PM

All Amurican
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Quote :
"but i'm a teeth grinder more than a snorer"

Same here. I don't drool, and I've asked if I snore and was told I do not. But some days my jaw will seriously hurt bc of how bad I grind my teeth. Never realized that I did it until somebody heard it while I was sleeping on their couch.

7/14/2008 4:04:30 PM


15145 Posts
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i don't do any of these things, I just sleep.

7/14/2008 4:10:27 PM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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I snore.

7/14/2008 5:03:05 PM

All American
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7/14/2008 5:03:32 PM

All American
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i think lefty and I were in an astronomy class back in the day?
and i'm in arch school with his brother

small world

7/14/2008 5:11:54 PM

All American
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to anyone who grinds their teeth

i highly highly highly recommend getting a professional bite guard made

it costs a bit of $ but totally worth it to not wake up with headaches and a sore jaw. also, i was wearing holes into my teeth which would have been more costly later

its so easy and if your insurance covers it its even cheaper

7/14/2008 10:29:46 PM

All American
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wolfy is back!


7/14/2008 10:30:24 PM

All American
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back and going to bed!

15 hours of work today & more of the same tomorrow

dang, 30 hours by wednesday....!! bedtime

bite guards: endorsed by wolfy!

7/14/2008 10:36:31 PM

All American
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damn girl you putting in work down in tex. wtf. yall have no taxes on yall pay right? so how to they compensate for that?

7/14/2008 10:37:58 PM

All American
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You know, I hadn't thought about it before now, but I wonder if me grinding my teeth caused the cracked filling I had to have re-done in May. I'll call the dentist tomorrow and ask.

7/14/2008 10:43:33 PM

All American
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yeah no income tax but i end up paying high property tax

visiting customers all day today & tomorrow, its the best part about my job. got a home cooked meal out on the farm today. no cell phone service, couple miles into the woods with a camping chair and a cooler of water. gotta love it!!! dont think i'll be out in BFE tomorrow but visiting customers feels more like a day off than a day of work to me.

7/14/2008 10:46:10 PM

soup du hier
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< envious

7/14/2008 10:47:34 PM

All American
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what exactly is you do?

7/14/2008 10:47:37 PM

All American
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i work for caterpillar as a machine sales consultant. i call on the dealer in houston & louisiana for small machine sales. i visit customers, i help win deals, i make the magic happen (jk on that one), i track sales in territory and make sure we're hitting business plan and shit. best job ever <3

7/14/2008 11:00:26 PM

All American
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shits thats a good job, except i bet you get tired of rich guys hitting on you

7/14/2008 11:01:11 PM

All American
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I snore when I'm really tired and only when I'm taking a nap. I also snored when I had surgery and was half passed out. I only snore when I'm barely sleeping cause I wake myself up

7/14/2008 11:04:23 PM

All American
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money doesnt win my heart. you just need enough to take care of your own damn self.

you would not believe the shit said/that happens at work

i just get real good at the quips back and it shuts them up pretty quick, all in good fun

bed for rils

7/14/2008 11:05:06 PM

Agent 0
All American
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Quote :
bite guards: endorsed by wolfy!"

before i got diagnosed by a dentist as a teeth grinder, i accidentally bit off one of my canine tips one night sleeping...

and i had already ground my teeth slanted slightly (only noticable if youre a dental professional or REALLY have a thing about teeth)

they are a godsend

saved my teef

7/14/2008 11:05:22 PM

All American
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the professional ones are FAR superior than the do it yourself ones sold in stores

its molded to your teeth and you can actually sleep with your mouth shut

7/14/2008 11:06:12 PM

Agent 0
All American
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yeah thats what i have

upper jaw only...

7/14/2008 11:06:57 PM

All American
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mine is upper jaw as well

then retainer on the bottom

i am truly the picture of hotness when it comes to bedtime, let me tell ya!

7/14/2008 11:07:49 PM

Agent 0
All American
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i havent worn mine in about two or three years...whatever was the forcing function to my grinding stopped a while back, so i sleep pretty soundly these days...probably the switch from campaign life to permanent political life

7/14/2008 11:10:22 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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I'm pretty sure I don't snore

but I drool sometimes

7/14/2008 11:48:32 PM

63151 Posts
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i've been told i snore like a mother fucker

but those bitches lie

just make sure you get drunk enough that it doesn't matter

7/15/2008 12:06:46 AM

All American
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my girl snores occasionally, but it's just too fuckin' cute! Anyone else snores and it bugs me, but not her.

7/15/2008 12:10:19 AM

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