Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
It's not that he's incapable of anything, it's that he doesn't give a shit. He didn't go to college or anything and my dad kicked him out, so now I have to look after him. 7/14/2008 12:15:32 AM
mcfluffle All American 11291 Posts user info edit post |
autistic much? 7/14/2008 12:29:33 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
Wow, THAT was a long night. I'm glad he's safe at home.
Tell him I've still got his resume outline in the back of my car. 7/14/2008 12:41:45 AM
StillFuchsia All American 18941 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Haha, what is this shit?
Is he like a puppy?" |
7/14/2008 12:43:48 AM
d357r0y3r Jimmies: Unrustled 8198 Posts user info edit post |
Let's face it, if you saw cddweller, Spontaneous, and his brother wandering around, you'd think it was a crew of retards touring NCSU or some shit. 7/14/2008 1:47:00 AM
Walter All American 7911 Posts user info edit post |
so i'll ask again
is this dude banging cddweller? 7/14/2008 1:48:37 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "if you really cared about your brother
you would tell him not to wear mario bros t-shirts,
or pretty much anything he is doing in that photo" |
Quote : | "dont take this the wrong way, but is he like mentally handicapped or anything" |
please refer to the photograph in the first post.
Quote : | "He is not. He is of a genius IQ, actually." |
yeah, that's pretty much the code phrase for "mentally/socially/emotionally handicapped"
[Edited on July 14, 2008 at 1:52 AM. Reason : ] 7/14/2008 1:50:22 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Haha, what is this shit?
Is he like a puppy?" |
7/14/2008 1:52:41 AM
rufus All American 3583 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "It's not that he's incapable of anything, it's that he doesn't give a shit. He didn't go to college or anything and my dad kicked him out, so now I have to look after him." |
Well, if these situations happen to him because he doesn't give a shit, then it's his own fault and he's getting what he deserves. 7/14/2008 1:56:04 AM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
tdub is ruthless tonight  7/14/2008 1:56:21 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
we just dont like to see Chit Chat turning into Amber Alerts for retarded brothers trying to play WoW at DH Hill.
 7/14/2008 2:54:42 AM
GREEN JAY All American 14180 Posts user info edit post |
OP: does your brother do drugs? if not maybe my brother and your brother should hang out lol 7/14/2008 3:13:03 AM
raiden All American 10506 Posts user info edit post |
lol damn! 7/14/2008 3:23:06 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
lolololololololololololololololololololololololololol 7/14/2008 7:04:36 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "if you really cared about your brother
you would tell him not to wear mario bros t-shirts,
or pretty much anything he is doing in that photo
" |
7/14/2008 7:13:58 AM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
i bet he smells like a foot 7/14/2008 7:21:11 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | ""He spent hours looking for the public computers at DH Hill"" |
Quote : | "He is of a genius IQ, actually." |  7/14/2008 10:46:22 AM
GenghisJohn bonafide 10254 Posts user info edit post |
So, that wasn't Jimmy Murray?
cause when I think of a guy who looks like that who bolts from DH Hill....I think of Jimmy Murray. <3 7/14/2008 10:50:05 AM
fatcatt316 All American 3899 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Hahahaa 7/14/2008 10:58:07 AM
bassjunkie All American 3093 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "He is now playing a hacked version of Secret of Mana on his PSP." |
sounds about right 7/14/2008 11:04:33 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
wtf happened here?
if that was my brother...i would let him stay lost. 7/14/2008 11:22:35 AM
arog20012001 All American 10023 Posts user info edit post |
what happened is that the over-protective brother found out that the retarded brother was at a friend's house.
topic shoulda been titled: My brother is a slow adult!  7/14/2008 11:24:06 AM
bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | ""Haha, what is this shit?
Is he like a puppy?"" |
ahahah, no really- teach him some life skills. 7/14/2008 11:24:16 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
wow... 7/14/2008 11:26:57 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "He spent hours looking for the public computers at DH Hill, but since he hates people, he didn't ask anybody
One of his old high school buddies found him walking to the flea market around 6:30 (which was closed by then). His friend took him to Mickey D's and then brought him home.
He is now playing a hacked version of Secret of Mana on his PSP." |
He's 20 years old??
o my jesus.
tell cddweller to just pitch his resume outline in the wastebin. You're gonna just need to sign this guy up for Social Security benefits now. He's obviously "too smart" to ever hold a job.
[Edited on July 14, 2008 at 2:43 PM. Reason : ] 7/14/2008 2:39:40 PM
puppy All American 8888 Posts user info edit post |
sounds like your just an over-protective brother. He's 20, I'm sure he can take care of himself.
7/14/2008 4:35:40 PM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
he kinda looks like a fatter dweedle in that picture 7/14/2008 4:37:29 PM
NutGrass All American 3695 Posts user info edit post |
kinda looks like jared, the Subway guy 7/14/2008 4:44:17 PM
statered All American 2298 Posts user info edit post |
sounds like he has asberger syndrome or something 7/14/2008 4:47:12 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "So, that wasn't Jimmy Murray?
cause when I think of a guy who looks like that who bolts from DH Hill....I think of Jimmy Murray. <3" |
You rock my face off, John. 7/14/2008 4:54:11 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
i bet he smells like a foot 7/14/2008 5:00:17 PM
NumbWall All American 1613 Posts user info edit post |
^ yeah, I laughed my ass off at that 7/14/2008 5:02:07 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
I really do think that he has Asperger's. He's also really pissed off all the time. 7/14/2008 5:09:59 PM
timmy All American 640 Posts user info edit post |
That guy definitely used to work at the Barnes and Noble cafe in cary. 7/14/2008 10:50:20 PM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Being lost on hillsborough st at night with no phone, money, or way to get home is generally not a good thing." |
7/15/2008 12:06:42 AM
Apocalypse All American 17555 Posts user info edit post |
Topics like these are why I'm for late-term abortion. 7/15/2008 12:14:07 AM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
You'd really have to know the entire story to make an assessment like that. There's a backstory, nay history, that's missing that I didn't care to tell because this thread should have never gone this far. 7/15/2008 12:19:01 AM
cynosural All American 9870 Posts user info edit post |
you can't make a thread like this and describe the series of events like you did and not expect people to think your brother suffers from autism or downs syndrome or something of the sort.
and we know you're with cddweller, thanks for the reminder though. 7/15/2008 12:24:25 AM
Snewf All American 63558 Posts user info edit post |
haha lost on hillsborough st at night OH NO!
big city is dangerous hahahaha 7/15/2008 12:25:01 AM
cynosural All American 9870 Posts user info edit post |
i'd rather be lost on hillsborough than western.
9ft tall homeless dude with dreds and gray eyes gives me the whilly's. 7/15/2008 12:25:51 AM
Snewf All American 63558 Posts user info edit post |
I'd be more worried about getting hit by a car
Raleigh is not pedestrian friendly and public transport eats dicks there too 7/15/2008 12:28:29 AM
Snewf All American 63558 Posts user info edit post |
also if your brother is of sound mind and is just generally an unambitious antisocial videogame dweeb then next time leave his ass
I mean how the fuck does he get money for games without a job anyway?
tell your parents to stop enabling him - if he was drinking or shooting up they wouldn't give him money would they? he's got to quit this escapism bullshit and face the real world 7/15/2008 12:31:16 AM
cynosural All American 9870 Posts user info edit post |
i got hit by a car goin about 20mph once.
actually it was the side view mirror hitting me in the hip by an old station wagon at my friends beach house, by his 96 year old grandpa.... my first instinct was to laugh because i knew exactly what happenned and we had joked that someone was going to get run over by the grandpa in the days leading up to the event.
[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 12:31 AM. Reason : ^^] 7/15/2008 12:31:17 AM
Snewf All American 63558 Posts user info edit post |
god damn I'm getting pissed off thinking about this kid
like when I was 20 I was fucked up but I had a job and a lawyer and all sorts of grown up things 7/15/2008 12:34:30 AM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
My parents are divorced, actually. My brother takes after my mother who is in her 40's and working at Arby's living in the ghetto of Hagerstown, MD. He has absolutely no ambition.
As far as my dad being the one to enable him, my father and brother have gotten into physical fights, wherein my brother has been sent to jail and he's been kicked out of my dad's house three times. There's a lot of shit my dad could have done. There's certainly a lot of shit my mom could have done. And there's a lot of shit he could have done.
He wanted to join the Marines, but his psychological test came back disapproved, because an old counseling assessment said that he "lived in a fantasy world". I don't know what I should do and what can I do as his older brother. 7/15/2008 1:00:02 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
At least he does grasp the fact that he needs to get some technical classes under his belt, that's a big first step. 7/15/2008 1:14:21 AM
Walter All American 7911 Posts user info edit post |
that sounds like one fucked up family 7/15/2008 1:21:08 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
i feel bad for teasing you and your brother now, Spontaneous
you're in a tough situation.
it sounds like you're really doing the best you can do, what with trying to be a role model and leading by example.
that you must have a lot of patience for your bro, is evidenced by the fact that you can ignore all these assclowns on Chit Chat -- including myself.
good luck with that, i know somewhat of where you're coming from, having a younger brother who's missed a couple boats in his time... 7/15/2008 1:49:16 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Well, the world needs its ditch diggers. Maybe your brother is one of them. 7/15/2008 7:53:03 AM
Snewf All American 63558 Posts user info edit post |
I think you mean "backhoe operators" and I am not sure this kid is qualified.
Seriously, give this kid a wake up call. I assume he lives with you rent free? Give him till the end of the week to come up with $50 rent and tell him he better find a job so he can start paying that weekly. In the meantime suggest he sells some videogames. Once he has a job have him enroll in a course at Waketech. Otherwise he will forever be a burden on you and society. If you love him make him try to improve his life and the world he lives in. 7/15/2008 9:02:32 AM