fleetwud AmbitiousButRubbish 49741 Posts user info edit post |
² 7/15/2008 11:56:21 PM
aea All Amurican 5269 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "what middle did you go to ?" |
ccds for elementary & middle. high school was in florida for me 7/16/2008 12:00:51 AM
GrumpyGOP yovo yovo bonsoir 18195 Posts user info edit post |
Go Pak Bazaar doesn't have 5-star food or anything, but it is inexpensive and the people who work there are really nice. Also, right across the street from campus. 7/16/2008 12:07:03 AM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
duu duuuuu dut du duuu dut du duuuuu dut
[Edited on July 16, 2008 at 12:10 AM. Reason : YOU MAKIN ME CRAZY] 7/16/2008 12:10:22 AM
3 of 11 All American 6276 Posts user info edit post |
See: Oxymoron. 7/16/2008 12:22:15 AM
arcgreek All American 26690 Posts user info edit post |
EVERY TIME I COME AROUND 7/16/2008 12:24:19 AM
TKE-Teg All American 43429 Posts user info edit post |
if you want really good Indian go to India, London, and NYC. In that order. 7/16/2008 12:55:46 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
^ yeah, brick lane ftw (London) 7/16/2008 6:42:24 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
If you don't mind paying a little extra, there is an AWESOME Indian restaurant in Brier Creek. I forget the name of it, but it's next to that Japanese steakhouse place. Almost every time I go I get their goat rice curry thing, but pretty much everything there is delicious. 7/16/2008 6:43:55 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
the only one i know of in brier creek is Azitra.
it's good food
but it's about as indian as Obama is. 7/16/2008 6:51:35 AM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
^seconded 7/16/2008 7:06:28 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^ ahh yeah, that's the name of it.
It's still Indian, just a different region of Indian food than most of the places in Raleigh. 7/16/2008 7:08:55 AM
cstrom All American 1753 Posts user info edit post |
This is for anyone who wants to try it, it's a recipe from my roommates mom.
Butter Chicken
Ingredients: 4 Tomatoes 1 Onion 1 cinnamon stick 4 cloves 1 spoon Jeera seeds Small trey of Boneless Chicken Salt and Red Pepper as desired Butter Chicken Masala 2 spoons oil 1/2 Pint Whipped Cream 1 spoon Garlic 2 spoons Ginger 1/4 stick butter 3 spoons corainder
Grind Tomatoes and onion to make it paste consistancy. Take a pan, put oil in the pan, let it heat. Put Jeera seeds, cinnamon stick, cloves in the oil. Immediatley put in tomatoes and onion. Cover pot with lid. Let the gravey simmer. Add Garlic, ginger, salt, redpepper, butter and butter chicken masala. Saute for 7-10 min. Cut chicken into small peices and add to gravey. Let it cook till chicken is tender. Add whipped cream. 7/16/2008 7:19:24 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
Jeera is cumin btw for those who don't know. I just looked it up  7/16/2008 7:27:25 AM
aea All Amurican 5269 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "It's still Indian, just a different region of Indian food" |
It's not that the food isn't Indian, it's the restaurant itself. I'm sure the food is just like most Indian food found in the triangle. lemme put it this way:
azitra : authentic Indian restaurant :: sushi blues : authentic Japanese restaurant. 7/16/2008 10:42:03 AM
StillFuchsia All American 18941 Posts user info edit post |
^ exactly 7/16/2008 12:26:05 PM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^ lol are you kidding me? I don't think any Indian restaurant in Raleigh could qualify as authentic if you're basing it on crap like decor. Just because they don't throw up cheesy Bollywood posters doesn't make it any less of an Indian restaurant. 7/17/2008 4:53:47 AM
appamali All American 4482 Posts user info edit post |
Royal India on Capital is the better one of all for dinner (for lunch buffets, they are all so..so). 7/17/2008 6:31:20 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
^^she's not basing it on decor. The point is that Azitra is only indian in name.
you can't go anywhere in india and get food like that.
It's like going to china and expecting your food to be like PF Chang's food.
You can certainly get authentic Indian food around here, just not at Azitra. 7/17/2008 6:53:05 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^ Yeah, you can get food like that in India. It's just not going to be hawker food.
And she said,
Quote : | "It's not that the food isn't Indian, it's the restaurant itself. " |
7/17/2008 6:54:52 AM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
jesus christ, why am i even bothering arguing with white people about indian food?
you believe whatever you want, kiddo.]] 7/17/2008 6:57:16 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
I've been to India, so believe whatever you want  7/17/2008 7:01:25 AM
Mulva All American 3942 Posts user info edit post |
I don't know what causes the other to be so disgusting, indian food or indian people  7/17/2008 7:33:12 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
http://sitarindiapalace.net/ 7/17/2008 9:05:25 AM
Wraith All American 27289 Posts user info edit post |
In response to the question on the previous page about restaraunts in Charlotte, the name of the place mentioned on 51 is called Bombay Grille. Going towards Carolina Place Mall on 51, it is on the right, next to a Thai restaraunt and Manhatten Bagel. They have a great lunch buffet. 7/17/2008 12:01:31 PM
Restricted All American 15537 Posts user info edit post |
Holy Shit. I tried that Kerala Curry sauce from HT w/ some chicken. Its the hottest shit on earth...I could barely eat more than three bites and now I'm coughing like up heat.  7/30/2008 7:47:06 PM
kiljadn All American 44691 Posts user info edit post |
Kandas in Morrisville is fucking awesome, just dont go for dinner service unless you want to be there for 5 hours.
Tower is owned by the same people, but they are vegetarian only. 7/30/2008 7:51:55 PM