evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "9 You own a Manchester United jersey." |
there's a difference, however
between people who enjoy soccer
and people that own man u kits] 7/17/2008 12:39:47 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148885 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " 35 You go to a show to see the opening band." |
sometimes 7/17/2008 12:39:59 AM
lmnop All American 4809 Posts user info edit post |
JEEPS BRAH! 7/17/2008 12:45:36 AM
omicron101 All American 3663 Posts user info edit post |
i'm always referencing random movie/tv show quotes when a conversation even sort of relates to one. i know some people go when i do it, but i just don't give a shit 7/17/2008 12:55:37 AM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "from details magazine." |
#57 - You read details magazine.
Let's see:
#7 - But only when they're too clueless to realize they have the right of way. Like when I have a stop sign and they don't. I'm looking your direction asian women.
#24 - I live in North Carolina. It's fucking hot. I'm going to wear flip flops during the summer.
#30 - There are a few, but that sometimes becomes a necessity when your group of friends has several Mikes or Johns.
#43 - Yup, pretty much nonstop since I was 15.
#54 - At home when I'm listening to music at the computer. Never outside though.
#56 - Yeah, it's a matter of convenience. I suppose I should refer to them as latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and pectoralis major. You know, cause that wouldn't make me sound like an asshole at all. 7/17/2008 12:57:48 AM
omicron101 All American 3663 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "30 You call friends and colleagues by their last names." |
I do that with people I play hockey with, but I think that's because it's the name you're used to seeing and calling out while playing. I guess they do that in most sports but definitely hockey 7/17/2008 1:03:46 AM
CalledToArms All American 22025 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "they don't necessarily BOTHER me, it just makes me laugh a little inside
why WOULDN'T you wash it off? i mean, it's not like you don't take a shower the morning after such an event...
the only reason you wouldn't do so is to show other people how cool you are because you went to a concert the other night." |
I really couldn't care less that people see whether or not I have some random stamp on my hand. I take showers every morning...but I dont deep-scrub the back of my hand or anything in which case it may take a few days to rub off.
I am certainly NOT trying to impress anyone. Anyone who would see the stamp and care about it was probably already at the show with me in which case I would not be impressing them. Anyone else probably wouldnt even notice.
So you can keep thinking thats the only reason, but my reason is that I dont care whether people do or do not see it, its not worth my effort to worry about what others think of it. 7/17/2008 1:25:02 AM
d357r0y3r Jimmies: Unrustled 8198 Posts user info edit post |
really stupid list 7/17/2008 1:26:53 AM
Mattallica All American 6512 Posts user info edit post |
1,10,16 and 51
i only quote zoolander
but mostly maury
"just a tinkle" 7/17/2008 1:34:20 AM
wwwebsurfer All American 10217 Posts user info edit post |
16 (rarely) and 55 (in the car only)
Guess I'm ok 7/17/2008 1:38:45 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
"soccer fan" should have an amendment for those either not from the US or born outside it tbh.
Quote : | "#54 - At home when I'm listening to music at the computer. Never outside though.
#56 - Yeah, it's a matter of convenience. I suppose I should refer to them as latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and pectoralis major. You know, cause that wouldn't make me sound like an asshole at all." |
too true 7/17/2008 1:38:51 AM
theDuke866 All American 52917 Posts user info edit post |
#1--every now and then
#6--used to have "Goodbye Horses", the song Buffalo Bill dances to in Silence Of the Lambs...people used to get a good laugh out of it when it occured to them what the song was. just have a standard ring now.
#10--i do this some, except i've only seen about 10 minutes of Anchorman. who doesn't do this some?
#15--i have a corn snake. caught it when i lived in FL.
#16--not habitually, but every once in a while
#23--I use ASAP sometimes. I don't even know what BFD means. closing an email with "cheers" is fucking gay.
#24--what in the hell is wrong with wearing flip flops?
#30--routinely, but that's sort of the norm in my business (unless they're another aviator and have a callsign). not that calling someone by a last name is particularly unusual in my book, anyway.
#35--I would make the case that skipping out on the opening band and just watching the headliner is more of a case of being "that guy".
#56--uhh, this is completely normal. as far as i'm concerned, you sound like 10x more of a douchebag by saying "lattimus dorsi", "trapezius", or "pectorals".
this list is fucking retarded. bad on you for posting it. Terrible. F. 7/17/2008 2:14:14 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " 1 - You initiate fist bumps. Bitch I give mad daps. everywhere
2 - You order foreign dishes in an accent. mexican waiters espeically like it when i say "no hala-PEN-yos, grassy-ass."
3 - You shave your head at the first sign of balding. that's so 90's. bald dudes w/ ponytails are the thing now
4 - You use any word Stephen Colbert invented. look, i was using "truthiness" WAY BEFORE Mr. Col-bare 
5 - You have an elaborate bedtime ritual on planes - with neck pillow, sleep mask, and ise-canceling headphones. and facial scrub
6 - You have a downloaded ring tone. "A" ringtone? i got 10. one for each "Friend Group"... Thats baller baby
7 - You wave someone along even though they have the right of way. its only polite
8 - You say the name of the town where your Ivy League alma mater is located instead of the name of the school. EVERYONE knows where Chapel Hill is, fool
9 - You own a Manchester United jersey. no wai dude. I'm like totally for Arsenal.
10 - You quote Borat, Zoolander, or Anchorman, or reference "TPS reports" and "pieces of flair." "yeah, i'm gonna have to ask you to come in on saturday" totally cracks my coworkers up, every time
11 - You put your BlackBerry on the table when you sit down at a restaurant. only when i need to talk loudly on my iPhone
12 - You talk baby talk to your girlfriend on your office phone. what, yall heard that? 
13 - You offer to buy a cigarette from people outside bars. Well, I quit, see. Now I only smoke OP cigarettes! LOL. okay, fine, then I'll give you a quarter for a light.
14 - You order "off-menu." I'll have half caf double decaf with steamed soy milk and a lemon twist.
15 - You own a reptile. trouser snake count?
16 - You say "My bad." what up wit dat, dawg? why you gotta be hatin'?
17 - You describe your relationship status by saying "It's complicated." well, it's kinda like we're friends. with benefits.
19 - You have destination-related car stickers like MV, NTK, PVT, HMP, or NPT. OBX
20 - You make a show out of tasting wine. first you have to gently roll the body, THEN smell the bouquet.
21 - You preface statements with "spoiler alert." FYI. Not my fault if you kept listening
22 - You don't wash last night's admission stamp off your hand. I've still got CBGB's from when I took that trip to NYC last week. see, look here, you can still see it.
26 - You say "I need my Starbucks." Vente iced half mocha 1 shot of peppermint, skim milk, no whip please
27 - You refer to the woman you’re casually hooking up with as a "friend with benefits." It's complicated
28 - You pretend t to kw who Spencer Pratt is. meh. everyone knows who Spencer is. duh. 
29 - You offer advice to women on their "form" at the gym. you're just jealous of my game. the bitches love me
37 - You put your kid in a Che Guevara T-shirt. its SO damn cute!
38 - You include the names of your kids and pets in your home outgoing message. I had my 3 year old record the message. the first 30 seconds is a lot of silence, but then it gets funny after that
40 - You bitch about your contractor at parties. i swear to god, if he doesnt finish the kitchen remodel by this week, i'm gonna fire him.
42 - You half-tuck your shirt. its like, dressy, yet casual
43 - You have a goatee. goatees are out. soul patches are in
46 - You're a Caucasian with a tattoo in Asian lettering. It's the letters for Earth and Wind, see, it represents my dual nature of being "down to earth" yet free spirited like the wind. get it?
47 - You Evite. i havent got your RSVP. are you and the ball-and-chain coming to our shindig?
51 - You use the phrase flyover states. you mean those podunk places between the coasts?
52 - You use the word bicoastal. unless im talkign about flyover states
55 - You use a Bluetooth headset. haha you thought i was just sitting here talking to myself didnt you!! LOL. " |
7/17/2008 3:05:57 AM
kiljadn All American 44691 Posts user info edit post |
1 9 (what the fuck... i will fuck someone up if the have something to say about me being a LIFELONG United fan) 10 - I've been know to say that things smell of rich mahogany, what of it 16 - SO? 30 - SO? 32 - SO? 36 - YOU GOD DAMNED RIGHT SHES FUCKING HOT 43 - SO? 47 - It's the fucking 21st century.

[Edited on July 17, 2008 at 8:43 AM. Reason : you tell me what straight man wouldn't wax that, and I'll show you a closeted gay dude] 7/17/2008 8:39:09 AM
tchenku midshipman 18598 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "3 You shave your head at the first sign of balding." |
nothing wrong with that. That's what I would do 7/17/2008 8:50:53 AM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
In some circles of friends I fist bump and refer to things as sick.
While I don't own or want a Blackberry, I do pull my cellphone, keys, and wallet out of my pocket when I sit down at a restaurant. I do the same when sitting in my office, my couch, etc. I just don't like sitting on stuff or having it constantly nudging at my leg. It could just be me.
I stayed off the list for the most part though.
Oh, and who doesn't do this one?
Quote : | "You call muscle groups by shortened versions of their technical names, like "lats," "traps," and "pecs."" |
[Edited on July 17, 2008 at 9:00 AM. Reason : s] 7/17/2008 8:59:12 AM
icanread2 All American 1450 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "thank you, ZomBCraw, for contributing more of your useless banter to another thread
we all appreciate it
" |
ZomBCraw is far more appreciated than you and your gay bullshit threads 7/17/2008 9:21:41 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "11 You put your BlackBerry on the table when you sit down at a restaurant." |
but i carry my pearl in my back pocket  7/17/2008 9:25:56 AM
LaserSoup All American 5503 Posts user info edit post |
16, 56, and 33, I sometimes call my wife "she who must be obeyed", it's from an old British sitcom. Other than that I'm pretty much in the clear. 7/17/2008 9:29:51 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
this list is retarded... most of these don't even fit together 7/17/2008 9:32:16 AM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
What a dumb list. Somebody wasted a lot of time putting this shit together. 7/17/2008 9:37:16 AM
user123 Veteran 499 Posts user info edit post |

7/17/2008 9:42:33 AM
lewoods All American 3526 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "nothing wrong with that. That's what I would do" |
Agreed. Bald spots and comb overs are ewww, but lots of women are complete suckers for a shaved head.  7/17/2008 9:55:23 AM
MunkeyMuck All American 4427 Posts user info edit post |
Wow that is a stupid list. Kept waiting for the funny, but shit like calling a friend by their last name, what is the big deal with that? 7/17/2008 10:03:23 AM
Agent 0 All American 5677 Posts user info edit post |
RAWR RAWR RAWR 7/17/2008 10:05:26 AM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "ZomBCraw is far more appreciated than you and your gay bullshit threads" |
word that. 7/17/2008 4:23:25 PM
dman32md All American 961 Posts user info edit post |
uhhh your that guy on this list if your.... 7/17/2008 4:33:15 PM
radhar All American 7475 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "8 - You say the name of the town where your Ivy League alma mater is located instead of the name of the school. EVERYONE knows where Chapel Hill is, fool" |
when the F did Chapel Hill become IVY LEAGUE 7/17/2008 4:37:22 PM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
they seem to think it is but thats about it. 7/17/2008 4:39:56 PM
Vanilla88 Veteran 345 Posts user info edit post |
some of those aren't so bad, but
2 You order foreign dishes in an accent.
makes me cringe. 7/17/2008 4:40:45 PM
dman32md All American 961 Posts user info edit post |
^^HARDY-HAR-HAR 7/17/2008 4:41:06 PM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "ZomBCraw is far more appreciated than you and your gay bullshit threads" |
this is where you're incorrect 7/17/2008 5:00:10 PM
ZomBCraw Suspended 6999 Posts user info edit post |

7/17/2008 5:10:54 PM