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 Message Boards » » i never really "got" strip clubs... Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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7/21/2008 8:16:52 AM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"You know how at a strip club, the girls act like they're all into you so you'll buy a lap/table dance?
so i never fall for it at strip clubs here. I get a lap dance if i want one, if she's really hot.

Up there, I fall for that shit.

hook, line, and sinker.

every time. Cunt-stricken."

yeah, I'm def going. i was wondering why my bosses that used to live in Detroit went to the strip clubs so much

7/21/2008 8:22:11 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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Quote :
"i was wondering why my bosses that used to live in Detroit went to the strip clubs so much"

cause they're stupid

7/21/2008 8:23:04 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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oh, and $20 goes A LONG way in the back room at a Canadian strip club btw.

7/21/2008 8:27:13 AM

All American
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it also goes a LONG way in your gas tank too

7/21/2008 8:28:01 AM

32613 Posts
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well, they're millionaires so money isn't really their primary concern. i just didnt understand why they went to Canada instead of the Detroit ones, now I do.

7/21/2008 8:30:09 AM

All American
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when you have millions women as suppose to flock to you and you fuck for free just because you got it like that. every woman wants to fuck a man with money for no good reason.

7/21/2008 8:31:35 AM

32613 Posts
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they dont look like, act like or brag like most rich people

they have wives

theyre just looking for a good time.. not trying to get laid

[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 8:34 AM. Reason : k lets take out that word]

7/21/2008 8:34:11 AM

All American
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thats funny

a good clean time

the greatest excuse ever

7/21/2008 8:34:56 AM

32613 Posts
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7/21/2008 8:36:56 AM

All American
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its alright to 'sparingly' hang out with the boys at a strip club, but i can't see it as something to do somewhat regularly. i have been twice in my life and thats pretty much it, i might go again one day, who knows, but to go all the time (or just more than once every couple of years just for kicks, and not spend any money except for drinks) thats crazy, lol. i just cant bring myself to pay for absolutely anything sexually related.

[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 8:41 AM. Reason : t]

7/21/2008 8:40:55 AM

45208 Posts
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I totally "get" it. I always have a good time at the strip club.

7/21/2008 8:42:03 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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who wouldn't? its the money factor.

7/21/2008 8:42:54 AM

68205 Posts
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the best thing about going to the strip club is leaving with the strippers real number
going out on a few dates and then having some fucking really crazy stories to tell your friends.

its like a crazy game

7/21/2008 9:00:45 AM

All American
4809 Posts
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the best thing about going to the strip club is leaving with the strippers real number watching your buddy leave with some fake-ass number the stripper gave him and picking on him incessantly.

7/21/2008 11:37:08 AM

All American
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the problem is that you end up going home to jack off which you could have done to begin with and kept the money in your pocket.

Solution: get some game so you can get the chicks w/o having to pay them. Also, they get you off instead of your already hairy palm.

7/21/2008 11:39:43 AM

All American
6462 Posts
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Quote :
"man fuck that...if there is one thing i hate, its submissive women...i like bossy ass opinionated women"

That is like having someone with downs syndrome direct your decission making.

Fuck you suck at life.

7/21/2008 11:46:01 AM

147487 Posts
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************** (7:13:49 AM): i went to the strip club the other night and dropped like $250
DrMarshmellow69 (7:13:59 AM): damnnnnnnnnnnnnn

7/24/2008 7:14:43 AM

All American
8005 Posts
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Quote :
"Paradise Club"


That place is like 4 sheets of plywood that is nailed together to make 4 walls.

Whenever my dad is giving directions to Silk Hope from Burlington/Graham, he always tells people to take a right just past the "Paradise Club." It cracks me up every time because its such a shithole, you cannot miss it.

7/24/2008 9:08:03 AM

Bee Hugger
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i have a buddy who we call "The Stripper's Best Friend". Every time we used to go to strip clubs together, strippers would always sit down at our table and tell him their life stories. They never tried to get him to get a dance or anything, they just sat there and talked to him. It was hilarious.

7/24/2008 9:10:50 AM

Shitter Pilot
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I don't see what's wrong with them...

I took my little brother to one the minute he turned 18 and told him to pick his favorite stripper, and nude lap dance time. Yeah boi!

His words, "Best b-day evar!"

7/24/2008 9:14:20 AM

All American
26824 Posts
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Quote :
"though ive yet to visit one in raleigh since i moved here (10 months). ive been meaning to hit up that one on capital though. it looks sufficiently shady. any takers?

THE FOXY...oh yeah.

Get a lap dance at the Foxy Lady and it comes with a dry fuck. If you're just a little lucky she'll show that trim to ya. Never picked one up. Never wanted to.

But my guess is that they can be had for an all-night private show for a couple hundred.

7/24/2008 9:18:16 AM

All American
1753 Posts
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sometimes I wish I had a little brother so I could show him the world

7/24/2008 9:18:50 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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my ex was a cocktail waitress at Pure Gold. don't even get me started on the benefits of that situation.

7/24/2008 9:19:27 AM

45208 Posts
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I have a 20 year old brother, and I wish I could be the one to take him to a strip club. My membership to Pure Gold has expired, but I have a huge stack of free admission cards

7/24/2008 9:29:10 AM

Bee Hugger
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^ can you still go to their website and print off a free pass? I know back in the day you used to be able to

7/24/2008 9:30:00 AM

45208 Posts
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I checked it a few months ago and you could. Go see!

7/24/2008 9:31:31 AM

21958 Posts
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Quote :
"watching your buddy leave with some fake-ass number the stripper gave him and picking on him incessantly."

My brother actually got a stripper's phone number and dated her for months. I became very familiar with the Dollhouse during those few months.

7/24/2008 9:39:22 AM

45208 Posts
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Thee Dollhouse

7/24/2008 9:40:04 AM

All American
1340 Posts
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Quote :
"Canadian strip clubs have hot women, fully nude, they are hands on, and they are cheap."

What's cheap bc there are some pretty cheap (i guess theyre pretty trashy) ones here

7/24/2008 9:45:45 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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well when I went the american dollar was a little stronger, but I think it was like $9 for a pitcher of Molson. As far as tipping, you would be suprised what they would do for $1. And like I said, it's hands on. For a $20 private dance, you will most likely get finished off.

7/24/2008 9:52:07 AM

All American
4812 Posts
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what do you not get about this?

[Edited on July 24, 2008 at 11:37 AM. Reason : .]

7/24/2008 11:35:00 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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250 at a strip club aint shit.

not that i would ever pay it, but ive been at the table quite a few times where a good 2500 bucks was burned between 3 people (considering a double is like 20 bucks with the tip, it goes fast). not trying to like brag, i can get it free, it wasnt my money, i certainly was not ballin at the time. but yeah i took full advantage of the situation. and when they see a table where money is flying around, they are all over it.

and at that point, they're not trying to manipulate you, they're literally trying to come home with you. we took 2 strippers to my friend's beach house at AB, and they were all about making some margaritas and going crazy etc. and "mine" sucked, i was so sick of her after the ride down and the evening of thinking about how much of a worthless slut she was that i didnt even touch her.

my friend took full advantage of his, though. i think it was about a month later when he called me from cleveland and said that i should go get tested for TB, cause he had it and tracked it back to a stripper.

its a whole different ballgame if you go in there with cocaine, money, and/or women. hahaha. i wouldnt dare go to one without much money, you cant have fun

7/24/2008 5:26:57 PM

All American
3526 Posts
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Quote :
"its a whole different ballgame if you go in there with cocaine, money, and/or women. hahaha. i wouldnt dare go to one without much money, you cant have fun"

Why does bringing a woman with you to a strip club make it better?

Just asking, because I've been wanting to go to one.

7/24/2008 10:06:13 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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strippers give more attention to women, because well, they are more attractive than men

7/24/2008 10:08:34 PM

All American
3526 Posts
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I thought it was because women were less likely to try to stick their hands where they should not go. Yeah, I guess drunk guys oogling you every night could turn most women lesbo.

7/24/2008 10:18:17 PM

All American
14880 Posts
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whoa, i've been twice, and both times were great, but im against the whole thing
but if im on a trip with friends, then i wont rule it out

7/31/2008 1:40:15 AM

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