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All American
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^ ok well, I watched them install it...

the reclaim water comes from the condenser coil on the air unit. For Miller fields, The Jordan Hall air handler, and for centennial, Partners II. Next time you're on the upper miller fields look in the corner closest to Biltmore and there's a new water pump there that pumps reclaim water from a tank outside of jordan. Also new strips of alsphalt where they cut trenches for the pipe.

[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 9:22 AM. Reason : .]

[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 9:25 AM. Reason : .]

7/21/2008 9:21:10 AM

best gottfriend
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Quote :
"that was the best consecutive 3 posts i've ever seen on tww."

all sounds sweet, can't wait to get back.

7/21/2008 9:30:02 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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i'm kinda excited about this school year

which is a first

7/21/2008 9:30:51 AM

All American
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Obligatory "useless without pics"

7/21/2008 9:30:53 AM

All American
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not sure how many people go in Robertson but that's been renovated also. I'm trying to go through this years agenda for anything besides duct/chill water/utility stuff that would actually be noticeable to students.

7/21/2008 9:32:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"someone post a link to that NCSU Master Plan again

pretty crazy stuff"

I would also like to see this please. I have never heard of this.

7/21/2008 10:57:33 AM

All American
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7/21/2008 10:59:10 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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it's wild. big wide pedestrian highway things. monorail. all kinds of stuff. it stretches like several decades in the future.

[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 11:00 AM. Reason : ^that's just centennial. there's one that covers everything.]

7/21/2008 10:59:11 AM

All American
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I heard they were tearing down Harrelson because it wasn't stable anymore. is that just rumor?

7/21/2008 11:01:35 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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tearing it down because they can't get it up to code

7/21/2008 11:02:01 AM

All American
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^ it can be, but it's cheaper to knock it down and rebuild.

[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 11:13 AM. Reason : .]

7/21/2008 11:08:38 AM

All American
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Aww...kind of sad future freshmen won't experience getting lost in the sprial or the bathrooms that are ALWAYS dripping with water.

7/21/2008 11:10:07 AM

All American
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^Yep. The ramp is too steep to meet current code for wheelchairs and the elevator is too small. It would be pretty much impossible to re-angle the ramp and $Canada to install another elevator. They can't renovate it if it won't meet code after the renovations, so there you have it.

Park Shops is nowhere near done right now, but should finish up sometime in Spring semester. Will have, among other things, a coffee shop with both indoor and outdoor seating. Should complement nicely the renovation of the Laundry Lab, which should have a feeling similar to the DH Hill Learning Commons if my info is still correct.

7/21/2008 11:11:31 AM

19447 Posts
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Quote :
"I heard they were tearing down Harrelson because it wasn't stable anymore. is that just rumor?"

I heard that was going to happen every summer since my freshman year. But this year I heard it's REALLY going to happen this year.

7/21/2008 11:11:58 AM

147487 Posts
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harrelson is by far the worst designed building ever....such a fucking waste of space...i didnt know they were tearing it down(had heard the rumors of it, but not actual fact)...good riddance though

7/21/2008 11:12:21 AM

All American
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Quote :
"that was the best consecutive 3 posts i've ever seen on tww."

i lol'ed, i'll admit it

7/21/2008 11:14:13 AM

All American
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^^^ can't knock it down until you have somewhere to relocate.

The building at riddick is supposed to be temporary until they rebuild harrelson.

[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 11:16 AM. Reason : .]

7/21/2008 11:15:33 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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temporary as in the math department won't be there permanently, or temporary as in they're just gonna tear it back down when harrelson is rebuilt?

7/21/2008 11:16:46 AM

All American
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i'm not sure about that either. I'm assuming they wouldn't tear down something that seems pretty top of the line when I went inside (looks alot like polk hall renovation), so I would assume just the math classes will be there temporarily.

I think the exact words I heard were that the math and stat classes would be moved to a temporary facility. Maybe it was just a poor choice of words.

[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 11:19 AM. Reason : .]

7/21/2008 11:17:58 AM

All American
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To think that the campus will one day have a monorail system is insane. i saw the prospective track and stations and it would be so easy to bounce from north campus to centennial in just a few minutes. or you could finish class and take it all the way to the lake below centennial. too bad i'll be dead by that time.

7/21/2008 11:47:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"that's just centennial. there's one that covers everything"

that's just the one on my desk. click on the map to see everything.

7/21/2008 11:52:25 AM

best gottfriend
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there is absolutely no way that the building they just put up at old riddick stadium is a temporary building. i can't even fathom people thinking this.

temporary math dept home, perhaps.

7/21/2008 12:36:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Maybe it was just a poor choice of words."

7/21/2008 12:41:55 PM

All American
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That building (new math and stats building) isn't going anywhere. I don't know who started the rumor that they're going to tear it down, but use your common sense, that thing is huge and cost a fortune.

Although this is NCSU, so common sense can occasionally fly out the window.

7/21/2008 2:01:36 PM

All American
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i heard the new building is the permanent home of math and stats. history (used to be in harrelson), moved to withers. the new building only accounts for like 1/5 the space of harrelson, or some shit like that.

i wouldn't look for harrelson to be torn down anytime soon. think 5-7 years. i read an article somewhere about them needing "swing space" to be used while other buildings get renovated. harrelson is that space. as other departments renovate their buildings, harrelson will be the temporary home. after that, it gets torn down.

anyone know how many buildings there are left to renovate? can't be many, they've been renovating 2-3 every year.

campus should be the tits in a few years.

7/21/2008 2:19:29 PM

45912 Posts
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^math and stats building is only 1/5 of harrelson? i find that hard to believe.

harrelson will be used as extra space for other renovations/projects, so it will be around for a while

[Edited on July 21, 2008 at 2:21 PM. Reason : .]

7/21/2008 2:20:54 PM

All American
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i think its only 1/5. think of how many fuckin classrooms are in harrelson. the design for space is extremely effecient. look at the new building. not that many classrooms. harrelson can hold 3-4k students at any given time.

7/21/2008 2:24:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"we're scoping out putting new lights in the pool at carmichael. The over head bulbs are just too hard to change. Planning on wall lights that shine onto mirrors.

what about fibre optics with a light generator that is easy to get to or just going with an LED option that won't have to be replaced as often

7/21/2008 2:27:39 PM

Art Vandelay
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Quote :
"you should have been here when I got here in 2000..."

7/21/2008 2:30:15 PM

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