joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
2 7/22/2008 5:10:31 PM
sd2nc All American 9963 Posts user info edit post |
ehhhh, you called my 11 month old son a faggot, intranet tuff guy.. 7/22/2008 5:10:50 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
Let me guess, someone posted something bad about 'your' people, and that's not cool. But anyone can post anything about mexicans, blacks, whites, etc.
stfu & gtfo 7/22/2008 5:12:29 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
MacGruber! 7/22/2008 5:15:06 PM
chocolatervh All American 22986 Posts user info edit post |
get in line. black people have been complaining first. you can't get your stuff fixed until our stuff is fully ironed out.
but honestly. the only reason why i came into this thread is to say that your username bothers me.
not because it references that you are a jew. but it suggests you are infact the top jew. and my friend that is false advertisement and conceited. shame on you. 7/22/2008 5:17:17 PM
umbrellaman All American 10892 Posts user info edit post |
Jews aren't allowed to complain against racism because they killed our Lord Jesus Christ.  7/22/2008 5:18:07 PM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
jew people 7/22/2008 5:20:33 PM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
I LOVE JEW 7/22/2008 5:21:19 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 5:22 PM. Reason : c]
7/22/2008 5:22:32 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53288 Posts user info edit post |
ibtl 7/22/2008 5:24:17 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "ehhhh, you called my 11 month old son a faggot, intranet tuff guy.." |
well I'm sorry I didn't realize that was your son. I'm sure he is wonderful. I just wanted to get a point across to you that things that personal, even if posted by a person you don't know, can really get under your skin. As I said before, my remarks to NC86 are because he is my friend, and I mean no ill will towards mexicans.
As my previous posts have stated I posted this in feedback forum for the mods to handle and they completely fucked that up by moving it to chit-chat. That was a terrible and irresponsible decision on their parts, but I'm not upset, just hope that they will continue to get an education to someday remove themselves from their brazen stupidity. 7/22/2008 5:24:35 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53288 Posts user info edit post |
ibts 7/22/2008 5:26:31 PM
cstrom All American 1753 Posts user info edit post |
i'm bored 7/22/2008 5:27:11 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not trying to get suspended, I'm just trying to right a wrong. I realize that chit-chat is a free for all, but if you read my OP then you will see where I was coming from hopefully. I know it is hard thing to interpret my anger if you are in the majority.
This thread was never meant for chit-chat, was originally posted in feedback forum. Gunzz felt the need to move it to chit-chat, so here we are
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 5:29 PM. Reason : .] 7/22/2008 5:28:36 PM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
Hey Jew, how do i know jew . please to explain jewself ?
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 5:31 PM. Reason : get it ?] 7/22/2008 5:29:33 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
86, we waited tables together, I'll explain to you later 7/22/2008 5:31:02 PM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
no 7/22/2008 5:31:51 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
yes 7/22/2008 5:33:31 PM
chocolatervh All American 22986 Posts user info edit post |
maybe? 7/22/2008 5:34:18 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
stfu 7/22/2008 5:35:41 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
chocolate, you are a black person? is there no way to curb the racism here? Did not WRAL have an article about the supposed savior "God" of this place and he embarrassed an entire university and alumni with his hate speak? I mean for fuck sake, the mods seem to embrace racism here? Moving a sensative thread such as this to chit-chat speaks volumes. What is the motivation? Either toss it or address it, don't move it to the most ridiculed section of TWW that exists. What does that say about the person who did it? 7/22/2008 5:40:09 PM
dgspencer All American 4474 Posts user info edit post |
since when is anti-semitism the same as racism?
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 5:44 PM. Reason : .] 7/22/2008 5:43:48 PM
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
This thread is so awesome
TopJew has reworded the same post 15 times and still hasn't had an actual response 7/22/2008 5:45:32 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
intelligent people can tell the difference between comedic racism and actual racism 7/22/2008 5:45:52 PM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
i keep coming back to see if there are more jew jokes 7/22/2008 5:48:38 PM
dgspencer All American 4474 Posts user info edit post |
turns out another word for anti-semitism is judeophobia. That's kind of funny. 7/22/2008 5:51:13 PM
eleusis All American 24527 Posts user info edit post |
TopJew isn't really jewish; he's just saving up to become one. 7/22/2008 5:51:40 PM
BigEgo Not suspended 24374 Posts user info edit post |
i can't think of jews without thinking of eric cartmen. and that famous scene from bigger longer and uncut. 7/22/2008 5:52:17 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "turns out another word for anti-semitism is judeophobia. That's kind of funny." |
that doesn't make sense though. judeophobia would be fear of jews. anti-semites don't fear jews, they just hate them. 7/22/2008 5:52:49 PM
chocolatervh All American 22986 Posts user info edit post |
yes i am a black person. and yes i understand that there are many things that are offensive on this site. I have seen how it can embarrass and such. I have seen much more against black people on the site than your picture. much worse. some thanks to Crawdaddy/zombecraw. that boy can find some messed up stuff. but the issue is much deeper than something that can be solved by the deleting of a picture or even a general rule of censorship/moderation. therefore unless directed personally, in this realm of anonymity, its best to stick to the topics you'd probably want to look at. if you are in a topic you like and it gets messed up by something you don't like, count it a loss and move on. because overall the MOD's aren't getting paid to monitor and they are not a 24 hour service. also asking for an apology is a bit pointless.
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 5:55 PM. Reason : ^homophobia... same deal] 7/22/2008 5:53:46 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "intelligent people can tell the difference between comedic racism and actual racism" |
the original motivation for this thread (which was posted in feedback forum [apparently useless]) was because someone posted a very real picture of people in a holocaust camp starving to death. If that is funny to you then ok, but that makes you quite immature, and I'm hopeful and almost certain that one day when you do mature you will find that distasteful and completely inappropriate. You can analogize laughing at a cancer patient to that post, it is absolutely wrong. 7/22/2008 5:55:19 PM
kylekatern All American 3291 Posts user info edit post |
So an image that helps EDUCATE folks, with NO caption, and NO editing, is somehow offensive? So you mean I should not support Holocaust education groups, should not be glad members of my family served in Europe during WW2, and should vote to have the holocaust museum torn down before it offends you? Bullshit. You are just one more GD prick who comes in here, makes a few posts, and throws a shit fit over the small stuff. This is like bitching because SA goons are fast to post and the like. Don't want to see random pics chosen to piss you off in your threads? post elsewhere. This forum can CONTINUE to go its merry way and never even be aware you left. 7/22/2008 5:57:07 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
try having your wife have a miscarriage and having people post pictures of dead babies in your thread.
yeah, been there dude. and you gotta realize that most of TWW is heartless. you either deal with it for what it is, or leave. 7/22/2008 5:57:41 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
@ chocolate:
Quote : | "because overall the MOD's aren't getting paid to monitor and they are not a 24 hour service. also asking for an apology is a bit pointless." |
The issue here was that the mods addressed my feedback forum topic by moving it to chit-chat, not that they were not moderating 24/7. They moved my FEEDBACK forum topic (which was 100% legitimate) to chit chat and therefore it will not get addressed.. Furthermore, I was threatened that if I make another topic in feedback forum that I would be suspended. This is after I payed this site $5 to be a part of their community. Do you see the injustice? 7/22/2008 5:59:37 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
@ kylekatern: read the thread in context and STFU 7/22/2008 6:00:43 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
and furthermore, the mods now are WAY more strict than they used to be. but i know you are an alias so i am sure you remember. 7/22/2008 6:00:47 PM
kylekatern All American 3291 Posts user info edit post |
Dj, what was done to you was wrong. However in this case he posted a thread for the sole purpose of pissing folks off, did an ok job, and now is angry that folks gave him some back. He loves to dish out the internet smack talk, but hates getting it. You on the other hand did NOT go out of your way to generate flamefests like TopJew has, and in fact were simply a target of folks feeling like being internet assholes. 7/22/2008 6:02:02 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
@ djeternal
That is 110% fucked up if indeed that happened. I realize this website is supposed to be a fun place to say whatever you want, but what really is upsetting is that when you call for a "slap on the wrist" against someone for posting holocaust pictures unmistakably to offend you and then are therefore ridiculed for it and threatened a suspension, then I just don't really understand it. It had me fuming for a while, but whatever you know, majority rules right?! 7/22/2008 6:06:17 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
^ oh, it indeed did happen. ask some of the old schoolers
well, the difference is that I knew what TWW was and I expected it. the problem was that my ex-wife was on here and saw it. so I didn't start a thread whining about it to the mods and shit. I just PMed the people that posted the pictures, explained the situation calmly, and asked them to remove the pictures
and you want to know what? they all removed the pictures.
get what i am saying here?
[Edited on July 22, 2008 at 6:07 PM. Reason : a] 7/22/2008 6:06:32 PM
chocolatervh All American 22986 Posts user info edit post |
the difference between throwing the thread away... locking it... and putting it in chit chat is small. but the one positive of putting it in chit chat as oppose to locking it or deleting it is that you still get responses. and those responses can give you a bit of insight on your issue of what you are arguing against. i'd recommend not fucking with the mod's though...
technically that is in the rules.
justice is not as common in america as it should be. so you shouldn't expect too much of it on the internet. 7/22/2008 6:06:36 PM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
10/10. 7/22/2008 6:07:55 PM
chocolatervh All American 22986 Posts user info edit post |
side note... there are definitely words i don't see NEEEEARLY as much as i used to. 7/22/2008 6:08:57 PM
CeilingCat All American 1222 Posts user info edit post |
Hey Jude, don't take it bad... Just thought I'd throw that one out there.
Also, IBTL! 7/22/2008 6:11:35 PM
CeilingCat All American 1222 Posts user info edit post |
Oh and, attack whoever you want on here, but leave their children out of it. That's just cowardly and lame. 7/22/2008 6:13:02 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I just PMed the people that posted the pictures, explained the situation calmly, and asked them to remove the pictures" |
Similar to what I did, however apparently I made the mistake of making this topic in feedback forum and THEN sending a PM, to which I got completely ridiculed.
and @ chocolate, I realize that TWW isn't a democracy and people aren't held accountable at all (unless you are not liked by the mods) for their words.
I think there are a lot of people on this site that despise that but keep it hush hush so as not to upset the mods and be hush hush lest they get suspended (see the threats in this thread). The thing is that it will never be admitted that an injustice has occurred here, but it is in fact blatant that it has occurred. 7/22/2008 6:13:42 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
well your situation is a little different because you made several anti-hispanic posts as well. if you can dish it, you need to be able to take it, no matter how severe the comeback is 7/22/2008 6:15:02 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
double post: but anyhow I'll let it die here and take it as a lesson of tww. 7/22/2008 6:15:17 PM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
I live in "Heimey Town" but I work with a lot of "dirty illegal Mexicans"
I'm confused about how you want me to act, FopJew
am I supposed to do as you say or do as you do? 7/22/2008 6:39:29 PM
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
hey bitch
if you're going to complain about shit like this
don't talk about fucking other peoples' moms. 7/28/2008 6:24:56 PM
TopJew Suspended 445 Posts user info edit post |
you tubby piece of shit, how dare you threaten me over the web. 7/28/2008 7:22:44 PM