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Thots and Prayers
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yeah graduating in 4 years is like leaving the bar at 11

7/25/2008 12:24:35 AM

All American
63556 Posts
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oh you don't even have your degree yet?

enough with the judgments then, you cunt

7/25/2008 12:24:50 AM

All American
20699 Posts
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Quote :
"not one to brag about drinking"

7/25/2008 12:25:32 AM

All American
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I had a good time getting stupid drunk at a gay bar in Asheville too

I had a fifth of Knob Creek in my pocket and I kept having to "tie my shoe" under the bar

threw up in front of a bunch of cops and passed out wedged between a bathtub and the door... then in a bed with another dude and a girl - she couldn't stand all of the snoring so she slept on (her) couch and I woke up getting dude-spooned with an awful hangover

not the first time I've woken up in those circumstances

7/25/2008 12:30:23 AM

All American
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Amen, Bobby.... Preach it brotha'

7/25/2008 12:30:55 AM

All American
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this really should be a "confession"

but fuck it

i had my first "random makeout with photography" session at a bar on hillsborough st

not during the 5 years i was at NC State

but like 2 months ago

incidentally...the first documented case of beer goggles


7/25/2008 12:32:55 AM

All American
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snewf's stories, true or fabricated, make me laugh.

7/25/2008 12:34:30 AM

All American
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why the fuck wouldn't they be true?

I don't get why some people refuse to believe me... I only relate things as I experienced them

7/25/2008 12:35:26 AM

All American
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Yeah...I wish I could shorten my stories up like Snewf.

I give too much detail.

7/25/2008 12:36:20 AM

147487 Posts
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i cant really think of any drunken milestones i've had...i do not drink often, i do not like drinking often, and i dont often do anything worthy of a milestone while drunk

7/25/2008 12:36:31 AM

All American
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Hence your SN, for sure

7/25/2008 12:37:30 AM

All American
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no the detail is good

and in person I tell long, complex and rambling anecdotes

I've just developed a more clipped style of prose for TWW

7/25/2008 12:38:22 AM

All American
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For TWW has the patience of a 5-year-old.

7/25/2008 12:40:29 AM

All American
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I think ReceiveDeath borrows my spacing but he might overuse it... I use the ellipsis too, ya know?

7/25/2008 12:41:48 AM

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^^^^is your sn a misnomer too?

7/25/2008 12:42:15 AM

All American
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Nope - What my ex of 6 years called me @ the time of my registration

Boring, really

7/25/2008 12:43:09 AM

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edit post to be)sent

7/25/2008 12:44:43 AM

All American
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come on man, don't you know john travolta and his squad of scientologists will fuck you up if you mess with this adorable daughter of Xenu

leave her alone

7/25/2008 12:47:11 AM

All American
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I can do small stories.

I've peed on people...twice. Not necessarily on purpose.

I woke up once and thought that a girl sleeping on a recliner was actually a toilet. She woke up...I finished...then I fell asleep on the couch while she tried to clean up. She actually thought I was her boyfriend who was sleeping on the other couch...apparently that was a habit of his...

2nd pee story won't be told...

7/25/2008 12:50:03 AM

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^^hey we have pm'ed before ok

7/25/2008 12:50:41 AM

All American
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the unabridged version

but here goes:

a couple people i work with and i are out at 5 o'Clock late one wednesday evening. my friend syphax sees me looking at the two girls in the bar (a thin one, and a not-as-thin one) who are surrounded by a circle of around 8 dudes.

he says "which one you want?"

i say "the one in the blue..."

he says "i gotcha"

and wanders through the crowd to the skinny girl and whispers in her ear. she walks over and sits in my lap, puts her arm around me and says "your friend says you need cheering up. how come?"

i looked at her and replied, "doesn't matter at all right now. what is your name?"

we have a trivial, drunk introduction in which i seized up after the basics were over. she walked off to rejoin her friends. syphax13 again walks up to her and this time i hear him:

"my friend's a little shy. just go up and kiss him."

she shoots him a surprised look, the childish "oooOOOOooo" sounds from a few of those around her, and she walks up on me and kisses me without speaking.

it was like the back of the movie theatre when you're twelve all of a sudden. the heat, the grabbing the back of the head, the biting of the lips. even the cheap feel. (drunk... ) all wonderful. except, you've been caught by about 5-10 drunk, 25-year-olds with digital cameras in their cell phones who are lighting you up like brangelina.


brought to you by: cddweller

[Edited on July 25, 2008 at 12:56 AM. Reason : ...don't know his tww]

7/25/2008 12:56:07 AM

All American
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Ouch. Finally getting over the effects from last night. Long night that ended with me sleeping on the wooden hallway in front of a friend's place from about 4am to 9am.

Most uncomfortable 5 hours of sleep ever.

7/31/2008 4:24:58 PM

All American
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oh man where to begin

i'll start with my 21st

started early, like 1 pm the day of...went downtown to el rodeo, one of the guys that works there gives us a deal where we buy one pitcher and I get one we had about 4 pitchers probably, by the time I leave the restaurant I am already hammered. I see a buddy of mine and goes and buys me a steel reserve and I drink it on the street. a little later we head to go see Brooks aka Schlonger perform at the pour house. EVERYONEEE there was buying me drinks some of the worst you can think of, the 4 horsemen and whatever, I was downing them like champs.

I think I remember about 2 songs into the set Brooks was playing, apparently from the stories, I tried to dance with a midget who was not having it, she was pissed. Then I proceeded to jump on the stage when he asked about birthdays and like 5 peoples hand shot up other than mine, but I didnt care, and one of the funniest bits I stole the bass guitarist beer and drank it right on stage in front of him and he didnt care, then took a bottle of water from the drummer. Those guys are champs for letting me do that.

I dont remember anything but they threw me in the back of a pickup on the way home, took my shirt off and I wound up at the house covered in vomit. I dont remember waking up because I was still so drunk but remember the later part of the next day at downtown live, i went about 24 hours being completely trashed.

the other time I was dressed as JacK sparrow running around drinking all the rum I could find and asking why is the rum gone, ended up falling in teh bushes at an apt complex, didnt walk down the stairs, i fell down and meant to...and slept in my 2 seater car where the seats dont go back, all dressed like a pirate.

the worst idea was drinking diesel when i was a freshmen
we went to a ton of parties i dont remember, danced with girls on a coffee table and broke the table, went to another house and stole their keg from the backyard, saw brooks again, hmm weird how he keeps popping up and walked to my ex gf's house and proceeded to proclaim my love for her...went with some friends to city limits...couldnt walk without help, was dancing with two girls and a buddy was with me who was just as trashed...we both looked at each other at the same time and said "what do these girls look like?" and they are rightttt in front of us, could hear it no doubt so i just reply with I was gonna ask you the same thing, who cares, its booty.

and then it went from there, dunno how i pulled myself together that night.

thats the main ones, im sure there are more that I dont think live up to making friends with a psycho with a knife threatening to stab everyone at some party

yea, fun times

[Edited on July 31, 2008 at 4:55 PM. Reason : PUKE AND RALLY!]

7/31/2008 4:53:59 PM

All American
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^^ how was the bar? and by the bar i mean bar exam. not the bar(s) you got wasted at post hell on earth test.

7/31/2008 5:00:27 PM

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does driving successfully after drinking 16 beers count?

what about speeding up a parking deck and hitting a car or 2?

or that time i was drunk and got beer googles?

or that time i kicked 6 holes in the wall

7/31/2008 5:05:31 PM

All Amurican
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ooh ooh ooh! I have a good one.

I didn't do a whole bunch of the stupid drunk shit at State like most of my friends there... but I had a good 3 or 4 moments to shine like the drunken star I know deep down I truly am.

Here's a favorite: Tailgating for a game my last semester, I got uber-drunk long before the game even started. Before half-time, I was passed out cold on the first row behind our end zone. People in the stands all around were apparently screaming at me to wake up and what not... Not my finest moment.

my buddy Austin saw me from a few rows up and decided he couldn't resist:

7/31/2008 5:08:18 PM

All American
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oh god i've fallen on/off/down the bleachers so many times. drunken dehydration ftl.

[Edited on July 31, 2008 at 5:14 PM. Reason : but never passed out on them!!! gg ]

7/31/2008 5:13:43 PM

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i like aea's hair

7/31/2008 5:14:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"how was the bar? and by the bar i mean bar exam. not the bar(s) you got wasted at post hell on earth test."

Pretty dreadful. 18 hours of testing for three days straight. South Carolina is mean.

8/1/2008 10:02:15 AM

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