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All American
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8/4/2008 2:07:57 PM

All American
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8/4/2008 2:16:43 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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Quote :
""They had to use the jaws of life to extract him from the vehicle," McFerrin said. "He was lucid, conscious. He was talking, joking with some of the rescue workers at one point.""

that's the morgan freeman i know and love.

8/4/2008 2:19:01 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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Quote :
"He was talking, joking with some of the rescue workers at one point"


8/4/2008 2:20:02 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"vinylbandit is on a roll today."

8/4/2008 2:20:18 PM

35780 Posts
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what if Morgan Freeman was getting road head when this happened?

that would be high-larious

8/4/2008 2:20:25 PM

68205 Posts
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and Christina Applegate has breast cancer

8/4/2008 2:20:44 PM

All American
6307 Posts
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I was just saying yesterday how awesome Morgan Freeman is. I hope he's ok.

8/4/2008 2:20:54 PM

147487 Posts
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i say hes awesome like once a week

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 2:25 PM. Reason : .]

8/4/2008 2:24:55 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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Hoping for a speedy recovery. He's definitely one of my favorite actors (and narrators, for that matter.)

8/4/2008 2:28:54 PM

All American
8094 Posts
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I hope it's not a Batman curse

8/4/2008 3:49:02 PM

6999 Posts
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white people love him

8/4/2008 3:59:19 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I hope he has a good bucket list.

8/4/2008 4:00:17 PM

45208 Posts
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8/4/2008 4:00:49 PM

147487 Posts
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white people love everybody lol

8/4/2008 4:01:30 PM

1080 Posts
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Quote :
"There's nothing wrong with being rich and famous and driving a sensible, older car <3"

Nothing sensible about him driving this car. In fact, its pretty stupid. What is he trying to prove? Sure he doesn't have to have a 100,000 dollar car because flashy is not the issue here, its safety so driving an older car like this when you have more than enough money to buy a safe car is flatout dumb. I hate to be harsh but a 60k performance car (bmw,mercedeez) wouldn't have flipped as easily...

Its always a shame when people get injured but its really a shame when peoples injuries could have easily been prevented or lessened if they didn't made the right decisions.

8/4/2008 4:03:24 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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someone found his loom stitching!

8/4/2008 4:04:33 PM

6999 Posts
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i didnt think that the safety of a 97 Nissan was that big of a concern

Morgan freeman being a wealthy man probably actually maintains that car pretty fuckin well

8/4/2008 4:04:56 PM

All American
3129 Posts
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Quote :
"Williams said Freeman was driving a 1997 Nissan Maxima that belonged to Demaris Meyer, who was sitting in the passenger's seat,"

according to fox news

8/4/2008 7:10:54 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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morgan jackin cars

8/4/2008 7:11:21 PM

All American
34244 Posts
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he was sitting up and talking in his hospital room.

8/4/2008 7:18:20 PM

12921 Posts
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nightly news said he is expected to make a full recovery

8/4/2008 7:19:35 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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they wouldn't let him die, he's a national treasure

8/4/2008 7:25:01 PM

All American
7911 Posts
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Morgan Freeman dead at 71

8/4/2008 7:26:06 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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you're an asshole

8/4/2008 7:29:14 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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^^ Suspend.

8/4/2008 11:27:56 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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Quote :
"i think my line in the mary-kate thread is better"

it was

but this one was still pretty good

8/4/2008 11:30:33 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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Quote :
"Because he's black?"

He was probably driving it because it was mechanically sound, low mileage, and veiwed it as a tool rather than status symbol. It would be a waste of money to buy a newer one, when he could spend it on his sail boat (if you didn't know, he's got a hella nice yacht and is a hell of a sailor).

[Edited on August 4, 2008 at 11:31 PM. Reason : I bet it looked new too]

8/4/2008 11:30:41 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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why didnt he save his money and buy an older boat then?

FAILURE arguement

8/4/2008 11:34:39 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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pics or it didnt happen

8/4/2008 11:39:30 PM

All American
16764 Posts
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8/4/2008 11:45:27 PM

All American
4812 Posts
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no way he was driving that car

8/4/2008 11:46:39 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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thats the fuckin dumest motovational poster ive ever seen

8/4/2008 11:46:58 PM

All American
4812 Posts
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what is this from?

8/5/2008 12:05:48 AM

All American
21537 Posts
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MORGAN FREEMAN DON'T YOU uhh get divorced from me (?)

Quote :
"Lawyer: Morgan Freeman, wife getting divorced

Story Highlights-
Actor, wife of 24 years Myrna Colley-Lee getting divorced, lawyer said

Actor veered off the road Sunday a few miles from his home in Mississippi

Car belonged to passenger Demaris Meyer, 48, of Memphis, Tennessee

Rescuers used a jaws-of-life machine to free Freeman and Meyer

JACKSON, Mississippi (AP) -- Morgan Freeman's lawyer says the actor and his wife of 24 years are getting a divorce.

A hospital spokeswoman said Wednesday that actor Morgan Freeman was still listed in serious condition.

Freeman's lawyer, Bill Luckett, told the Memphis Commercial-Appeal newspaper that the divorce action is pending. Freeman's wife is Myrna Colley-Lee.

The lawyer declined to provide details. There was no answer early Thursday at phone numbers for Luckett or for Freeman's publicist.

The 71-year-old actor is recovering in a Memphis hospital after a car crash in neighboring Mississippi on Sunday left him with a broken arm, broken elbow and shoulder damage.

The woman who was injured along with Freeman in the car accident apparently is a friend of the Oscar-winning actor who had offered him a ride home, a crash witness says.

Freeman was driving a 1997 Nissan Maxima that authorities said belongs to Demaris Meyer, 48, of Memphis, Tennesee, when the car veered off a rural road Sunday night a few miles from Freeman's home in the Mississippi Delta. The car flipped at least twice.

Bill Rogers, a retired police officer who was the first person to arrive at the scene, said a dazed Freeman told him that he and Meyer were headed to his home in Charleston, a small town some 90 miles south of Memphis.

"He said that she had offered him a ride home; that they were friends and she had offered him a ride home and she didn't really know the way and so he was going to drive the vehicle," Rogers said Tuesday, recalling a conversation he had with the actor.

Luckett told the Commercial Appeal newspaper that Meyer is the actor's friend.

Rogers said he talked to Freeman and Meyer in attempt to keep them conscious -- something he was trained to do as a police officer.

"They said they were coming from Clarksdale," Rogers said.

Freeman owns several businesses in Clarksdale, about 40 miles from his home, including the Ground Zero Blues Club and a restaurant named Madidi. Ashley Norris, the club's manager, said Wednesday that Freeman had not been there the night of the accident. No one answered the phone at Madadi.

Rescuers used a jaws-of-life machine to free "The Dark Knight" star and Meyer from the wreckage. Freeman was airlifted to the Regional Medical Center in Memphis, Tennessee.

Hospital spokeswoman Kathy Stringer said Wednesday that Freeman had been upgraded to fair condition. The actor had surgery Monday to reconnect nerves and repair damage to his left arm and hand, according to his publicist, Donna Lee. Lee said Freeman will make a full recovery.

Hospital officials say Meyer isn't listed in the hospital's registry. However, under medical privacy laws, people can request that their names not be listed as patients at a hospital.

A Mississippi Highway Patrol officer said Meyer was in the Tennessee hospital when the agency called to see how she and Freeman were doing Monday night.

Calls to Meyer's home Wednesday were not answered. Her condition was not immediately available. Rogers said Meyer did not appear to be injured as severely as Freeman.

Not much is known about Meyer. Rogers said she appeared to be an avid gardener -- a hobby reportedly enjoyed by Freeman and his wife -- because several gardening tools were flung around the accident scene when the car's trunk was ripped open by the impact.

Freeman won an Oscar for his role in "Million Dollar Baby." His screen credits also include "Driving Miss Daisy" and "The Bucket List.""


[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 1:22 PM. Reason : add source link Ø]

8/7/2008 1:21:48 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"Not much is known about Meyer. Rogers said she appeared to be an avid gardener -- a hobby reportedly enjoyed by Freeman and his wife -- because several gardening tools were flung around the accident scene when the car's trunk was ripped open by the impact."

8/7/2008 1:23:58 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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but the pie tin was completely unharmed

8/7/2008 1:24:43 PM

All American
4030 Posts
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it's like two articles in one

8/7/2008 1:25:30 PM

All American
5405 Posts
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^^^ Wanted

the loom that tells bitches to kill bitches


8/7/2008 1:25:46 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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Hmm, half dead and divorced, this week's not going too well for him so far.

8/7/2008 1:27:12 PM

63151 Posts
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morgan freeman is having the best week ever!


8/7/2008 1:27:50 PM

All American
3229 Posts
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8/7/2008 10:52:54 PM

4375 Posts
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stay in there

8/7/2008 10:55:22 PM

All American
25272 Posts
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8/7/2008 11:09:04 PM

All American
24415 Posts
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They like to call me Crazy Joe,

now they can call me Bat Man.

8/7/2008 11:10:53 PM

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