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All American
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get a bunch of TWWers to stand outside on the sidewalk with a posterboard and have them spell out


8/5/2008 9:24:40 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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"The first thing to do is NOT ACT LIKE OTHER

Don't kiss up to women and don't
GIVE THEM YOUR POWER. In other words, hold
yourself and communicate like you are in complete
control of yourself and your surroundings... and
like nothing she does can upset you."

So don't compliment her, and don't do anything indicating you're not confident as a person or confident about the situation.

8/5/2008 9:24:52 PM

32613 Posts
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act like an asshole. hell, you might as well just tell her when you're going to pick her up.

8/5/2008 9:25:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Leave out the "i know this is coming off as a little strange".

It indicated you're not confident.

Women can smell weakness, and they don't like it.

it doesn't indicate weakness. you can qualify a statement by acknowledging that it's awkward and then powering through it. affability is one of the most desireable traits in either sex. if you can say "hey, i know this is against social norms but I'm gonna fuckin do it anyway" you're obviously a bit more confident about the outcome than those who wouldn't acknowledge it to begin with.

8/5/2008 9:26:12 PM

All American
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lol she works in a grocery store.

8/5/2008 9:26:36 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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ask Amsterdam718

8/5/2008 9:26:37 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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your first mistake was asking TWW dudes for advice on asking out IRL chicks

8/5/2008 9:27:20 PM

All American
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8/5/2008 9:28:00 PM

All American
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8/5/2008 9:28:12 PM

All American
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fill your cart with some cook-for-her-at-home stuff and go to her and ask "what else would you like on our date tonight?"

8/5/2008 9:28:35 PM

All American
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^ that would be g.

execpt then i'd be like "uhh, so do you by chance know how to cook?"

8/5/2008 9:29:12 PM

All American
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i don't think she is gonna want lunchables and capri sun

8/5/2008 9:29:19 PM

Bee Hugger
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give me the all you want, but you know I'm right

8/5/2008 9:29:46 PM

All American
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duh, more upperclass stuff
like hot pockets

8/5/2008 9:29:46 PM

All American
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hot SUBS

8/5/2008 9:30:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you can qualify a statement by acknowledging that it's awkward and then powering through it."

As a woman, I think it's normal for a guy to ask for your phone number at work, at the grocery store, at a bar, anywhere. It's not awkward, it happens all the time.

I don't think it's necessary to say that asking a woman out, no matter where she is, is awkward. Maybe it's awkward for the particular dude, but asking women out comes naturally to confident guys if they want the woman enough. They'd be comfortable asking a chick out anywhere, and that's what women want IMO.

8/5/2008 9:30:43 PM

All American
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^^^^^ well its 50/50

if she's 16 then...

8/5/2008 9:30:52 PM

All American
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honest advice coming, be prepared for a lack of sarcasm and assholishness usually present in my posts.

here is how you do it.

you: Hi, my name is Chris. her: nice to meet you etc. you: i was wondering if i could buy you lunch, maybe get to know you a little better - are you free (insert day/time here)? at this point she will either say yes, no, or she has a boyfriend. if she says yes, reply "great!" and figure out phone numbers etc. and then leave smiling. otherwise, if she says no for any reason, extract as quickly as possible, and above all remain calm with a pleasant expression on your face and leave with dignity. do not beg. with this approach you can perhaps try again in a few weeks with better results, having handled yourself like an adult the first time.

8/5/2008 9:42:09 PM

All American
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First date should always be coffee or tea

You can turn it into a meal if you hit it off

If not, easy escape and it costs less than 10 bucks

8/5/2008 9:43:49 PM

All American
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first date lunch can be really cheap/under 10 bucks as well. it's not like you need to eat ruth chris on day one.

eating lunch instead of just drinking tea allows her to see you tip well, eat with good table manners, pull out her chair, open the door for her, pick up the check, etc.

8/5/2008 9:45:24 PM

All American
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dude if she works in a grocery store, she's 16.

8/5/2008 9:46:51 PM

All American
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True. All the players don't recommend first date as a meal. Gives the girl too much power because she sees you will buy her shit.

8/5/2008 9:47:09 PM

All American
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^lunch isn't 'buying her shit' - you do that at the mall - food is providing
^^that also means she prolly doesn't have a boyfriend
who dates a player anyways

8/5/2008 9:47:34 PM

All American
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Vix has posted some pretty good information. I think you should take her advice.

8/5/2008 9:49:19 PM

12280 Posts
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you are Walls1441 on TWW...she is definitely out of your league.

and on that note...i'll start the bidding at 300.

8/5/2008 9:50:13 PM


15145 Posts
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alright, well I don't know your situation, but there's a often held rule that you don't ask people out when meeting them in a capacity where they're paid to talk to you. Because generally, their behavior does not indicate any attraction towards you, probably have no interest, and are probably more annoyed/scared by the fact that you ask than flattered.

Moving on to how to ask...
While this whole thing looks like failure... I'd take Vix's advice. But you should really have some... capability to communicate before going for it. Then actually asking should be easy/obvious. Don't commodify the fact that she's an apparently available and okay looking girl by going "wow, I'm nervous do you want to go on a date?" Of course, it's fine to make it somewhat obvious that you're interested romantically so she can give an answer and be done with it. But then again, since you don't know her, there's no other reason you would be asking her out for coffee or something, so don't even bother with this point.

So hurry up, ask, get shot down, and post results.

If she says yes, she's probably 16.

8/5/2008 9:53:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"food is providing"

You don't want to be labeled a provider initially. The players say women place you in the "wussy provider" category or "hot guy I want to bwn and am uncontrollably attracted to" at first.

Be in the second category first, move into the other category later.

8/5/2008 9:53:53 PM

12280 Posts
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Vix speaks the truth.

8/5/2008 9:54:35 PM

All American
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whatever i'll go back in a few days and just ask her.

8/5/2008 10:04:51 PM

All American
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my prediction is she'll say she has a boyfriend

unknown whether 'tis true

8/5/2008 10:16:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You don't want to be labeled a provider initially. The players say women place you in the "wussy provider" category or "hot guy I want to bwn and am uncontrollably attracted to" at first.

Be in the second category first, move into the other category later."

you're retarded. if everyone took your advice and became sportfucking players there would be a lot of fatherless children out there as a result of not getting to know someone before giving them the most intimate thing you have to offer.

fuck listening to a player's advice. they play women, that's why they're called players. real men buy women dinner, open doors, act politely, and don't do anything you just suggested.

8/5/2008 10:17:50 PM

All American
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^^ yeah i'm pretty sure thats what she's going to say.

i hope she's not lying if she says that. girls who are afraid to reject people ftl.

8/5/2008 10:18:57 PM

All American
10849 Posts
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Just tell her you caught her an enormous bass.

8/5/2008 11:04:05 PM

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ask if she knows hot dog cart girl

8/5/2008 11:04:45 PM

All American
4169 Posts
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Ummm, flirt with her? After going in there a few times and flirting with her, you should be able to tell what her answer will be before you ask it. Otherwise, listen to Vix.

8/5/2008 11:11:31 PM

All American
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i'm only here for 2 more weeks lol, is it a douche move to still ask her out?

8/5/2008 11:28:39 PM

All American
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yes, don't do it and you will thank me later

8/5/2008 11:31:00 PM

All American
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Having only read the initial post....

When its random...which it seems like it is in your situation...I like to start with...

"I usually don't do this...but...would you like to get a drink or grab a bite to eat sometime??" Simple. Harmless. To the point. She says say..."okay...I just had to ask" or something along those lines.

If you're a pussy and want to take your time...then start with getting her name. I don't know what kind of "store" this is...but try to start some sort of conversation...even if its something that's only going to last a few seconds (like..."man...its really coming down hard out there"...or..."man, its ridiculously hot outside" just have to get SOMETHING out there) at the end of the convo you can say..."by the name is 'john'" And she should introduce herself...then you can work from there.

Keep that going every time you come in there and then you can feel comfortable with saying something like..."So what do you having going on this weekend Sarah? Yeah, well, you want to meet up for a drink?"

That's not too different from the first "random" ask out...but at least you don't feel as creepy because you've "known" her for a little while. But at the same time it might make you feel a little worse if she turns you down.

Good luck by the way. I don't see this working out.

8/6/2008 12:16:47 AM

All American
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man the fuck up and say "yo, let's go get coffee sometime."

8/6/2008 12:18:22 AM

All American
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Quote :
"fuck listening to a player's advice."

Hey now, I'm just offering advice as to how to make women attracted to you.

Both players and guys looking for a long-time girl need to create attraction in women before they can get the girls number, etc.

8/6/2008 12:28:20 AM

All American
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if you're good to a girl

and she bolts

then she's a bitch who will either die alone or suffer the consequences of future divorce, single motherhood, and all that lifetime after school movie shit. look at the numbers, yo.

sure, be a player. fuck 'em and leave 'em. those are the quality girls, right? hell, give 'em HPV if you can. just make sure you bolt. Then, when they get tired of the rat race and want to settle down, and i mean SETTLE down, every decent dude will take one look at their sketchy ass past and be like "be gone hooker. get the fuck on." They'll marry a Chet or a Rosco, have little shits that struggle through life wondering why their parents were so selfish, and in the end, they'll look back on their life wondering what they did wrong... it's a shame but that happens...

either that or they'll find Jesus or some shit and proudly declare themselves a "good person" because they started going to church.


find someone who appreciates you for you, be good to her, and live happily ever after. if this girl does, hell yeah man, gg. if not, fuck it, dude. find someone better. if she's gonna be walking talking cunt, then you don't need her anyways.

find your dream girl, and go live a happy life.

the only one that can keep that from happening is you.

8/6/2008 12:38:51 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Good luck by the way. I don't see this working out."

thats kind of what i like about it, i don't even know her fucking name so i have nothing to lose.

not like some girl i've been friends with forever and then it turns into one of those awkward situations.

8/6/2008 12:39:48 AM

All American
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Just go for it.

Good luck.

8/6/2008 12:44:40 AM

All American
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yeah i already said i was gonna do that shit but i'm ignoring all the advice in this shit hole.

8/6/2008 12:47:03 AM

All American
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take some spy photos, DnL style

8/6/2008 1:00:01 AM

All American
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you guys will probably say she's mediocre.

i tend to be abstracted to weird lookin people.

8/6/2008 1:02:32 AM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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Quote :
"i tend to be abstracted to weird lookin people."

8/6/2008 1:06:25 AM

All American
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haha i i typed like 3 different things before erasing half of that sentence.

fuck i'm worse than jen.

[Edited on August 6, 2008 at 1:08 AM. Reason : lets just pretend like that said attracted ]

8/6/2008 1:07:45 AM

All American
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just tell her that whenever you see her in the store that you get a little chubby just talking to her and that many times you go straight home and masturbate furiously while imagining her on all fours in the stockroom of the grocery store.

8/6/2008 1:20:54 AM

All American
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8/6/2008 1:21:57 AM

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