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All American
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8/7/2008 7:11:02 PM

All American
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I was afriad of clowns and "Thriller".
I was afraid to get in the shower when my parents weren't home bc I was afraid if someone broke into the house I'd be trapped (still have that fear, just deal with it better)
and I was afraid of car lights when they came through my bedroom window at night and made weird shapes on the walls

8/7/2008 7:17:37 PM

All American
640 Posts
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E.T. and Gremlins. But only the gremlins EPs that came in the Hardee's kids meals.

8/7/2008 7:57:20 PM

1538 Posts
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As a child I was scared to ride in a car on a bridge over a body of water. I was always afraid we would get to the top and the bridge would collapse.

8/7/2008 8:06:13 PM

All American
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large marge

8/7/2008 8:15:46 PM

All American
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ET was a scary motherfucker. He had the scariest voice imaginable.

8/7/2008 8:30:44 PM

All American
39567 Posts
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Quote :
"As a child I was scared to ride in a car on a bridge over a body of water. I was always afraid we would get to the top and the bridge would collapse."

i still get anxious on bridges

8/7/2008 8:50:05 PM

4549 Posts
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^^^omf, that is the #1 shit i remember being scared of.

that, and the fact that i always felt like a pussy for not being able to watch the freddy/friday the 13th movies. my friends always bragged about watching them.

8/7/2008 8:53:35 PM

143 Posts
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manholes, i always thought monsters lived under the streets and came up out of them at night

8/7/2008 9:14:28 PM

All American
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i thought they were awesome since the ninja turtles lived in the sewers and all

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 9:24 PM. Reason : COWABUNGA]

8/7/2008 9:20:24 PM

All American
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oh i was afraid of bridges also. since we lived on the coast of florida we were driving on bridges daily to get around & i would always have nightmares about the 520 bridge from cocoa to merritt island where half the bridge would be out and we'd have to try and make it to the other side without crashing into the water
some of the on/off ramps of 540 even creep me out now
i shiver at the thought

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 9:25 PM. Reason : ]

8/7/2008 9:24:53 PM

All American
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I don't know when or why it started, but I used to have this fear that Freddy Krueger would jump out and get me whenever I flushed the toilet. So whenever I pushed the lever, I'd run like a Kenyan.

8/7/2008 9:41:53 PM

Bee Hugger
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i still can't sleep with the closet door open. I see things in there when i am half asleep and wig the fuck out. been that way since I was really little

8/7/2008 9:43:43 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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tent revivals (my mom said I cried and cried and wanted to know what "all the hollering" was about at the tent in the parking lot across from where we were getting ice cream that day )
forklifts or farm equipment

8/7/2008 10:37:07 PM

All American
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going out in public

8/7/2008 10:43:22 PM

All American
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i had to fast forward though the scary part of e.t. (when he get ssick and the men in white suits come)

the scary part of swiss family robinson (pirates attacking)

and the scary part of sleeping beauty (dragon fight)

and chucky because i accidentally saw part of a chucky movie one halloween. i put all my dolls away

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 10:44 PM. Reason : .]

8/7/2008 10:44:15 PM

All American
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the dark (still kinda freaked out about the dark)
a loud, flushing commercial toilet still makes me high-step it out of the bathroom
any kind of scary movie "thing"

8/7/2008 11:05:37 PM

23634 Posts
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I had nightmares about him.

8/7/2008 11:09:27 PM

All American
17555 Posts
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Quote :
"a loud, flushing commercial toilet still makes me high-step it out of the bathroom"

8/7/2008 11:21:01 PM

All American
5503 Posts
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and also

8/7/2008 11:23:13 PM

All American
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grey aliens

8/7/2008 11:28:21 PM

All American
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the brahma bull in the window at night glowing red eyes. FUCK.

Our neighbors lived down a hill from us out in the country. I was in the yard playing one day and my mom was hanging up laundry or something and Tommy, the neighbor called and told us to run inside, there was a big ass brahma bull tromping through his backyard and was moving towards the hill. My mom grabbed me and ran inside. So my dad comes home and tells me the bull was gonna come up to my window next to my bed at night and his eyes would be glowing red.

I still occasionally imagine red eyes (of anything, not just the bull) in the window when it's dark

Oh and "big yellow diggers" at construction sites. I saw a cartoon where one had these angry eyes and teeth and was eating stuff and dancing and talking all mean. I would hide when we drove by.

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 11:30 PM. Reason : ]

8/7/2008 11:29:00 PM

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bees or stinging bugs...not as bad as i was when i was a kid but i still hate them

8/7/2008 11:31:25 PM

All American
8094 Posts
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Dark, X-Files, America's Most Wanted

8/7/2008 11:38:51 PM

4549 Posts
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i was totally obsessed with unsolved mysteries as a kid, and even though i loved the alien stories, i would totally get creeped out sometimes and feel like someone was watching me.

i am so fucking bitter that it only plays on lifetime anymore, and they pretty much only play the episodes that are girly emotional family lost loved ones stories.

8/7/2008 11:53:29 PM

Zinc Saucier
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Evil fat bitch. Those little brown things she turned people into were even worse.


hand blow dryers
the dark
cranky fat women
any cartoon where a character's voice would sound demonic as the morphed into a huge creature
oh yeah the unsolved mysteries theme music

[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 11:54 PM. Reason : .]

8/7/2008 11:53:37 PM

All American
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[Edited on August 7, 2008 at 11:55 PM. Reason : .]

8/7/2008 11:54:54 PM

All American
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8/7/2008 11:57:34 PM

All American
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8/7/2008 11:58:37 PM

All American
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Oh yeah, I was scared for my life at the thought of Freddy.

8/8/2008 12:01:16 AM

All American
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When I had migraines I'd sleep a lot between seizures, and after recovery my sleeping schedule was thrown off, so I'd stay up at night with my dad watching movies. One time Freddy was on and I was still a little queazy... definately did not help my situation.

8/8/2008 12:07:35 AM

All American
10527 Posts
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drains- pool drains, shower drains, drains in the womens bathroom
somone was going to creep up the stairs. Laid in bed many a night thinking somone was comming to get me bc our stairs creeked

8/8/2008 12:15:07 AM

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8/8/2008 12:15:38 AM

All American
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8/8/2008 3:53:20 PM

All American
4127 Posts
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real young - the cookie monster (used to imagine him nine feet tall walking through my room)

young adolescent - freakin' aliens - they were everywhere on tv shows, movies, and documentaries

i was sure i was gonna get abducted

8/8/2008 4:03:13 PM

All American
25459 Posts
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I used to have a nightmare that involved a thunderstorm and a Pizza Hut sign.

8/8/2008 4:04:47 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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people in costumes

the concept of yoda in person (there was a restaurant in SC called yoder's and i heard "yoda's" and thought he'd be there and poke me with a stick and make me eat porridge and freaked the fuck out)

8/8/2008 4:13:34 PM

All American
5913 Posts
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Large Marge
Capt. Lou Albano

8/8/2008 4:14:41 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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the snuggle bear

i thought that thing was gonna come alive and fuck me up in my sleep

8/8/2008 4:14:56 PM

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