Fareako Shitter Pilot 10238 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Nope, the more religious chick will expect complete commitment WITHOUT the sex. " |
[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 3:28 PM. Reason : two]
[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 3:29 PM. Reason : threve] 8/14/2008 3:28:17 PM
G.O.D hates 4 lokos 4694 Posts user info edit post |
marriage sounds scary. like alot of commitment to one person. verrrry verrry scary. 8/14/2008 3:45:16 PM
lewoods All American 3526 Posts user info edit post |
^ No shit. However the arrangement can be agreed upon with terms that make it much less scary.  8/14/2008 3:53:46 PM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Nope, the more religious chick will expect complete commitment WITHOUT the sex" |
i disagree. a more religious chick will take longer to bang, but she'll give you "The Splash" pussy cause she's trying to give the good pus to leave a lasting impression. after a shot of the religious VAG - you'll more than likely wife it. its religious, pious PUS and it doesn't have a lot of miles on it. 8/14/2008 4:31:51 PM
nastoute All American 31058 Posts user info edit post |
i seriously NEVER read this dude's posts in their entirety 8/14/2008 4:33:42 PM
absolutapril All American 8144 Posts user info edit post |
I married my best friend. He is amazing in some regards, yet he leaves his socks in the middle of the living room and it drives me insane. When we were dating I realized how much I loved him, but it wasn't until we started talking about family values and how we'd like to live our lives that I realized I wanted to marry him. He is the most supportive and loving person I have ever known (outside of my own mom) and he is ALWAYS there when I need him. I can't imagine life without him.
As for "level of craziness": if you use the word we instead of me and us instead of I...if you're willing to sacrifice something very dear to you for that person's happiness or wellbeing then that might be the person. 8/14/2008 5:15:46 PM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "spring water PUS" |
8/14/2008 5:20:38 PM
ShawnaC123 2019 Egg Champ 46681 Posts user info edit post |
Reading stuff like this solidifies my belief that I am never going to feel that way about anyone and no one is ever going to feel that way about me. 8/14/2008 5:33:48 PM
crackmonkey All American 2496 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "a more religious chick will take longer to bang, but she'll give you "The Splash" pussy cause she's trying to give the good pus to leave a lasting impression. after a shot of the religious VAG - you'll more than likely wife it. its religious, pious PUS and it doesn't have a lot of miles on it. " |
yep, my thoughts exactly 8/14/2008 5:37:48 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
same can be said for dudes that are not man whores 8/14/2008 5:39:18 PM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "its religious, pious PUS and it doesn't have a lot of miles on it." |
8/14/2008 5:59:13 PM
lewoods All American 3526 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i disagree. a more religious chick will take longer to bang, but she'll give you "The Splash" pussy cause she's trying to give the good pus to leave a lasting impression. after a shot of the religious VAG - you'll more than likely wife it. its religious, pious PUS and it doesn't have a lot of miles on it." |
And after the night you wife it, the pussy will go back into hiding only to be seen by the pool boy.
I have had religious friends, do not go down this path thinking you will get ANYTHING but the cold shoulder on the regular once she has that ring and your balls. 8/14/2008 6:33:47 PM
crackmonkey All American 2496 Posts user info edit post |
whatever... the religious girl has a lot of pent up sexual tension. Her husband will not leave the bedroom for the first month of marriage. She has years of sexual frustration to work off. 8/14/2008 6:37:21 PM
lewoods All American 3526 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, she'll be ready to go but very inexperienced. Few women are a true freak right out of the box and most need a lot of work and reassurance to make them a really fun time. Takes just the right guy to bring all that out. 8/14/2008 6:41:39 PM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
i guess balanced would be good. or someone similar to my dating background. but that could make her slutty. 8/18/2008 11:57:16 AM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
^^Yep, although religious pus is 100x's better on its own than an experienced pus. 8/18/2008 1:15:22 PM
Paul1984 All American 2855 Posts user info edit post |
It may have been stated before. But no matter how much sex you have now, no matter how much she lets you do, and no matter how hot it is, once your married you are going to get as much sex for the rest of your life as you used to get in a month. I know comedians joke about it, and sitcoms and it seems like a joke, but it's true, don't think you're going to escape it.
[Edited on August 18, 2008 at 1:41 PM. Reason : -] 8/18/2008 1:37:08 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
Sometimes its every day, sometimes its once a week but most of the time its up to me. 8/18/2008 1:38:34 PM
lewoods All American 3526 Posts user info edit post |
Guys are at least partially to blame for not keeping things interesting.
And by interesting I mean bring home a drunk barely legal chick and ask the wife who he's gonna fuck tonight, because it's gonna be one of the two women in the room.  8/18/2008 1:40:39 PM
Amsterdam718 All American 15134 Posts user info edit post |
but you'd be able to bust in the box. and that's a plus. i'm conflicted cause I don't think i'm really into having children, but maybe that'll change with marriage too. 8/18/2008 1:41:46 PM
skankinande All American 28213 Posts user info edit post |
Every now and then I think about pulling and spraying but its not worth the sensation loss. 8/18/2008 1:43:51 PM
lewoods All American 3526 Posts user info edit post |
Just man up and get snipped. Then you can bust wherever you want.
Anyone that trusts BC pills alone WANTS kids, I don't care what you say. The average use states are scary. 8/18/2008 1:58:45 PM