Lewizzle All American 14393 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The baby crying in the background makes it even better" |
8/17/2008 10:14:39 AM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
So gorillas/chimps/monkeys get pleasure from sexual dealins too eh?
I thought it was only dolphins and us. 
[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 10:29 AM. Reason : dfdf] 8/17/2008 10:28:43 AM
Snewf All American 63558 Posts user info edit post |
Taking pleasure in sex seems like a good trait to ensure reproduction. 8/17/2008 10:51:36 AM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
I googled and it seems only us, Bonobo monkeys, and dolphins actually get pleasure from sex.
Others simply do it for reproduction of their genes.
Booooor-ing! 8/17/2008 10:53:26 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
Dolphin porn ftw! 8/17/2008 11:07:43 AM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "So gorillas/chimps/monkeys get pleasure from sexual dealins too eh?" |
Quote : | "I googled and it seems only us, Bonobo monkeys, and dolphins actually get pleasure from sex.
Others simply do it for reproduction of their genes." |
Getting pleasure from some action is not the same thing as doing the action for the sake of pleasure.
Animal X might not have sex for pleasure only, but that doesn't mean that when it does have sex (for reproduction) it doesn't get pleasure from it.
I am sure all mammals and a ton of other vertebrates get pleasure from sex. How many do it just for pleasure without trying to reproduce... that's another question.
Haven't you heard about or seen videos of chimps masturbating? I have seen it in a zoo. Those chimps are fucking perverse and promiscuous. Heck, they even rape. Have you seen their balls... they are like oranges. Then it is us humans with medium-sized balls, and then you have gorillas with tiny testicles, hence their life-long faithfulness.
[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 11:21 AM. Reason : ] 8/17/2008 11:20:34 AM
cddweller All American 20699 Posts user info edit post |
But I've seen dogs masturbate too. 8/17/2008 11:22:29 AM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
haha, That's just what I read briefly on the internet. I meant they have sex just for fun and not to reproduce.
Bonobos have sex with the same gender and with multiple partners several times a day. All the daddies care for all the babies because they don't know which one is actually theirs. haha Sheeeeit. 8/17/2008 11:23:08 AM
0EPII1 All American 42569 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "All the daddies care for all the babies because they don't know which one is actually theirs." |
 8/17/2008 11:40:22 AM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
horny little fuckers 8/17/2008 11:41:13 AM