NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
if somebody gobbles up all the gas so your wife can't go anywhere, you're damn right you're gonna fight to get her some gas so that bitch will leave the fucking house
[can of worms] 8/15/2008 8:10:54 AM
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
Ok here is the deal... if bush wasn't in office i would be in the military but like most people in the military i wasn't going to do it to protect most of you assholes or your interests.. I'm not naive enough to believe that the real reason we're there. I was going to do it because it pays well, i thought it would be fun, i do not fear death, and i wanted to see countries that aren't tourist attractions. I know a lot of you are going to get all piss and go patriot on me but you do realize most of the military went there as a last resort before resorting to some sort of crime (or sometimes after) some went there as a way to pay for college but only a few went there with a noble heart and protecting this great nation of our in mind... That is why soo many whine when they get deployed... You've been collecting a paycheck to be ready for this for so long... please don't whine when you're asked to come good on that contract you signed.
Now if an enemy lands on our shores and attacks our country with a full blown army I'll enlist the day it happens. 8/15/2008 8:22:45 AM
hkrock All American 1014 Posts user info edit post |
^actually it's more like people are getting tired of being deployed 4, 5 or 6 times or for 15 months (or longer) a pop; see what that does for your personal life.
It's especially funny to hear someone say "You shouldn't whine about being deployed" and then "I would've joined the military but..." didn't.
Besides soldiers complain. It makes us happy. 8/15/2008 9:01:56 AM
Eulogist All American 6261 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, I have some respect for anyone who's been in the service, but it bothers me that the rational here is rooted in a weak metaphor about supporting your even if she's wrong. I mean, what happened to critical thought?
And then "the worst thing a man can do is nothing" What's the compulsion to fuck with things? You know a tenet of eastern philosophy is the ability to move through life without exacting an effect on the world. Read some Buddha, dawg.
Come to think of it, your rational mirrors that of the extremists pretty well.
[Edited on August 15, 2008 at 10:59 AM. Reason : *] 8/15/2008 10:53:34 AM