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Bee Hugger
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8/17/2008 1:47:02 PM

All American
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HAHAHAAH a little dachshund has owned the shit out of you.

It's a running joke around where I work, none of us fear a little dog, even the biters because it's easy to punt the shit out of them if they try anything. I don't understand how someone can little something that weighs less than 10lbs. bite you on several ocassions.

That dog would bite me maybe ONCE and that shit would be fixed YA HURD.

Now a 80lbs bulldog that pops metal doors off of kennels to attack is another thing.

8/17/2008 1:50:04 PM

All American
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at least her mom is smart enough to know which bitch she should keep around......

8/17/2008 1:54:35 PM

All American
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ha.. I know... I recorded what happened with my dog... but I can't upload it to youtube or google... neither will take the file...

It's 288mb's... google wants it under 100... but I don't have any editing software on my computer to shorten it

[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 1:59 PM. Reason : ...]

8/17/2008 1:55:07 PM

All American
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8/17/2008 1:55:35 PM

All American
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this dog better act the same as or worse than burger the fucking cat video

8/17/2008 1:57:25 PM

All American
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Next time the dog bites you, beat the living crap out of it. Repeat as necessary. It'll get the message eventually.

8/17/2008 2:13:25 PM

All American
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You are an adult living at home. Gotta put up with whatever shit gets thrown your way. If I had kids and they moved back home I'd give the dog the room and make them sleep on the couch.

BTW, this is your mom's way of telling you to GTFO.

Other than that, you need to show the dog who is boss in a NON violent way. Beating his ass will only confirm to him that you two interact through violence.

8/17/2008 2:47:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you need to show the dog who is boss in a NON violent way. Beating his ass will only confirm to him that you two interact through violence."

Non-violently feed him a lot of chocolate. Be sure to call him a good boy and scratch behind his ears while doing so. Once he understand that he can interact with you in a more loving, less violent way, he should climb up into your lap and just quietly, peacefully die. (or writhe in horrible pain, I don't really know how dogs die from chocolate.)

8/17/2008 2:56:51 PM

32613 Posts
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lol its just the caffeine they aren't suppose to have

replace chocolate with antifreeze

problem solved

8/17/2008 2:57:25 PM

All American
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Replace antifreeze with lava

problem solved and if you video tape it, it will be epic on youtube.

8/17/2008 3:04:25 PM

All American
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I was interested in this thread until I saw that you are talking about a wiener dog. Just kick it every time it acts aggressive to you.

And what if this were a dog that could actually fuck you up? I mean, you can act like the alpha male all you want, but won't a real dog fuck you up if you act aggressive towards it?

8/17/2008 3:54:46 PM

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not usually.

8/17/2008 3:55:21 PM

All American
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Dogs just want to know their place, whether it's alpha or somewhere lower they need to know their duty. If you don't show proper leadership the dog will take under himself to take over. Some are overly aggressive in doing so. In most cases simple dominance will solve these agressive issues though there are some that aren't "right"/"balanced" whatever that you need to be wary off. Just like humans.

Anyway, punt this shitcock to madagascar and I'm sure you'll have no more issues.

OR let it bite the fuck out of you so you piss your pants when it's wobbly 4"inch from the ground self walks into the room. HAHA

8/17/2008 4:00:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'd love to bitch slap him... and pound his head into the cement..."

Quote :
"If someone held him, I beat the shit out of him"

Quote :
"I don't like getting physically violent with people or creatures. It's not in my nature that's why when this dog attacked me, I ran. I don't fight or hit."

does not compute

8/17/2008 4:06:05 PM

All American
2710 Posts
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do this

8/17/2008 4:49:15 PM

All American
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What are you doing?

8/17/2008 4:50:00 PM

All American
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this is gay. a dog that small should not be intimidating a human being other than mini me or perhaps mr scrumples. grab that bitch by the back of the neck and pin it to the floor till it gets the fucking point.

ceasar knows whats up. he's the best baby. THE BEST. i still think he's queerbait though.

8/17/2008 5:04:57 PM

All American
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8/17/2008 5:05:55 PM

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8/17/2008 5:11:43 PM

All American
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8/17/2008 5:13:49 PM

All American
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^Hahah Agree. you need the dog whisperer and he is going to laugh a you.

You know, dogs smell fear.

[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 6:20 PM. Reason : note]

8/17/2008 6:18:35 PM

All American
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8/17/2008 6:19:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"after looking at that dog......................
carl face


at first i thought this would be about a pitbull

Quote :

[quote]quit acting like a bitch"

You people don't understand. This is a vicious hate-filled creature. He takes one look at me and is seized with an uncontrollable barking fit. He hates me. Don't let his size fool you. I've tried to kick him. He just latches onto my shoe with his razor sharp teeth. He is a little beast. I stay away. I live in fear. If you met him, you'd understand.

8/17/2008 7:18:28 PM

All American
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Dog: 1
crackmonkey: 0

8/17/2008 7:29:55 PM

Sup, B
53289 Posts
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you should be ashamed of yourself. getting beaten by a dog. put on a pair of jeans and work boots and GO TO TOWN

8/17/2008 7:31:15 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You people don't understand. This is a vicious hate-filled creature. He takes one look at me and is seized with an uncontrollable barking fit. He hates me. Don't let his size fool you. I've tried to kick him. He just latches onto my shoe with his razor sharp teeth. He is a little beast. I stay away. I live in fear. If you met him, you'd understand."

Then kick it with the other foot.

8/17/2008 7:40:33 PM

All American
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Haha, I worked for a vet for years and only have one small scar on my wrist from it. Handling that ball of hate is easy.

Get a slip lead, rope that thing and keep him at arm's length while you put him in a crate.

8/17/2008 7:48:35 PM

balls deep
89902 Posts
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you should try dry humping the dog

show him who's boss

8/17/2008 8:16:38 PM

All American
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8/17/2008 8:29:31 PM

All American
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1) get a stick
2) wait for the dog to get within reach
3) smack the dog over the head

[Edited on August 17, 2008 at 8:37 PM. Reason : 4) profit]

8/17/2008 8:37:01 PM

All American
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5) Repeat until dog is no longer moving.
6) Profit even more.

8/17/2008 8:45:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you should try dry humping the dog

show him who's boss "
Hahah, I've seen that happen between two females. It's funny as shit.

8/17/2008 8:47:46 PM


15145 Posts
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attn: puppy

8/17/2008 8:57:00 PM

All American
6985 Posts
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Try moving the fuck out of your mom's house. That might help.

8/17/2008 8:58:10 PM

BEUs Lady
All American
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a friend of mine had this devil cat... little bitch was like 20lbs and had no front claws. he was strong as shit though, so he would bite, grab with his front paws, and claw away with his back-- quick fucker!

one day, I didnt want to fucking play and he didnt get the hint when I was swatting at him to go away... so I flicked the fucker in the nose! got his ass good and he just ran to the other side of the room and stared me down. got the job done

8/17/2008 9:06:13 PM

All American
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this is really too funny...

for real... grow some balls... wear gloves, boots, thick jeans if you have too...but get your hands on this mutt and put him in his place.

8/17/2008 9:07:27 PM

All American
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^you are mean

8/17/2008 9:07:31 PM

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I've already tried explaining it--until the dog KNOWS you are NOT scared of it, it will continue to act this way..why? because it can.

if you aren't going to dominate it, it's going to dominate you, that's just how dog work.

now that it already has in its head that you are its bitch it's really going to take a lot to change its mind unfortunately.

8/17/2008 9:08:55 PM

All American
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^^ that is in no way mean...

8/17/2008 9:11:21 PM

All American
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Yep, you need to grow a pair and put that fucker in his place. If it bites your foot when you're wearing steel toed boots, it will only hurt it's teeth. If you kick it with those boots, it will not like it. If you dry hump it, it will not like it. It will figure out that it is in fact YOUR bitch and it will fuck off unless it wants to get kicked and dry humped more.

8/17/2008 9:12:44 PM

All American
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I know... I will... I'm going to wear some thick jeans, get some gloves, heavy boots and a big stick and beat his ass at some point. I'll let you know how it turns out.

btw... I did pee in his

8/17/2008 9:13:31 PM

32613 Posts
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hahaha did you really??

8/17/2008 9:14:43 PM

All American
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popped a squat right over his red blanket..... nice little puddle...I hope he goes to sleep with the smell of my urine under his nose....

8/17/2008 9:17:27 PM

32613 Posts
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I'd probably do you just bc of that

8/17/2008 9:17:50 PM

41759 Posts
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get a remote control (shocking) training collar and shock the dog each time it looks at you

8/17/2008 9:29:53 PM

All American
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^ we had one of those to stop it from barking all the time. It didn't work. His neck was red and raw. He doesn't feel any pain.

8/17/2008 9:31:52 PM

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