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 Message Boards » » Rate Your Summer Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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Quote :
"yeah it cost some bling, and they traced the cannons back to that the time frame of the QAR, got a lot of artifacts from the site that have been ID'd as being from a ship the size and armament of the QAR, not to mention all the cannons they've found there are equivalent to the number of cannons reported to be on the ship. They've also found pieces of the ship (parts of the hull and stern) that also point in the direction of the it, they've also looked at port documentation and ship siting documentation in the area and time frames that match the artifacts and the QAR is the only ship in the area of that size at the time. According the archaeologists its pretty been 99% identified as the QAR.

So it cost money, big deal. So the viz sucked some, big deal, I've dove in low viz before, and on this site, it just kinda added a (what I"m calling) ghostly effect to the place. So its not 100% yet, big whoop, its pretty damn close and they're still bringing shit up. Plus I found some lead shot and gold flakes there as well, but turned them over the archaeologists that were with us. Not a whole lot of people have dove it, but I sure as hell did and that was cool."

Hey as long as you enjoyed it, that's what matters.

8/18/2008 11:07:33 PM

427 Posts
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The beginning was awesome because I spent some time in the Bahamas( I miss it), also did a lot of camping with the dog up at carolina beach and played a shitload of rockband.. then summer school started and life sucked and now I am working the one week between classes and so still sucks.. so it's all over the board, I am ready for christmas

8/19/2008 12:54:37 AM

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This summer has been the same as any other time... full time in the workforce and full time in grad school... tired, tired, tired.

but next summer will be EPIC.

I'll be moving back to NC w/ my M.B.A. finished and I'm going to lightly look for a job with the hopes of starting around early fall...

[Edited on August 19, 2008 at 12:56 AM. Reason : x]

8/19/2008 12:56:02 AM

All American
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8/19/2008 12:56:42 AM

All American
9870 Posts
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over 9000

8/19/2008 12:57:22 AM

All American
12966 Posts
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pretty awesome actually

thanks for asking

8/19/2008 12:59:05 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Rate Your Summer Page 1 [2], Prev  
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