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All American
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1/24/2009 1:45:44 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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THAT is one FAT chick

1/24/2009 6:21:26 PM

43669 Posts
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look up how many of those panthers tickets were bought out from companies, then look up up the second biggest influx from a state of people who live in charlotte, then ask yourself about steelers fans...where do they come from, why are they spreading. Then use these numbers to calculate who got free fucking tickets from their job to the panthers game, then take how many tickets they actually had to sell for the panthers game that actually were not sold for yankees from up North that likes the steelers....

when you look these stats up call me a moron again


1/24/2009 9:32:38 PM

All American
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I hate how the panther's stadium fucks over the common man who wants to go the game. I think nearly all of the seats were sold as PSL's. A large number of the PSL's hoarded by companies that could afford to gobble up the seats. Than for your average panthers fan to get seats he either needs to work for one of these companies and get tickets or they must go on one of the ticket exchange sites where they will pay up to 3x the face value of the ticket.

1/24/2009 10:11:59 PM

1803 Posts
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Jeez ya'll sound exactly like everyone else complaining about the cowgirls in the 90s or the patriots until this year...
Give me a break, There happen to be people who like the steelers and just like any other winning program a bunch of tools that just like them cause they are winning right now.
GTFOver it. bandwagon fans are everywhere, regardless of the team.

1/24/2009 10:55:55 PM

43669 Posts
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^lick my left nut, then get over it

1/25/2009 8:43:56 AM

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No playoff tickets? Panthers revoking PSLs

Fans are given the chance to reinstate their expensive seat licenses – for a price.

By Tony Burbeck

WCNC-TVPosted: Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2009 The Carolina Panthers are revoking PSLs from fans who didn't buy playoff tickets. Letters started arriving last week via certified mail giving ticket holders that news. As part of the deal with people who buy permanent seat licenses, season ticket holders are required to buy playoff tickets. Those tickets against the Arizona Cardinals weren't cheap. “It's a lot of money for some people,” said PSL owner Mike Stewart, who bought his tickets and tried selling them but had no luck. “I was very surprised.” PSL owners who didn't buy their playoff tickets say they're surprised by the letters, which say their PSLs – which give owners the right to buy season tickets – have been terminated. The letter adds: “Due to your past support, the Carolina Panthers, under no legal obligation, hereby offer you the opportunity to reinstate your account by paying a reinstatement fee.”The amount of the fee depends on the price of the tickets. For one PSL owner, it came to $228. The letters say the Panthers must receive the reinstatement payment by the close of business on Friday. Otherwise, the team would permanently cancel the PSL account, and owners would lose the money they paid for them – in some cases thousands of dollars.Some PSL owners say they couldn't afford tickets this year because of the economy. Others say they simply forgot. “I don't agree with it, but I would hope the Panthers would have some consideration as regards to the economy. Some people are suffering right now and some people maybe didn't have the money,” Stewart said. In the end, keeping a PSL means paying hundreds for something that already cost thousands – and pay it now, even though some people couldn't afford the playoff tickets a few weeks ago. The Panthers aren't releasing the specific number of people losing their PSLs. They do, however, say this year's PSL losses are comparable to the number of revocations in previous years with playoff games.

1/27/2009 12:51:40 PM

All American
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1/28/2009 3:15:54 AM

All American
41128 Posts
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worst offense in NFL history?

9/8/2013 3:26:08 PM

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