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All American
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I'll have a Morning Star burger or Chik patty a few times a month.

6/10/2013 2:07:41 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
" but do you eat raw meat? no, so why would you eat plain tofu? "

this is retarded.

raw meat tastes like meat. soybeans are cow food.

6/10/2013 2:09:30 PM

All American
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lots of idiots ITT

I don't eat tofu daily, but it's perfectly tasty if you know how to cook.

6/10/2013 4:02:02 PM

All American
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Like the applebees commercial, where the chef is in the field talking about the garlic green beans, and the guy is like "I'M A MAN! FUCK THE VEGETABLES, TELL US ABOUT THE STEAK!!!"

6/10/2013 4:03:58 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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6/10/2013 4:21:54 PM

All American
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That's why i eat the real surf and turf: Shark and lion.

6/10/2013 4:23:04 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Only if it's baby lion. Full grown lion is way too gamy

6/10/2013 4:56:34 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
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We eat a lot of extra firm tofu. Usually fried. If you look at Tofu as some vegan, hippy food then you're really missing out. We eat red meat, though mostly we have chicken around. Tofu is a great option for us, because even the fanciest vegan tofu is cheaper than conventional chicken. It's a great protein to add for dinner, and it can be really versatile and can be made into a bunch of different meals.

This is a good starter recipe for fried tofu:
I've adapted it now to something more akin to my fried chicken recipe. (Sub grated parmesian for nutrtitional yeast, no poultry seasoning, + mustard powder and ground red pepper). I don't marinate it in buttermilk though, just chicken stock.

I've had friends who are a bit disgusted at Tofu try this at my house before and thought it was awesome. They copied the recipe so they could make it for their kids. It's also a lot better than the rubbery shit they have at the hot-bar at Whole Foods.

Another good recipe for firm/extra firm tofu is Tofo Salad (like egg salad).
I usually add more salt and chives than they call for, as well as a few spoonfuls of sweet relish. It's really good and tastes a lot like my grandmother's egg salad.

There was a Splendid Table episode on Tofu and the chef recommended a fried tofu BLT which sounded great. Unfortunately, whenever we have bacon in the house it doesn't last past breakfast.

6/10/2013 5:08:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I don't eat tofu daily, but it's perfectly tasty if you know how to cook."

agreed. I don't eat it very often really but it tastes good in the few dishes my wife uses it in.

Also, I have never understood the machoness associated with eating meat vs not eating meat.

6/10/2013 5:19:26 PM

All American
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I've read that tofu is bad for men because it increases estrogen levels (or something), but honestly half the people in this thread probably drink tons of soda, eat fast food, don't work out, smoke, and so on, so I don't really heed their advice anyway. Tofu tastes great when it's cooked properly, just like pretty much any type of meat, veggies, etc...

6/10/2013 5:24:25 PM

All American
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Yeah I'm definitely aware of that. Not the least bit worried in terms of eating tofu here and there though. It's a pretty big jump from the occasional tofu dish to the amount people had to eat in studies to register what they found.

[Edited on June 10, 2013 at 5:31 PM. Reason : ]

6/10/2013 5:30:17 PM

Mtan Man214
All American
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We asked our son's pediatrician about that since he had a lot of dairy issues earlier on and got a lot of soy products. He pointed out that the only studies done that leaned that way were few in number and pretty inconclusive.
There are in facts huge sectors of the human population that eat soy in the same quantities that American's eat ground beef and potatoes, and yet there aren't large pockets of men with boobs out there. However there are more than enough America men who have man tits because they live on a diet of red meat and fried vegetables.

6/10/2013 5:52:10 PM

All American
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while the texture of these isn't very much like pasta, these are pretty awesome, and only 40 calories per bag:

I usually follow Hungry Girl's suggestions for using them: once rinsed, cooked and dried off they're a great pasta swap

6/10/2013 6:19:37 PM

All American
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I use to hook up with this vegan chick who would make us tofurkey sandwiches late night when we came home drunk. I thought they were delicious...but I was also hammered.

6/10/2013 6:50:51 PM

All American
42565 Posts
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Quote :
"There are in facts huge sectors of the human population that eat soy in the same quantities that American's eat ground beef and potatoes, and yet there aren't large pockets of men with boobs out there. However there are more than enough America men who have man tits because they live on a diet of red meat and fried vegetables."

Quote :
"There are in facts huge sectors of the human population that eat soy in the same quantities that American's eat ground beef and potatoes, and yet there aren't large pockets of men with boobs out there. However there are more than enough America men who have man tits because they live on a diet of red meat and fried vegetables."

Quote :
"There are in facts huge sectors of the human population that eat soy in the same quantities that American's eat ground beef and potatoes, and yet there aren't large pockets of men with boobs out there. However there are more than enough America men who have man tits because they live on a diet of red meat and fried vegetables."

6/11/2013 7:37:31 AM

All American
9257 Posts
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is that about phytos?

6/11/2013 8:18:55 AM

All American
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^^ agreed lol

6/11/2013 9:56:51 AM

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