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 Message Boards » » No one should die because of health care Page 1 [2] 3 4, Prev Next  
All American
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[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:15 PM. Reason : ]

9/7/2009 12:08:23 PM

All American
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No one should die because of health care, and no one should go broke. If you agree, please post this as your status for the rest of the day.

[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:09 PM. Reason : .]

9/7/2009 12:08:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"What about people who suffer from mental illnesses that need to be on medication to be able to live a productive life and have to take these medications every day but can't afford them?"

They can get Medicaid or SSD, which they have already paid into the system to be able to get.

9/7/2009 12:09:04 PM

All American
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I don't qualify for Medicaid due to some technicality. I'm one of the few that falls through every crack in society.

Quote :
"Oh yeah I forgot everyone who can't afford health care spends all their money on fast food and cigarettes...."

I'm sorry. And big screen TV's and fast cars and expensive mortgages.

[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:10 PM. Reason : .]

9/7/2009 12:10:02 PM

All American
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nevermind it's not even worth arguing with people as cold blooded as you are.

[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:15 PM. Reason : ]

9/7/2009 12:13:01 PM

All American
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^ That is a sucky disparity which would only be reconciled by the decriminalization and taxation of lower-level drugs.

[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:16 PM. Reason : I saw before the edit. I'm not cold-blooded. I'm just rational.]

9/7/2009 12:16:21 PM

All American
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Why is it cold blooded to say I should not have to pay for someone else's healthcare? No one else pays for mine, and I'm struggling just like anyone else.

9/7/2009 12:17:04 PM

All American
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You know who I want to be in charge of healthcare, the same people who created the postal service. Its so efficient, and they have no problem what so ever, you know, it might be the best way to send something. Why would anyone ever go with ups or fedex? You know, the postal service is so good they are considering getting rid of saturday delivery. You know what I want, I want free healthcare. Oh shit. Wait. Its not going to be free. You mean I won't have a fucking choice like I do now. I'm going to have to pay for healthcare, just like I do for medicare and social security or I will have to pay a fine. And you know what, its going to be like going from UPS second day to standard postal mail. You know what going to happen to all those kids with cancer. They're already dead... Because after something that looks cancerous is discovered, they will get you in for testing ASAP. About 3-6 months if you're lucky and by that time, you're too far gone. But you know what, it gets rid of the weak, and it cuts down the population, which is what we need in the end. Problem solved...

Whose side is cold blooded now?

[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:25 PM. Reason : .]

9/7/2009 12:20:20 PM

All American
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9/7/2009 12:21:02 PM

All American
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What Spontaneous said.

sawahash, if you need medical care you will find a way to get it. Urgent care clinics are cheap. Health departments provide care. People with chronic medical conditions can order medications from less expensive sources. I am doing ok with problems that have put many other people into bankruptcy. The difference is that I am not stupid and knew the importance of living below my means and saving for unexpected expenses before I got sick.

9/7/2009 12:22:26 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"They can get Medicaid or SSD, which they have already paid into the system to be able to get."

sometimes they can.

9/7/2009 12:24:48 PM

All American
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What do you mean sometimes? ^

The system has a built in measure to keep people that truly don't need it from getting it. It's not perfect, and it never will be. But most people that deserve it get it. Others can get someone to represent them pro bono (like I do) and assist them in getting it if they truly need it.

I've never lost a Medicaid or SSD case.

9/7/2009 12:26:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"People with chronic medical conditions can order medications from less expensive sources. I am doing ok with problems that have put many other people into bankruptcy. The difference is that I am not stupid and knew the importance of living below my means and saving for unexpected expenses before I got sick."

I'm glad that you know enough about everyone else's circumstances to be able to make sweeping generalizations. I'm sure that your own experiences apply to everyone else.

I'm also sure that if you had an unexpected cancer that you'd easily be able to afford the bills that it would cause.

9/7/2009 12:27:46 PM

Yao Ming
All American
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Republicans make me

9/7/2009 12:28:49 PM

All American
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Can this be moved to The Soap Box?

9/7/2009 12:29:20 PM

All American
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Quote :

I agree with Spontaneous. The Postal Service is an example of government WASTE an INEFFICIENCY.

Do you know how much it costs for someone to take a letter I've written, put it on a truck, transfer it to an airplane, fly it across the entire fucking country, and hand deliver it to a friend of mine?




That is WAY too expensive.

And Lewoods is right. Himmler had the right idea. We should just kill anyone who can't contribute to society.

9/7/2009 12:29:24 PM

All American
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^ Depending on your definition of contribution, that would eliminate 90% of the population.

9/7/2009 12:34:02 PM

All American
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Yes, everyone should have access to adequate and affordable healthcare!

Quote :
"The rules are there for a reason."

the speed limit isn't always about safety, but fuel efficiency..

Quote :
"A better system would be mandatory healthcare, run by private industry, while also disbanding the employer-provided coverage, effectively ending that cartel. The best company would be the one who provides incentives for people who stay healthy."

Because people would be healthier with the private insurers we have now just because they are forced to buy coverage? The only coverage a lot of people would be able to afford would still be insufficient for their needs, so they'd be spending the little bit of money they might otherwise spend in community clinics and ERs to fund a health net that still isn't healthful.

Quote :
"What about people who suffer from mental illnesses that need to be on medication to be able to live a productive life and have to take these medications every day but can't afford them?"

There are plenty of people who would be functional, working adults (who would even buy their own insurance when able!) if they had access to proper medications.

Quote :
"Unlike you, I have not had a silver spoon up my ass my whole life. "

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"I grew up on welfare and have lived under the poverty line since I was 18."

Funny, I grew up on that silver spoon and came to poverty after a parent's death at 19. I have health coverage and will until I'm 23 (though I can't afford the deductible), but only because of a parent's service. Never once have I doubted that everyone deserves the same minimum safety net (healthcare, food, shelter, education). I'm not hearing too many people enraged by tax-funded public schools, so why this? Maybe it's just a lack of education (since it seems to be a pretty common misconception that you can lay around on your ass smoking pot all day and still get food stamps), but there's really just no excuse. "Socialism" can be found in a lot of our programs and systems, if you're going to bitch about one of them, please get out of line for all of the rest.

End the tyranny of the majority!

9/7/2009 12:34:28 PM

All American
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It would eliminate all the lazy people and leave a pure class of workers who ARENT lazy, am I right?!

9/7/2009 12:34:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"the speed limit isn't always about safety, but fuel efficiency.."


I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

9/7/2009 12:35:15 PM

All American
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1. Be laid off from your job due to economic conditions other than your work ethic.
2. Get in a horrible car accident on the way home.
3. ????
4. Die.

Figure out what step 3 is.

9/7/2009 12:36:23 PM

All American
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3= not have any money saved up

I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

9/7/2009 12:37:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
"'m not hearing too many people enraged by tax-funded public schools, so why this?"

Because education was written into the Constitution, as ruled by the court cases about this granting right to control education to the States?

However, parents ultimately have the right to do with their child's education whatever they want. It's a completely different system and completely unlike the health care proposals.

[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:41 PM. Reason : ]

9/7/2009 12:37:33 PM

All American
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Like Astraladvent, I regularly have $500,000 in a bank account to pay for unfortunate circumstances.

9/7/2009 12:37:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm not hearing too many people enraged by tax-funded public schools, so why this? "

Public schools need to shut down and converted to private schools or charter schools. The American public school system is a joke and everyone knows it.

Quote :
"Figure out what step 3 is."


9/7/2009 12:39:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Because education was written into the Constitution?"

not the way it is implemented

9/7/2009 12:42:05 PM

All American
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^I can definitely agree with that. Our system is majorly screwed up. But the basis for education is there, which makes it starkly different from health care, as implied.

9/7/2009 12:43:04 PM

All American
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well on the other hand, if you really cared about fuel efficiency you wouldn't have gotten in that accident in the first place

I work a shitty low pay job and would have full healthcare from it if i didn't still have it from my parents... Anyone could work where i work LOL. $7.99 a month for healthcare. People think they are too good for overlook shitty jobs. Save mass negligence its impossible for me to get fired and i could keep that healthcare if i only worked 8 hours a month.

I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

9/7/2009 12:44:14 PM

All American
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^^So tell me where the basis for SS and Medicaid is.

9/7/2009 12:45:20 PM

All American
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9/7/2009 12:45:41 PM

All American
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^^I don't think it's there, and I don't think we should have those systems in place...

But that's not saying I won't assist people who have already paid into the system to get their money back out if they need it.

[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:46 PM. Reason : ]

9/7/2009 12:46:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"May be NSFW (without warning)."

9/7/2009 12:49:56 PM

All American
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9/7/2009 12:52:14 PM

All American
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^^^Because everyone is getting out only what they put in?

9/7/2009 12:54:02 PM

All American
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I don't need health care. Just pictures of baby monkey.

9/7/2009 12:54:38 PM

All American
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^^yeah they are its called unemployment

I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:55 PM. Reason : i don't plan on living much past 55 so i have to get my money back in the mean time.]

9/7/2009 12:55:06 PM

All American
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^^^Nope, not saying that either. I've already said I think the system sucks, has no merit in our government, and should never have been implemented.

[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 12:56 PM. Reason : ]

9/7/2009 12:56:00 PM

Yao Ming
All American
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i'm pretty sure Jesus (or Gzus) would be for universal health care

9/7/2009 2:16:41 PM

not dnl
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now if only jesus could help out yao mings foot bone

9/7/2009 2:17:51 PM

Thots and Prayers
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this thread is pretty much moot.

Obama's healthcare plan will not pass.

9/7/2009 2:41:17 PM

All American
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for the love of god, someone please post a fart noise in this thread or something.

9/7/2009 2:42:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"With government healthcare, there is no incentive for people to take care of themselves, so healthcare costs will just keep inflating and eventually the system will implode.

Wow, that has to be one of the stupidest things I've read in Chit Chat, and this is Chit Chat we're talking about.

9/7/2009 8:06:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"the speed limit isn't always about safety, but fuel efficiency."

In CE503(highway design) we design roads using the AASHTO green book for safety. You plot your traverse, pick a design speed for the road, then design your curves, grades, signage, interchanges, and intersection. Then once you're done you post the speed limit at 5 mph less than what was designed (usually).

9/7/2009 11:30:12 PM

Not suspended
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9/7/2009 11:44:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"With government healthcare, there is no incentive for people to take care of themselves"

ha ha how fucking dumb are you

9/8/2009 6:54:53 AM

All American
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Regardless of my personal views on the subject, if there isn't something explicitly written in the Constitution that can be legitimately associated to government-run Healthcare and the granting of a public option, it will be very hard to pass it into law.

9/8/2009 7:22:50 AM

Arranging the blocks
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The only reason I really oppose government health care is the slippery slope of allowing the government to more completely have a reason to control tobacco, alcohol, food, and risky behavior.

9/8/2009 7:29:44 AM

76471 Posts
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Gzusfrk, to this:
Quote :
""What about people who suffer from mental illnesses that need to be on medication to be able to live a productive life and have to take these medications every day but can't afford them?""

you replied:
Quote :
"They can get Medicaid or SSD, which they have already paid into the system to be able to get."

Then I said sometimes. And you said:
Quote :
"What do you mean sometimes? ^

The system has a built in measure to keep people that truly don't need it from getting it. It's not perfect, and it never will be. But most people that deserve it get it. Others can get someone to represent them pro bono (like I do) and assist them in getting it if they truly need it.

I've never lost a Medicaid or SSD case."

So, you agree: sometimes those with mental illnesses can get SSD/medicaid - those who need it, according to the government. Unfortunately, the definitions/criteria the government has set are meant to delineate a population into nice, neat categories...and it's a population, that by definition, is just many shades of grey.

Just because some people can get SSD/medicaid doesn't mean that all who need help get it.

Also remember that you can be fine (according to the government, or hell, even layperson acquaintances), and still desperately need medication that you simply can't afford.

My $0.02 (since I'm posting more than 10 words in this thread ) on healthcare reform is: something needs to be changed, at the industry, government, and patient/customer levels. Fuck if I know what's best
Regarding the whole facebook status thing: no wonder some of these fuckers get ridiculed. They can't even be bothered to post status that is more topical, makes more sense, and is less generalized: No one should die because they can't afford healthcare & no one should go broke because they get sick

[Edited on September 8, 2009 at 7:43 AM. Reason : fdg]

9/8/2009 7:40:45 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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how did i end up in the soapbox?

9/8/2009 7:44:35 AM

All American
6652 Posts
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set em up

9/8/2009 7:46:46 AM

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