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All American
21537 Posts
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Quote :
"so it's not "the" technician

it's just technician"

at this point, you'd think they'd take any article they could get

frosh- that was great

[Edited on March 11, 2010 at 8:19 AM. Reason : Ø]

3/11/2010 8:18:21 AM

All American
51922 Posts
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3/11/2010 8:19:07 AM

no u
103355 Posts
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i remember that multipart adventure

i never finished it

3/11/2010 8:31:57 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Quote :
"people read the nubian message? what for?"

I have no idea. I just read a review of Couples' Retreat.

Apparently, it's a great movie that echos the sentiments of a black fraternity's "program on relationships."

The unidentified author of the review recommends that readers should go see Couples' Retreat and "watch and learn."

I have not seen Couples' Retreat, but unless it has detailed advice on how to break hundreds of thousands of men out of our criminal "justice" system, I sincerely doubt it has valuable implications for black relationships.

Any black "relationship program," regardless of who it is run by, is a patronizing and abusive fraud. There is no amount counseling or savvy advice that can make up for the fact that there aren't enough men to go around. Seriously, I wonder how many millions of dollars have been made selling the myth that black people are relationship-challenged.

I'm seriously tempted to be the first to comment all over this website.

I'm gonna look like a crazy racist, but I'll make sure to rant all over the Technician, too, so I can claim I'm an "equal opportunity" hater. Surely, everybody will buy that.

3/11/2010 8:34:32 AM

All American
8006 Posts
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this shit is wild.

when myself, JeffreyBSG, RawWulf, etc, wrote for Technician, we would have to battle for stories we wanted. 30,000 students, and not enough to write for a 10 page daily. Pathetic.

FroshKiller's comic bit was AWESOME.

f'real. I feel like it was a worthy publication circa 2004-2005.

[Edited on March 11, 2010 at 8:43 AM. Reason : dsfsdfs]

3/11/2010 8:42:30 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26524 Posts
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Quote :
"Eh, I might contact them I guess. I'm an undergrad who does a lot of writing, and I've considered writing for them before, but it's very... well, demeaning honestly. The quality of their writers is just so low that it doesn't really seem worth my time, especially since I don't want to get caught up in some kind of obligation to the paper.

I guess I'd rather them stick around then fade away."


3/11/2010 9:01:26 AM

41758 Posts
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Quote :
"They should switch to online only."

Print media is on the way out tablets, smartphones, and e-readers continue to proliferate and our generation matures print advertising is revenue going to continue to collapse, especially for newspapers.

3/11/2010 9:04:11 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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^^I'm all over it.

Quote :
"Netstorm: Yea, okay, it's free to run, but it's only free in the since that it's the budget the University gives them. If they can't even get enough people together to fill up the pages, then that budget is going to go towards other things. Plus, Print Media isn't exactly thriving anymore."

[Edited on March 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM. Reason : ]

3/11/2010 9:04:22 AM

All American
1116 Posts
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I could see where they would have trouble filling editor positions. I was viewpoint editor there for half a semester before I had to quit. Grades were falling and as a design student I had no time for studio when I worked 4-6 hours an afternoon/evening on the paper.

But they should at least be able to find a couple dozen people to write articles once or twice a week. That's not that big of a commitment, and we have a student body of 30,000. And I hate to say it, but it's not like Technician was ever the elite in terms of quality journalism, so almost anyone with an interest and spellcheck could try to write.

3/11/2010 9:11:18 AM

19447 Posts
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Quote :
"Couple of you complaining that would wouldnt write cuz it sucks. Well I see that if you go in an offer to, right now you pretty much get to name your own terms. Make it better. Tell them to shut their mouths and if they dont like it, then you can walk out the door."

That's the way it's always been, and if the paper sticks around I'm pretty sure that's the way it will always be. A few people might actually do something now because circumstances are serious, but in general people just like to complain that they could do better without ever intending to back that up.

When I was copy desk chief and people were talking shit about the editing on here saying they'd gladly join the staff just to make it not suck so much, I PMed them and offered to set up times that they could come take the editing test to apply as copy editors. Guess how many people actually responded?

3/11/2010 9:13:53 AM

All American
2642 Posts
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[eplicative removed]

3/11/2010 9:28:24 AM

All American
1116 Posts
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Quote :
"Deputy Sports Editor"

3/11/2010 10:11:26 AM

All American
5286 Posts
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christ i heard on the radio(101.1) that we needed an editor for the paper....they're willing to take anyone it sounds like

3/11/2010 10:16:28 AM

All American
9126 Posts
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Quote :
"this shit is wild.

when myself, JeffreyBSG, RawWulf, etc, wrote for Technician, we would have to battle for stories we wanted. 30,000 students, and not enough to write for a 10 page daily. Pathetic.

FroshKiller's comic bit was AWESOME.

f'real. I feel like it was a worthy publication circa 2004-2005."

3/11/2010 11:59:54 AM

All American
7547 Posts
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BridgetSPK, Master of TWW Typos, but she can't understand simple financing in print media. D:

We all have our blunders apparently.

3/11/2010 1:16:01 PM

All American
4549 Posts
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i worked in the business office and enjoyed it

my roommate was EIC a few years back as well

it'd be a shame if it shut down because they couldnt find enough people to work there

3/11/2010 1:48:45 PM

All American
1670 Posts
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I had a friend write for the technician here and there. He said they made it very difficult for him to get paid. I have thought about writing for them, but his experience pretty much deterred me from doing so.

3/11/2010 2:02:30 PM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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I emailed the editor, I'd love an opportunity to write and be published, even if it is a student newspaper. Also, I think that NCSU needs to preserve its traditions, which are growing fewer in number

3/11/2010 3:26:44 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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ill write some shit for em

3/11/2010 3:33:26 PM

All American
12559 Posts
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lolz no one wants to read about carjacking

3/11/2010 3:49:57 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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i made fun of the technician like everyone else, but i always picked it up and read it. It will feel sad to not have a freaking campus newspaper

[Edited on March 11, 2010 at 4:01 PM. Reason : words]

3/11/2010 3:56:05 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Quote :
"When I was copy desk chief and people were talking shit about the editing on here saying they'd gladly join the staff just to make it not suck so much, I PMed them and offered to set up times that they could come take the editing test to apply as copy editors. Guess how many people actually responded?"

I remember that! I decided I'd rather do improv and play hockey.

My bad.

3/11/2010 4:41:45 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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honestly, when I was at Technician the biggest problem was that the copy editing was horrible

I mean, they would add mistakes to people's stories/columns on a regular basis

all solid writers are strongly encouraged to apply as copy can (I think) work as much or little as you want, and a copy editor's job is in many ways the most decide how the story runs

3/11/2010 4:57:09 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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^^ You made wise choices, sir.

3/11/2010 4:58:19 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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that's what i always noticed

i mean, a typo is gonna happen

and occasionally your brain melts and the wrong homophone gets in there

but a lot of times the sentence construction made it obvious that the editor had tried to hack together two sentences after the fact

3/11/2010 4:59:18 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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for real...sometimes no editing is good editing

3/11/2010 5:06:11 PM

Duh, Winning
62511 Posts
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i never got how they could have typos with the software out today

but thats what the technician does, they couldnt get the news right, they couldnt get the spelling right

3/11/2010 5:11:59 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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^ must be the same reason it seems like you can't use apostrophes

3/11/2010 5:13:51 PM

Duh, Winning
62511 Posts
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but im posting on an internet message board, not writing for a "professionial" paper

but if they have the same standards, its no wonder theyre shutting down

3/11/2010 5:33:18 PM

All American
6195 Posts
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i wrote one article for the Technician

3/11/2010 5:34:29 PM

19447 Posts
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Hey, look, more empty "I could do better" promises

3/11/2010 5:35:27 PM

Duh, Winning
62511 Posts
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the people who read weekly readers could do better

3/11/2010 5:36:18 PM

19447 Posts
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For the record, I'm not saying atrocious grammar errors are at all acceptable. I'm saying if you want things to get better you should step up and do something, not blame everyone else.

3/11/2010 5:39:35 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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I'm not a student any more or I would. I have tons of time now.

3/11/2010 5:49:48 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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I promise I could do better.

3/11/2010 5:51:42 PM

All American
6271 Posts
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i'd hate to see the technician die. What if some alumni decided to become ghost writers by having current students submit the articles?

I couldn't do stories about happenings on campus (or even in Raleigh for that matter), but would be willing to do a "what grinds my gears" type of column.

[Edited on March 11, 2010 at 6:18 PM. Reason : .]

3/11/2010 6:09:22 PM

All American
51922 Posts
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okay but seriously let's not have a paper just for the sake of having a paper


3/11/2010 6:11:23 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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3/11/2010 6:16:29 PM

All American
6271 Posts
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fair enough.

3/11/2010 6:19:16 PM

All American
9126 Posts
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Quote :
"i wrote one article for the Technician"

I ran across that shit when I was digging through my archives. It was a Six Strings piece.

Quote :
"I emailed the editor, I'd love an opportunity to write and be published, even if it is a student newspaper."

Technician provided me the opportunity to work as an intern at The Washington Post covering local music in D.C. It also helped me land a job right out of college working for the News & Observer's parent company.

I now cover local music for NBC in Raleigh. I can't imagine a cooler job unless I was covering local music in Athens, Baltimore, Brooklyn or Portland. Though my biased opinion is that the Triangle has the best scene of all five

Other than myself, our editor the year I was managing editor went on to become a fashion reporter and assistant travel editor for USA Today right out of college. The managing editor before me spent some time at the Detroit Free Press and the St. Petersburg Times; and the editor in 2006 scored the coveted Dow Jones internship and spent a summer with the Wall Street Journal.

ANYWAY! My point is that Technician may be a "student newspaper," but it provides invaluable experience and opens doors that may not have been available to you before.

I also met some of my best friends working at Tech. It may have been long hours, but I never felt like I missed out on anything. We had a tradition of going to Mitch's every Friday night; to this day we still meet when folks are in town.

Sure the paper turns out some rubbish, but that comes from students taking full course loads on top of other commitments and having to write articles for Technician. It also doesn't help that State doesn't have a J-School. The more students who are involved, the better the final product will be.

[Edited on March 11, 2010 at 6:59 PM. Reason : ]

3/11/2010 6:53:21 PM

All American
5913 Posts
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^ Everything he said.

3/11/2010 7:49:05 PM

All American
3135 Posts
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If I told them I'd write an article where I'd analyze the top TWW threads of the previous day do you think they'd take me on the Technician team?

3/11/2010 8:15:27 PM

Tom Joad
72840 Posts
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there might have been a time where tww was more relevant than technician

but those days are long gone

3/11/2010 8:21:00 PM

All American
3135 Posts
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^ Oh we back. TWW runs shit in Raleigh.

3/11/2010 8:22:49 PM

All American
9126 Posts
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Hey Brian, you coming out Saturday?

3/11/2010 8:31:54 PM

All American
5913 Posts
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Sadly I am not. It's a bit of a hike to hit up Raleigh from DC.

3/11/2010 8:42:43 PM

All American
9126 Posts
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3/11/2010 8:56:44 PM

40916 Posts
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Quote :
"it's tied at 2 early #ncsu #clemson #acct"


3/11/2010 9:41:36 PM

All American
21806 Posts
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who was the guy who at the end of all his columns (or articles or whatever), where most of the writers had their email address (so and so can be contacted at, had some random thought for the day or funny anecdote followed by his email address?

was like 2002-2003ish the last time i saw some of his stuff. probably a viewpoint or something every once and a while. around 2004-2006, the technician got annoying...especially when the viewpoints started telling you how to think and respond to topics the technician thought was important...

3/11/2010 9:47:29 PM

All American
4329 Posts
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i wrote sports for technician for a year and a half. LOVED IT. I'll never forget meeting, greeting, and interviewing the football team on media day. Mario's hand was bigger than my arm.

So many other great memories too - covering swim meets and gymnastics and having entire days come down to the buzzer.

If you love sports, get out there and write for the sports page - it's good times with good people, and you get to meet all sorts of new folks

3/11/2010 10:14:17 PM

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