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All American
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Quote :
"^^ha are you an 80yo woman?"

ha i don't carry it or anything, but it was once used for it's intended purpose but has become a multi-use tool, including beatdowns if necessary.

4/13/2010 6:04:17 PM

All American
1870 Posts
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Thanks for all the advice. I'm not trying to get myself into situations where I want to fight, or go looking for trouble. I simply want to walk my dog home from a restaurant, or bar, in peace, and if I get harassed I want other options other than screaming my head off and running away (by the way, this can work pretty effectively, especially when you can run for a substantial amount of time, know the area, and aren't being pursued in a vehicle that can't go where you can).

Anyway, I plan on enrolling in a concealed carry class (woman with a gun!) when my schedule frees up this summer, but by NC law I think you can't enter any establishment which serves alcohol with this. Hence why I'm interested in other weapons that can be concealed and deployed if I practice some with them. Obviously if I'm thinking of pepper spraying or pulling out a knife I'd have gone through my other options at that point (de-escalating the situation, running away, dog was overwhelmed, etc).

4/13/2010 6:33:07 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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oh i thought you were a dude.

4/13/2010 6:40:00 PM

All American
2805 Posts
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^^ Well put, you are absolutely correct about concealment and alcohol-serving establishments.
You've got some good advice here and you seem to have thought it through, so go ahead and get you some good quality OC spray and carry that on your hip. Practice and learn to draw it with a single hand, get used to that, then move on to training with the lethal stuff.

If the nonlethal option fails or is simply not feasible, having a handgun and knowing how to use it effectively will give you a great advantage over an assailant. Very good on you for deciding to take the class.

4/13/2010 7:11:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Anyway, I plan on enrolling in a concealed carry class (woman with a gun!) when my schedule frees up this summer, but by NC law I think you can't enter any establishment which serves alcohol with this. Hence why I'm interested in other weapons that can be concealed and deployed if I practice some with them. Obviously if I'm thinking of pepper spraying or pulling out a knife I'd have gone through my other options at that point (de-escalating the situation, running away, dog was overwhelmed, etc)."

Yep, again this is why I suggest the Tasman Salt. It's obviously a last ditch option but it's very effective if used properly. Contrary to what people are saying, you have to be quite skilled to remove a knife from someone's hands under a true fight or flight situation due to the extremely high pulse and the mental state that comes with it. If they make a single mistake, you can hurt them so badly they will be unable to continue in an effective manner. They have to literally pull of a perfect attack, no mistakes. If they get "blocked" it will be by a blade and that will be a major problem for their arm.

4/13/2010 7:27:27 PM

All American
6922 Posts
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Go with a taser that's capable of multiple shocks. Run while they're down.

4/13/2010 8:46:45 PM

All American
7620 Posts
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In all sincerity, what did the self-defense course say about these sorts of situations? That would be the first place (and/or instructor of that course) I would seek advice from.

4/13/2010 9:44:18 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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4/13/2010 9:47:18 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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no one's asked if the sketchy dude was black?

4/13/2010 9:54:59 PM

All American
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edit: Or perhaps the 26...probably a bit more concealable.

[Edited on April 13, 2010 at 10:12 PM. Reason : ]

4/13/2010 10:10:01 PM

Finally Preemie!
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SaabTurbo you are an absolute nutjob. I imagine you as one of those whackos who has about 300 guns and knives stored in a secret basement because you legitimately think the whole world is out to get you. People like you frighten me, not because of your knives or guns, but because I fear that people who aren't absolute morons will actually listen to your advice and act on it. Fortunately it sounds like the OP has her head screwed on right.

Quote :
"You aren't an individual who knows ANYTHING about self defense, so I have no clue why you're even involved in this thread."

It's amazing that you know so much about me. Amazingly enough, I took several years of karate and I went to states both years I wrestled in high school, so have a very high confidence in my ability to defend myself.

Quote :
" I have had my ass beat by women on plenty of occasions."

So how often exactly do you fight with women? And how big of a pussy are you? Seriously? Saying you get beat up by women all the time is supposed to make you sound credible?

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"Your "advice" is to not arm yourself at all so that criminals can have their way with you and you make the terrible mistake of assuming a criminal is a nice person who will somehow "appreciate" the fact that you "don't wish to harm them". Yes, they'll appreciate it so much that they'll throw you down, remove your pants and fucking rape you. Sounds like appreciation to me!"

No, my advice is to not put yourself in the situations if possible. And if for some reason she does find herself alone at night in a sketchy place, being ready with pepper spray in hand and very aware of her surroundings such that she can scream and/or run when the situation dictates.

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"Are you going to grab a hawkbill blade and try to pull? I have personally severed someones tendons who did just that."

Seriously? So you get the shit beat out of you by women (in your words) ON PLENTY OF OCCASIONS, and you have also sliced a dude's tendons. You, my friend, are one delusional egomaniac.

You are right though, with enough training a woman can get competant enough to defend herself against a man who is trying to do her harm. But that requires a whole lot of training, and like I said before (this is my main point so pay attention,) in the rare case that said female would ever need to use a knife, she would most likely be surprised so quickly she would never even be able to take it out. Odds are she would probably pull it out at the wrong (unwarranted) time and end up getting herself or someone else hurt.

I really really hope to God no females are listening to your advice.

[Edited on April 13, 2010 at 11:21 PM. Reason : html]

4/13/2010 11:20:13 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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well fuck someone else getting hurt, particularly if its the aggressor/attacker

4/14/2010 2:53:24 AM

All American
6115 Posts
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Females are both mentally and physically inferior ITT

4/14/2010 3:21:46 AM

Finally Preemie!
4472 Posts
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Quote :
"well fuck someone else getting hurt, particularly if its the aggressor/attacker"

I agree to an extent. I personally wouldn't care if someone was injured badly if they tried to harm me or steal from me unprovoked. But there are a lot of people who would be seriously affected by causing major injury or death to someone, even if they did feel threatened.

There is also the legal aspect. If some dude comes up to you and says he is going to steal your wallet and you get scared and pull out a knife and wound him or kill him, then you will have some legal explaining to do. Maybe just lawyer fees, maybe fines, maybe jail time.... I am sure it depends on the circumstances. But in that exact same situation you pull out a taser or pepper spray and render him ineffective with one of those, there would probably be absolutely no repercussions to you, and you have accomplished the same goal - that is, making him stop and getting away safely.

IMO it's all about escalation of force. There is no reason to ever pull out a knife or a gun when pepper spray or a taser would accomplish your desired purpose. It's the same reason that the US military doesn't just drop a nuke on problem countries, because of the consequences we would face and because that other country just might drop a nuke on us too.

4/14/2010 10:32:07 AM

21952 Posts
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NCSU has a pretty good self defense class that I took as one of my PEs when I was in college.

The goal in any situation is to get away. The instructor taught us how to break away and/or disable someone so that you can run. You learn what areas to hit first and hit hardest. We were also taught how to use ordinary things that you'd likely have with you (like your keys) as weapons.

I had a roommate in college that was mugged as a teenager and she always carried a telescoping self defense baton with her thereafter. It was an interesting concept and seemed like it would be effective in hand to hand combat.

4/14/2010 10:44:30 AM

All American
2021 Posts
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There's a lot of Dale Gribble in this thread

4/14/2010 2:30:34 PM

All American
2805 Posts
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Quote :
"MO it's all about escalation of force. There is no reason to ever pull out a knife or a gun when pepper spray or a taser would accomplish your desired purpose. It's the same reason that the US military doesn't just drop a nuke on problem countries, because of the consequences we would face and because that other country just might drop a nuke on us too."

Of course it's about escalation of force, and the law is pretty clear about what defines that "escalation of force". The moment she fears that she is danger of death, serious bodily harm, or sexual assault, guess what? He just escalated it to the level of legally protected lethal force. Sure, you can run, but if they're faster than you or your less-than-lethal approach fails, then what? You need a backup plan, and lethal force is a 100% effective last-ditch effort to stop an attacker. They can't rape you if they're dead, but they sure as hell can grit through some OC spray or get up after being hit with a taser.

If you'd rather roll the dice with merely pepper spray or a taser when a knife or a gun, legally carried, would better promote a favorable outcome, then go right ahead. There are clear laws about escalating force - which you might do well to read up on - but in the situation described, lethal force is not only called for, it is 100% legally protected. The choice is yours, but don't go fearmongering people into using inferior tools for the job and ridiculing those who don't subscribe to your pansy bullshit.

Moral of this story: if you're not ready to die, you'd best not go around trying to rape or attack people. The law is clearly on their side if they decide they'd rather pull a trigger or cut your ass open than get raped or killed.

4/14/2010 2:35:40 PM

All American
3526 Posts
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Walking stick or 4D maglite FTW, pepper foam as well. Teach the dog to go apeshit on command and then you'd pretty much only have to deal with the meth heads.

4/14/2010 2:56:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"So you get the shit beat out of you by women (in your words) ON PLENTY OF OCCASIONS, and you have also sliced a dude's tendons. You, my friend, are one delusional egomaniac."

Again, you have no experience with self defense of any kind, martial arts, firearms, knives, etc. You have no valid points to bring up in this thread. I don't even believe you really took karate, you may have done some pussy shit though. How many times was your head put through the wall? How many times were your ribs broken from taking kicks? Were you wearing a bunch of pads when and if you sparred? I assume it was highly pussified and even the best karate course is not particularly effective until you're a true master of the art. A true self defense situation causes you to lose a lot of your skills and unless they're perfected, you're not going to do very well. I'd say you've got an overly inflated sense of confidence in your ability to street fight considering you don't understand that there are women who can absolutely ruin your life and that it is not going to be the same on the street. Can you fight through the pain when your ribs get cracked? Can you fight through a concussion? I mean, these are things you may have to do if you try to go fist to fist on the street.

Mostly what I don't get is why being prepared is crazy to you. The fact that I'm prepared does not mean I go looking for trouble. I've stated repeatedly that it means the opposite. I steer far, FAR away from it. Being prepared can't hurt, not being prepared CAN. What you're doing here is like advocating not buying insurance just because you've never had anything happen that would have required you to need it in my opinion.

I really see no reason to even respond to you now that you're trashing me on a personal level over a clear misunderstanding of every single thing I've said. Yeah, I've sliced the tendons of an individual who attempted to grab a knife out of my hands. They actually did all of the work themselves on that one. My point here was that disarming someone with a knife requires extreme skill because it is so unforgiving it's not even funny. You have to do it flawlessly, you cannot make a single mistake or you're probably done attempting to disarm them.

Oh and yeah, I have fought women more times than I can count. It's called sparring, asswipe. I'd say you're closer to an egomaniac than I, as I don't assume men are vastly superior to women in terms of their ability to fight and apply lethal force. This is from personal experience not just baseless speculation too (Which is all you've brought to this thread). All I can say is I hope nobody takes your advice, because you don't actually have any experience in self defense, fighting or the application of lethal force. You have nothing to give in this thread, which is what I've said all along. You make wild, speculative assumptions about everything I write and you seem to believe, for whatever reason, that a vicious criminal is a nice person who is going to appreciate the fact that you don't wish to kill them.

Like I said before; sure, they'll appreciate it. They'll appreciate it so much that they'll do exactly what they intended to do to you from the beginning. Someone who is trying to rape you or kill you is not going to stop because you were nice enough to not want to kill them. They will simply take that for what it is (Weakness) and they'll exploit it, as that is exactly what rapists and murderers do.....

Quote :
"No, my advice is to not put yourself in the situations if possible. And if for some reason she does find herself alone at night in a sketchy place, being ready with pepper spray in hand and very aware of her surroundings such that she can scream and/or run when the situation dictates."

I've already said repeatedly that putting yourself in such a situation is beyond retarded and this is hardly advice, it's simply common sense. Seriously, you must not have actually read my posts, I've covered this same issue with you about 3 times now.

Quote :
"So how often exactly do you fight with women? And how big of a pussy are you? Seriously? Saying you get beat up by women all the time is supposed to make you sound credible?"

This, just to let you know, completely highlights why I am absolutely 100% certain you have no experience in self defense training.

Quote :
"It's amazing that you know so much about me. Amazingly enough, I took several years of karate and I went to states both years I wrestled in high school, so have a very high confidence in my ability to defend myself."

Your confidence is way too high honestly. Put knives and guns into the equation and all of that "skill" goes right out the window pretty much (If you even have any of it left, considering it was in high school).

Quote :
"SaabTurbo you are an absolute nutjob. I imagine you as one of those whackos who has about 300 guns and knives stored in a secret basement because you legitimately think the whole world is out to get you. People like you frighten me, not because of your knives or guns, but because I fear that people who aren't absolute morons will actually listen to your advice and act on it. Fortunately it sounds like the OP has her head screwed on right."

I agree, she sure does have her head on straight. She's doing what I recommended, which is to take a concealed carry course. A firearm is the best choice as long as you're willing to do the work required.

Quote :
"Walking stick or 4D maglite FTW, pepper foam as well. Teach the dog to go apeshit on command and then you'd pretty much only have to deal with the meth heads."

I don't like sticks because a person can grab the other end if they time things right and then they can easily take control of the situation if they have more power. A knife is MUCH harder to disarm though in my opinion, as you can't grab the blade itself, you have to grab their arm and that requires closing in quite a bit and making zero mistakes. Combine a gun with a well placed gun retention knife and the know how to use them and it becomes even harder to disarm you. Throw pepper spray into the mix and you've got a really solid self defense setup that will allow you to handle most situations within reason.

4/14/2010 4:51:41 PM

Finally Preemie!
4472 Posts
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OK I am done with your idiocy. Here's a great website. There are many many many more like it that deal with morons like you who want to shank someone. I am sure you're too dense to actually take anything from it on board, but perhaps anyone who may be thinking about what self defense truly means can take a look at it. As of now I am done with your nonsense and this thread. Good luck to the OP and anyone else out there.

And by the way, in my martial arts and wrestling, I also sparred with many girls. The fact is, I had no trouble defeating even the most-experienced female brown belts and black belts. Why?? Well, it's just a simple fact of nature that on on average men are physically superior to women. We are bigger, faster, stronger, and simply put, built for fighting. Sure there are some super-women althletes that may be able to hang with men, but I have never met one before, and I have met a lot of people. My general belief is that you (SaabTurbo) are nothing more than a shit-talking little pussy who wants nothing more than to have a reason to use a knife on someone. If in fact you have "on numerous occasions" gotten beat up by a girl, then you probably would need some kind of lethal weapon to defend yourself. Maybe you were picked on as a kid. Maybe you're small and underdeveloped (both physically and mentally). I really don't know for sure. What I do know is the decision to carry a lethal weapon carries with it a great deal of responsibility, and most people (including yourself) aren't ready to handle it.

Quote :
"Recognize right up front, that no matter what his motivations really were when he pulled the trigger, when he is facing the police, every scum bucket has claimed it was "self-defense." In fact, there was one precedent setting case in California, were an armed robber claimed "it was self-defense" when the person he was attempting to rob pulled a gun to fight back and the robber shot him. Now maybe in whatever alternative reality he lives in stabbing someone fifteen time for insulting him is "self-defense" but that definition doesn't hold water with the police, much less the courts.

Unfortunately, both sides claiming it was self-defense make up about 99% of the cases the police see. And it isn't just one side lying, it's usually both. That old clich?about "taking two to fight" is true. Which means in that same 99% both sides were actively fighting and are now not only blaming the other, but protesting their 'innocence.'

Therefore, even in the most "clean shooting" it's going to be an uphill battle trying to prove to the police and the courts that your actions were justified. And that your claims of self-defense are not just another case of someone trying to wiggle out of the repercussions of committing a murder. This battle is going to be even harder if you were doing something stupid/illegal/ borderline illegal /inflammatory or participatory. In otherwords if you were part of the problem. A problem that resulted in a body hitting the floor.

This is why you had better do your homework and discover exactly how narrow of a spectrum it is that you are legally allowed to use deadly force. And then make sure that your actions fall within those boundaries."

4/14/2010 5:07:52 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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Quote :
"This is why you had better do your homework and discover exactly how narrow of a spectrum it is that you are legally allowed to use deadly force. And then make sure that your actions fall within those boundaries"

SaabTurbo gave this exact same advice

[Edited on April 14, 2010 at 5:13 PM. Reason : for some reason i don't think he'll disagree with that^ entire quote very much]

4/14/2010 5:11:48 PM

All American
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^^ Again, I haven't talked any shit to you here. It's like you don't actually read what I've said.

I will say that you keep attacking me personally as if this is some personal thing and all I keep pointing out is that you have no experience on this matter. You don't actually know anything about self defense. You took a karate class and wrestled in high school. That does not make you prepared for any kind of street situation and if your teacher told you it does, he lied to you. I keep pointing out all of this stuff that has to be considered and you're grabbing bits and pieces, taking them out of context, and then going nuts about it.

I'm trying to simply address the points you've brought up and not attack you personally, but you seem to refuse to extend me the same courtesy. All I've said about you is that you don't have the experience or knowledge to give "advice" in this thread, which is true. You have not taken any of these courses, you don't carry firearms, you have no experience with knives, you don't know anything about the laws concerning self defense, etc. I do not care about the website you've dug up (As NRR said, that quote is accurate and this is exactly why I said in my first post in this thread that carrying a firearm is a HUGE decision and that you need to literally be the biggest pussy on the planet when you're carrying, lol), I'm addressing the points I've made earlier because you keep attacking these points based on zero knowledge or experience. That, and you keep attacking me personally.

^ Thank you, it's like he hasn't read ANYTHING I've posted. He just keeps going crazy and trashing me on a personal level, it's weird.

4/14/2010 5:12:25 PM

All American
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I am a big guy, and most of the time have a full beard. Thus I tend to look liek an extra f4rom a horror movie set in the mountains of NC. I OC a pistol more often than not, and CC while doing so. I do not carry pepper spray normally, though I do always have my work knife, a multi tool, and a tactical light in a pocket. I need to practice retention drills more, however I feel that I would be able to defend myself in an armed confrontation.
However, as Sabb has said, when you go armed, you tend to be THE most polite person in sight. I tend to make sure I tuck my shirt in and otherwise appear as normal and clean cut as I can. A black gun in a plastic holster on your hip with a mag caddy/flashlight carrier on the opposite side tends to make more folks think 'security' than think 'punk'. On the other hand, a gun carried on a clip tucked inside of the pants, handle exposed, is JUST as legal, but a lot more twitch enduing to some of the hoplophobes, though it DOES make it less conspicuous.

I have had nights when I got asked to go pick up a friend or otherwise go to areas I normally chose not to go into at 9 pm -6 am. I admit, I went and picked up siad friends, gave rides, etc all the same. I may have taken 5 minutes to prep differently, but I still went out. I have a gun with me ANY time I may legally and morally do so. I pick up one gun from beside the bed in the am, put it on my desk, then it goes in the truck with me for the ride to work. Others live in a safe built into the bed. At night, the truck gun is on my belt when i get home, and stays with me untill I go to bed. If I go out, I may choose to carry just my keys. Rare, but it has been done. However, I have also walked out with a low profile vest on, 3X handgun, 2 mags each, 2 folders, and 1 fixed blade knife. Owning a bullet resistant vest, or a gun, a knife, pepper spray, a taser, hell, even one of the little key chain sticks, all of these sound good, but unless you both practice with them, AND carry them with you all the time every time, they are just things that will be on the inventory for your estate should it ever all go to hell.

I choose to go out armed. I choose to be polite, well mannered, and to take time to try and talk and educate those who ask about the gun on my hip. To hand out cards if I have them on me. I take friends who do not shoot tot he range and try to get them hooked, and I have a standing offer for females to shoot my handguns at my cost with my ammo so that they can see what sort of gun they might be willing to own and carry. However, should I ever have a bad feeling about any place I am asked to go, have no doubt, I will not be the guy with handguns everywhere who walks in matrix style. I will be the guy who stays the fuck away and stays in a well lit public place with witnesses, or the guy who follows the fight rules. If its a knife fight, bring a gun. If its a pistol fight, bring a shotgun. If its a shotgun fight, stay back 200 meters with a rifle. If there is one of them, always hang out and bring friends who carry.

And YES, I am proud of being a paranoid, cling to guns and religion gun nut, who spends more per month on ammo than he does on housing. but hey, most of those looking for a victim have a long waiting list before they get tot he large crazy dudes in trucks who they see touch check a handgun every time they get in and out.

4/14/2010 9:04:25 PM


10385 Posts
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^well, I don't drive a truck.

4/14/2010 9:13:25 PM

All American
3291 Posts
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^ yeah, but you have crazy eyes, love those weird guns that have a uncanny grip angle, and intentionally wear a gun with an Unnaturally long slide and barrel.

4/14/2010 9:17:18 PM

All American
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I mean no disrespect, but I can't help but imagine Saab as a hybrid of these guys:

Quote :
"Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler Tasman Salt."

This gets my vote for thread of the week.

[Edited on April 14, 2010 at 11:12 PM. Reason : This post is certified Lounge-worthy.]

4/14/2010 11:10:55 PM

All American
26447 Posts
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shrill voice

4/14/2010 11:48:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"How many times were your ribs broken from taking kicks? Were you wearing a bunch of pads when and if you sparred? I assume it was highly pussified and even the best karate course is not particularly effective until you're a true master of the art. A true self defense situation causes you to lose a lot of your skills and unless they're perfected"

Quote :
"And by the way, in my martial arts and wrestling, I also sparred with many girls. The fact is, I had no trouble defeating even the most-experienced female brown belts and black belts."

Not that i know much about self defenses but when ever i have sparred women/girls they have never been able to do much to me (i've been able to walk anything they have thrown). Not saying women can't do anything but against a larger male hyped up on adrenaline i don't think they can do much. This is where i agree with feebleminded/kylekatern in that if a guy gets hold of a women she is pretty much screwed based off natural strength difference. Unless the women is highly skilled and practices every week she won't be able to do much.

Not to say Saab hasn't had his ribs broken but that very rarely happens. If you get your ribs broken you are not able to do much for a number of months. Once it happens you tend to give up and quit, period. Many people I have known have said they have had their ribs broken and continue to come in and train with me. The one person i have known to actually have their ribs broken said he would about pass out having a bowl movement. That is the one person i believe. In my opinion you haven't had your ribs broken by a women unless you are sparring with some of the best in the nation. Much of my opinion is on people saying they have had their ribs broken when in realty they are just sore. A male with a basic understanding of wrestling will always beat women with more experience in any martial art.

I agree with Saab in that the best defense if just to disarm/leave the situation. If a women wants to defender herself the best thing she can have is a big dog that is willing to defender her. Dogs > people. Most thugs will think twice about assaulting someone with a large dog. A weapon is a dangerous thing to pull out in a hand to hand fight.

4/15/2010 1:09:39 AM

All American
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Oh look, a female who is pretty and relatively small. She couldn't possibly know what a knife is or have the mental or physical capabilities of learning various techniques for using them. I mean, it would take a female years to figure out how to even just open a knife, let alone use it. Knife throwing isn't always a great idea, but my point here is that she picked this new throw up in one hour and that she probably looks like someone who is completely incapable to you because you judge books by their covers.

Quote :
"t that i know much about self defenses but when ever i have sparred women/girls they have never been able to do much to me (i've been able to walk anything they have thrown). Not saying women can't do anything but against a larger male hyped up on adrenaline i don't think they can do much. This is where i agree with feebleminded/kylekatern in that if a guy gets hold of a women she is pretty much screwed based off natural strength difference. Unless the women is highly skilled and practices every week she won't be able to do much."

Ok, so first of all, you simply haven't come across any women who can fight. That doesn't mean they aren't capable or that they need to train more than a man in order to acquire skill. Technique is much more important than brute strength. All of that aside, the reason why I keep saying that pepper spray or a TASER isn't always enough is because no matter who you are (Man or woman) it is always possible to encounter someone who can outperform you in hand to hand street fighting. This is why you want as many options at your disposal as possible. This is why I recommend a Tasman Salt over and over. As I keep saying, if you try to take it away and make a single mistake and you are in big trouble.

As I also keep saying, everything I've recommended requires a degree of training. I have repeatedly stated that the biggest thing you need to do is practice deploying the knife.

Also, a waved knife deploys simply by pulling it out of your pocket. The people in this thread who are claiming that it's impossible for a woman to deploy a knife when she is taken by surprise don't know anything about knives. It's not possible in every situation, but it's certainly not that unlikely that she would be able to deploy it. The element of surprise is key. An attacker is often desperate, on drugs, in poor health, etc. I think you overestimate the average person's level of training and you heavily underestimate the capabilities of a trained female with a Tasman Salt and a Glock 26. Just because you've never encountered a woman that fights properly doesn't mean it's impossible or even particularly difficult for a woman to train to be able to. I think it's less common for women to be interested in fighting and self defense training, but that doesn't mean that they're less capable of learning it or having good technique.

Like I keep saying, a Tasman Salt with just a bit of training is viciously effective. I think your average shitbag rapist isn't all that well trained IMO and even if they are, this is where your tools like a Tasman Salt and Glock 26 come into play. I'm noticing that a lot of people in here have this image of women as being like a toddler who you can just throw around like a rag doll and who cannot be trained to use a weapon with any efficiency and that simply isn't the case. I'm sorry that you have been going to train in places where the female students aren't pushed as hard perhaps or whatever the case may be, but if a female puts forth the effort, she can become brutally effective just like a male. When you add a weapon to her arsenal she becomes very effective. I am not advocating that anyone go out and think that they're going to win in hand to hand street fighting because that is a big mistake. What I'm advocating is that you acquire a set of self defense tools and train with them so that you become effective.

Here's a waved knife:

You can see that she can open it with no problem. In most situations you wouldn't actually throw it, but she is adding this skill to her arsenal. She has NO PROBLEM deploying that knife in no time at all. Again, don't take this as me advocating throwing. Just take it as an example that a female can easily open a knife and can learn to use it in very little time. An Endura 4 is not an easy knife to do a no-spin throw with either.

4/15/2010 8:05:09 AM

All American
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She has continued to improve. She develops a lot of power with these throws dude. Again, proof that technique is more important than brute strength and that a small person can still be highly effective with good technique. I just use this woman's videos of her throwing knives because she is a perfect example of a good looking, thin female who most guys think is helpless. She knows other techniques, but she really enjoys knife throwing so she likes to work on it.

4/15/2010 8:40:57 AM

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Quote :
"Therefore, even in the most "clean shooting" it's going to be an uphill battle trying to prove to the police and the courts that your actions were justified. And that your claims of self-defense are not just another case of someone trying to wiggle out of the repercussions of committing a murder. This battle is going to be even harder if you were doing something stupid/illegal/ borderline illegal /inflammatory or participatory. In otherwords if you were part of the problem. A problem that resulted in a body hitting the floor."


4/15/2010 8:51:30 AM

All American
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^ Well, it really just depends on a whole lot of variables and you're always better off not killing someone if you can avoid it obviously. At the very least it's going to cost you a lot of money and it will change your life forever. Everyone that knows you will see you differently.

This is why you absolutely must become the biggest pussy in the world when you carry. You have to be nice even to assholes, you cannot be going crazy at people in traffic, you need to back down when some idiot thug tries to act like you've wronged them, etc. It's just something where you have to try to keep a low profile and not cause any kind of anger whatsoever. If you do cause anger and they attack, you could be in deep shit if it results in their death.

There's also the risk that in court you'll be at the mercy of people who think that guns are bad and even though it was justified they may try to make an example out of you in an effort to push their own agenda. It's a very, very big deal to carry a gun and this is why I made the first post I did in this thread. I can't stress enough how serious of a decision it is and how much of a commitment it takes to carry 24/7. You absolutely must be on your best behavior at all times, no "slip-ups" are allowed.

4/15/2010 9:04:30 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Ok, so first of all, you simply haven't come across any women who can fight. That doesn't mean they aren't capable or that they need to train more than a man in order to acquire skill. Technique is much more important than brute strength."

Quote :
"Again, proof that technique is more important than brute strength and that a small person can still be highly effective with good technique."

I agree with you that technique beats brute strength to an extent. But a 120 lb women is not going to stand much of a chance against a 220 lb man. There will just be to much strength difference, unless she is very very very well trained. I've had it happen to me before where I know i'm better then someone skill-wise but they are just so much stronger that it doesn't matter. If you can just power out of anything then all the technique in the world doesn't matter.

Quote :
"I'm sorry that you have been going to train in places where the female students aren't pushed as hard perhaps or whatever the case may be, but if a female puts forth the effort, she can become brutally effective just like a male."

Very few women train enough to become effective at self-defense in my opinion. I have been to places where women are pushed hard and train just as hard as the men but the weight and strength difference is just to much. Women are just going to be at a natural disadvantage.

Overall i agree with most of what you are saying about owning a knife/carrying a gun. Anyone who does it needs to be very well trained and practice weekly. Don't just go out by a knife and think everything is going to be fine if an altercation in the streets comes up. I still think the best defense would be to always have a friend with you or own a decent sized dog.

4/15/2010 10:03:44 AM

All American
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Its actually pretty simple. When the shit goes down, you must be willing and able to bring more violence of action than your attacker. Also, when doing so, be sure to either sterilize or kill the sumbitch so that it won't be able to spread it's stupidity to the gene pool.

(and yes, I meant to use "it".)

but for real; carry mace or taser (and keep them readily available so you can use them with a quickness) until you get your concealed carry and pistol. My finance runs with a mace canister in her hand.

4/15/2010 12:09:56 PM

All American
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I want to bang the girl in the knife throwing videos. That's all.

Oh...and I also don't carry anything and probably never will carry anything for self defense. I have no training in any type of combat either.

I err on the side of percentages. I also carry health insurance although I haven't gone to the hospital since I was a kid.

4/15/2010 12:26:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I agree with you that technique beats brute strength to an extent."

Note: You misunderstood what I said, pay close attention to my wording. What I said was that technique is MORE IMPORTANT THAN strength. I didn't say "technique always beats strength" or even "technique beats strength". What I said is that technique is the more important factor and if your technique is good, you will utilize all available strength, while poor technique wastes what strength you have. A 120lb female with a Tasman Salt and the ability to use it will cause most unarmed males quite a few problems IMO. I think people keep misunderstanding me and somehow think I'm advocating hand to hand fighting. What I'm advocating is carrying a ranged weapon and a knife as a backup, last resort weapon (And of course I'm advocating having the skills to deploy both effectively).

4/15/2010 4:23:25 PM

All American
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Self-defense tools?

4/15/2010 4:29:58 PM

All American
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mantisstunna, I think you may have misunderstood me. I did not speak ont he size or strength difference. I was mostly speaking in that in my case, my appearance helps to warn off/discourage most predators, and my preparation gives me more of a chance of surviving an encounter.

My sisters both have pistols. My mom carries. The sisters carry 9mm's when they are able to, pepper spray plus knives when not. My mom chooses the classic ruger security 6 in 357 mag, and she can out shoot me. The fun thing is that she puts maybe 5 rounds a year through her gun, I put more like 35,000 through my handguns in a year. Tactical awareness is important, training can help, but above all, if it feels screwed up, call a friend.

There are girls I know that I would give even odds against most attackers, others whom I would pity the attacker, and then there are those who just do not have the MINDSET to be able to defend themselves. If you fight like a cornered cat/mother bear defending cubs, not caring about anything but getting away, with your adrenal gland dumping, a 90 pound girl with a small knife can fuck you up. A 10 pound house cat with claws less that 3/8 of an inch long can turn a adult male into hamburger with a little surprise on their side. Being able to defend yourself is a mental thing. You can do every class one earth, wear class 3 armor under clothes any time you go out, always carry 4 backups, always have a friend in sight, and still get killed. Its a compromise between holing up in a cave with guns and canned food, and going through Durham at 5 am in jogging clothes with a Rolex on your arm. If you have the right mindset, you are never unarmed, and you are never safe. If you have the wrong mindset, if you let your guard down, all bets are off.

[Edited on April 15, 2010 at 6:57 PM. Reason : linkfail]

4/15/2010 6:30:20 PM

All American
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Quote :

hahaha wow

4/15/2010 6:54:42 PM

All American
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4/15/2010 10:38:11 PM

All American
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I'm not saying knives aren't useful and you shouldn't have some sort of weapon for self-defense. Just if you do get one know how to use it and don't think just because you have a knife you = teh win. And i still think the best thing a women could get would be a big ass dog.

4/16/2010 12:23:42 AM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"when I lived in a shitty part of town, I carried a machete around all the time"

lololol thats awesome as shit

4/16/2010 1:04:17 AM

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4/16/2010 2:31:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Walking stick or 4D maglite FTW"

Hell [NO].

I'll bet you $1000 that I can take either one of them from you, and then you would just be extra-fucked if my intent was to actually rob/rape/attack you. I maintain that stuff like that is a terrible idea for a woman, or even for a dude who isn't pretty good-sized.

You need a pistol (if you're willing to train with it and are confident that you're mentally prepared to kill someone), or a TASER or pepper-spray (foam).

4/18/2010 12:25:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"There are girls I know that I would give even odds against most attackers, others whom I would pity the attacker, and then there are those who just do not have the MINDSET to be able to defend themselves. If you fight like a cornered cat/mother bear defending cubs, not caring about anything but getting away, with your adrenal gland dumping, a 90 pound girl with a small knife can fuck you up. A 10 pound house cat with claws less that 3/8 of an inch long can turn a adult male into hamburger with a little surprise on their side. Being able to defend yourself is a mental thing. You can do every class one earth, wear class 3 armor under clothes any time you go out, always carry 4 backups, always have a friend in sight, and still get killed. Its a compromise between holing up in a cave with guns and canned food, and going through Durham at 5 am in jogging clothes with a Rolex on your arm. If you have the right mindset, you are never unarmed, and you are never safe. If you have the wrong mindset, if you let your guard down, all bets are off."

A good website for women and self-defense (mainly centered on guns and mindset):

4/18/2010 12:36:37 PM

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