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All American
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stupid semantics argument, but why is that not nepotism (as well as privilege)?

3/14/2019 2:31:54 PM

114576 Posts
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I would say it's definitely a form of nepotism

3/14/2019 2:53:48 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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I normally think of nepotism as being more blatantly corrupt than what Nighthawk described.

You're not wrong, though.

3/14/2019 3:20:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I always thought it was interesting as hell to me that the doctors in leadership where I worked all got their kids into the same med school program."

That's legacy admissions. While not 'fair', it is at least, built into the system and everybody knows about it. But what these stupid rich people ITT did is obviously illegal and not part of the system:

Forget Felicity Huffman. Bribes aren’t the real scandal in US college admissions. This is.

Read the whole thing, but here is a key excerpt:

Quote :
"At Princeton, for example, over the five-year period up to 2018, legacy students had about a 30 per cent chance of being accepted, compared to 7 per cent for all applicants. At Harvard, from 2010 to 2015, a legacy student had a 33.6 per cent chance of acceptance, while a non-legacy student’s chance stood at a measly 5.9 per cent – almost six times more difficult."

I more or less agree with him, at least in vacuum. Poor thing, he got hammered real bad in the comments at the bottom!

3/15/2019 9:31:59 AM

All American
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Quote :
"That's legacy admissions. While not 'fair', it is at least, built into the system and everybody knows about it. But what these stupid rich people ITT did is obviously illegal and not part of the system:"

lol, so you're okay with the first way because it's "part of the system", even though it's unfair. But since the second way is illegal, you hope the participants "burn in hell"?

3/15/2019 9:56:12 AM

All American
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I said it is not fair, and that I agree with someone who is shooting down legacy admissions.

Read again, mate.

3/15/2019 10:11:35 AM

All American
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3/15/2019 4:03:09 PM

All American
8835 Posts
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3/15/2019 6:29:10 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Quote :
"3/14/2019 11:36:37 AM

All American
19178 Posts
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I always thought it was interesting as hell to me that the doctors in leadership where I worked all got their kids into the same med school program. I'm sure that they weren't paying off admissions and SAT test takers, but much like how knowing alumni and folks at a school can help get you in, its intrigued me that damn near all the doctors I knew had most/all their kids in at med school. One had like three or four kids come through the program. They probably tested fine and admissions isn't going to turn down the vice-dean of whatever's kid with marginal GPA and MCAT when the parent could probably make their life hell, but definitely don't think its an even playing field. Its not fraud; just nepotism."

Please stop trying to write so much. You suck. Break it up into easier chunks for yourself and for the rest of us. This shit is awful.

3/15/2019 9:22:14 PM

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3/15/2019 11:18:00 PM

Mr. Joshua
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3/20/2019 11:46:03 PM

All American
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clap clap clap

3/21/2019 7:50:47 AM

All American
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What a stupid woman. And she is a prof at a US school:

BTW, watch the 2-min video about the $6.5 million-girl; what brazen nonsense... she boldly says on YouTube she got in through hard work. What fucking liars:

They are now claiming they were scammed by Singer! They thought the $6.5 mil was a legit donation to help give scholarships to needy students!

She has been kicked out!

This is a good read too:

Oh, and some non-cheating students are now suing either the schools or the cheaters:

Quote :
"In one civil lawsuit, Stanford students Erica Olsen and Kalea Woods said they were denied a fair opportunity to win admission to Yale and USC because of alleged racketeering, and said their degrees from Stanford will be devalued.

Singer and eight schools, including Stanford, were named as defendants in the lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages."

Quote :
"Another lawsuit by Joshua Toy and his mother said he was denied college admission despite a 4.2 grade point average, and seeks US$500 billion of damages from 45 defendants for defrauding and inflicting emotional distress on everyone whose “rights to a fair chance” to enter college was stolen."

LOL, and this fucker:

5/9/2019 1:41:25 AM

All American
11446 Posts
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I ain't clicking that shit. Diversify your sources, b.

5/9/2019 2:08:20 PM

All American
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5/9/2019 2:50:15 PM

All American
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LOL at her letter to the sympathy-garnering letter to the judge before she gets sentenced

9/11/2019 1:41:13 AM

All American
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LOL at her letter to the sympathy-garnering letter to the judge before she gets sentenced

9/11/2019 6:28:05 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
""I honestly didn't and don't care about my daughter going to a prestigious college. I just wanted to give her a shot at being considered for a program where her acting talent would be the deciding factor."

She later adds, "I didn't want my daughter to be prevented from getting a shot at auditioning and doing what she loves because she can't do math.""

i'm like 1000% sure you don't need a college degree to be an actor.

9/11/2019 8:33:38 AM

All American
42556 Posts
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more evidence and charges

New evidence against Lori Loughlin and husband revealed in government motion

what a sick world

and i would say that scandal goes hand in hand with this:

22 men own more wealth than Africa's 326 million women, Oxfam says

Quote :
"Among the report's key findings:

The world's 2,153 billionaires have more wealth than 4.6 billion people.
The 22 richest men have more wealth than all the women in Africa. According to the UN, there are 326 million aged 20 and over.
The world's richest 1% have more than twice as much wealth as 6.9 billion people.
The value of unpaid care work by women aged 15 and over is $10.8 trillion annually.
The number of billionaires has doubled over the past decade."

[Edited on January 21, 2020 at 2:22 AM. Reason : ]

1/21/2020 2:18:43 AM

114576 Posts
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more like Partially Empty House amirite

1/21/2020 9:16:07 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26542 Posts
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More like the Big House.

1/25/2020 1:47:10 PM

All American
7254 Posts
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Quote :
"Some numbers on admittance, cost, and the importance of college:

— 61% of kids from families earning more than $100,000 a year attend a four-year university, compared to only 39% of students from families earning less than $30,000.

— 38 colleges, including five Ivies, have more students from the top 1% of the US income scale than the bottom 60%.

— The cost to attend a four-year university has increased 8 times faster than wages in the US"

1/26/2020 10:57:49 AM

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