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 Message Boards » » After you shake it, do you wash... Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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Quote :
"urine is only sterile until it reaches the end of your urethra & extra genitalia."

at which point it becomes contaminated with...whatever's floating in the air and is touching you anyway?

[Edited on August 27, 2010 at 9:45 AM. Reason : oh, page deux]

8/27/2010 9:45:16 AM

17379 Posts
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whatever bacteria that's hanging around the end of your penis/in your pants, therefore making it onto your hands, and the sink, and the door, etc.

the argument of urine being sterile & therefore there's no need to wash your hands isn't valid if urine isn't sterile...

8/27/2010 9:47:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"the argument of urine being sterile & therefore there's no need to wash your hands isn't valid if urine isn't sterile..."

i'd say the argument is invalid mostly because you really shouldn't have urine on your hands after you pee

at least, my penis, while not huge, is certainly big enough for me to hold along the shaft, rather than at the head

8/27/2010 9:50:04 AM

All American
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i like the smell of the soup at work. plus it's another 15 seconds i don't have to be at my desk.

8/27/2010 9:51:33 AM

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i'm not the one saying you piss on yourself, i'm just correcting a common myth brought up by evan & merbig.

8/27/2010 9:51:45 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i'm not the one saying you piss on yourself, i'm just correcting a common myth brought up by evan & merbig."

oh, i get it...i guess i'm just wondering what bacteria is so bad around the peehole (given that urine IS sterile coming out) that a penis is so much more disgusting than, say, your forearm or knee

8/27/2010 9:53:42 AM

17379 Posts
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i don't know. i'm just reporting basic facts.

i wash my hands everytime, but i'm a girl. i wash my hands a lot, but i have an autoimmune disorder. i would like to think that most people wash their hands but they don't, and you'll NEVER get away from all germs. i most of the time do not use the cart wipes at the store and even w/ my autoimmune disorder i'm not overly paranoid & washing/sanitizing constantly. i won't force my kids to wash CONSTANTLY either bc being exposed to germs is important in the development of their own immune systems.

i just hope everyone washes after pooping. pink eye and/or stomach bugs are not awesome.

8/27/2010 9:57:27 AM

All American
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while that's a good point i don't think it's relevant. washing your hands after you pee might get rid of a little bacteria that your urine hits coming out, but it's probably inconsequential to the amount of bacteria you pick up via the door handles, etc.

Quote :
"oh, i get it...i guess i'm just wondering what bacteria is so bad around the peehole (given that urine IS sterile coming out) that a penis is so much more disgusting than, say, your forearm or knee"

you are right. the germs in your pants etc are no where near as numberous as say on your knee, door handle, or say cell phone:,news-7606.html

Quote :
"The dirtiest phone had 39 times the safe level of enterobacteria and 170 times the acceptable level of fecal coliforms (which comes from poop). Just try to keep that in mind the next time you're handling someone else's cell phone to read an email or look at photos."

Plus don't you guys watch Myth busters? Bathrooms are actually quite clean as are asses and as quagmire puts it "pee holes".

So yes you should wash your hands because the soup smells good, but you're losing everything you gained by washing your hands the minute you touch anything else (which is usually dirtier than your pee hole)

8/27/2010 9:58:39 AM

17379 Posts
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good points and i agree. let me remind you that i did not bring up the fact/point/argument involving sterile pee. just correcting a common myth...

for the record, i do not touch the sink, towel dispenser, or door.

8/27/2010 10:01:15 AM

All American
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yeah, i ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wash after pooping...fecal coliform can be nasty

i USUALLY wash after peeing, but not always...and as others have said, i avoid touching bathroom door handles or faucets (or whatever) AFTER i've washed my hands (usually using a paper towel or my foot to open the door

when i'm camping/backpacking, i almost never wash my hands unless i've pooped (in which case the minimum is alcohol gel)

8/27/2010 10:07:38 AM

All American
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^^what myth? That urine is sterile? I mean nothing is truly "sterile" because it's exposed to air. Sure you could create a semi-sterile environment but nothing is 100% sterile. So I think it's alright to say urine is sterile because compared to everything else around it it's pretty sterile.

I grew up not using any type of anti-bacterial soup, going camping all the time/playing outside everyday, no video games, inside activities involved legos, lincoln logs, knex, and sheet forts.

I can count the number of times i've been sick since middle school on 2 hands. The only time I got real sick in college was after staying up for 2 nights studying for thermo 2 and then drinking lots of whisky in celebration. I simply don't get sick.

All my germaphobe friends get sick the most. (obviously you have a reason to be cautious because of the autoimmune thing). I just think it's funny the correlation between the people who use anti-bacterial the most and the people who get sick the most.

8/27/2010 10:19:10 AM

17379 Posts
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look it up. i'm not lying. urine is ONLY sterile while it's in the bladder and just before the end of the urethra. "pretty" sterile doesn't count.

definition of sterile: aseptic; free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms

8/27/2010 12:05:37 PM

Thots and Prayers
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I can't believe that this is not common knowledge.

you people

8/27/2010 12:10:23 PM

All American
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I mean i agree it's not 100% sterile. Everything is relative. I mean things are packaged as "sterile" but does that mean they're truly sterile?

But yes morale of story wash after you pee.

I can't believe i'm talking about how sterile urine is on a Friday.

After doing some research it seems like the general consensus and viewpoint of most doctors/nurses is that urine IS considered sterile because they disregard any contamination from skin/etc. So my "pretty sterile" definition is what's most commonly used by doctors.

For example read up on bacteriuria:

So I guess doctors say urine is sterile and if it's not it's due to an infection while disregarding any skin/urinary track contamination.

So I guess the word sterile is just used lightly. It seems most doctors/nurses online regard it as sterile so I will too. I mean a sterile swab isn't sterile by nature of it being in the air. Doctors aren't going to say, "hand me that swab that used to be sterile".

So while yes it's not 100% sterile, it's typically probably 99.99% sterile. Everything isn't exactly black and white.

8/27/2010 12:31:02 PM

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^ They disregard contamination from air/skin because your urine isn't adding bacteria. That was my point before when indy went off on some inane tangent about your boxers swimming in your cum and piss all day (I guess his underwear is soaking in cum... ), but the fact of the matter is that piss isn't contributing anything unsanitary. We only think it is nasty because we are told it is. It's yellow, it usually has a scent that isn't pleasurable, and it comes from our body.

8/27/2010 12:56:27 PM

All American
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8/27/2010 5:54:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i'm just correcting a common myth brought up by evan & merbig."

except, you know, that's not what i said at all:
Quote :
"urine is sterile until it leaves your body"

which is entirely true.

9/8/2010 6:20:03 PM

All American
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9/28/2013 3:55:19 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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My workplace has auto-flush toilets, automatic faucets, soap dispensers, and towel dispensers. Unfortunately, the fact that doors are not automatic throws a wrench into the whole thing, because you people don't wash your hands.

9/29/2013 2:11:11 AM

All American
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if you can drink your pee a few times without it being dangerous im sure you can shake hands with it too

9/29/2013 2:21:39 AM

148844 Posts
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I posted in this thread, but has anybody brought up the Army/Marines or Group1/Group2 joke yet?

9/29/2013 2:23:59 AM

All American
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quit talking yourself into thinking it's okay to not wash your hands

wash your damn hands

so you've gotten more germs on them from touching the door to enter the restroom than you probably did touching your dick

regardless, wash your hands

9/29/2013 11:47:03 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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9/29/2013 12:04:39 PM

All American
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watch the fucking mythbusters episode on this.


9/29/2013 12:43:15 PM

4763 Posts
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Quote :
"I keep an extremely clean penis."

9/29/2013 1:02:23 PM

Not an alcoholic
8015 Posts
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There were like 4 dudes in there when I pissed today, I felt obligated to wash them

9/29/2013 3:17:44 PM

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