pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
big shocker quagmire02 busted up in here on a high horse 11/23/2010 10:06:40 AM
aea All Amurican 5269 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I wouldn't waste money on a Keurig for tea. Just buy a nice electric kettle. Tea's not hard." |
We actually have a normal tea kettle, and I use it regularly, but he does not like it. I offer to make him some, but I think he just likes the idea of a little single serving, fresh made cup of tea out of a Keurig. (I have no idea why, it's just the way he is.) And I don't think it'd be a waste per se, as I'd use the thing for coffee all the time. I just wonder if their tea is even decent enough to try. 11/23/2010 10:30:02 AM
FroshKiller All American 51922 Posts user info edit post |
To each his own, I guess. 11/23/2010 10:33:13 AM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
i dont drink tea but here at work we have people that do and we have about 10 flavors of the tea cups 11/23/2010 10:48:45 AM
Stimwalt All American 15292 Posts user info edit post |
We get a random assortment of cups. My favorite is probably donut shop coffee or the green mountain Colombian. I don't drink tea at work, so I don't know much about their tea selection, but my co-workers like them.
At home I have a french press for coffee and a kettle for tea.
[Edited on November 23, 2010 at 12:35 PM. Reason : -] 11/23/2010 12:34:12 PM
qntmfred retired 40929 Posts user info edit post |
just made a cup at work and it wouldn't let me make an 8 oz cup so i had to make a 10 oz cup and now it's all watered down and tastes terrible. if the keurig had a face, i'd throw this coffee in it ![](images/mad.gif) 11/24/2010 9:48:38 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "big shocker quagmire02 busted up in here on a high horse" |
i'm not sure that stating the obvious (that drip coffee is significantly weaker than espresso, even stove-top espresso) qualifies as "high horse," but if that's what you got out of it, i don't know that there's anything i can do about it 11/24/2010 9:50:43 AM
bassjunkie All American 3093 Posts user info edit post |
I've been drinking the Newman's Own Special Blend Extra Bold for a couple years now, despite the 5 or 10 variations that fluctuate in the office coffee area.
After reading a few people here ranting about the Tulley's Kona Blend, I decided to give it a try this morning.
That shit is whack. Tasted like watered down gas station coffee...i made it through about 1/2 a cup before tossing that shit and getting a fresh cup of Newman's.
That is all. 12/1/2010 10:13:54 AM
PaulISdead All American 8841 Posts user info edit post |
^^ lulz u clueless 12/1/2010 11:23:13 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
elkaybie must be your water, the things also do have to be cleaned every once in awhile
same for the rest of you, filter your goddamn water and you'll notice the taste get much much better (with all types of coffee)] 12/1/2010 2:13:22 PM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
my office has some of these. nifty little things. but I don't drink coffee. 12/1/2010 5:22:26 PM
brainysmurf All American 4762 Posts user info edit post |
green mountain apple cider is tasty
love this too http://www.seattlecoffeegear.com/Capresso-Froth-Pro-Automatic-Milk-Frother-p/scg20095-02.htm
[Edited on December 13, 2010 at 3:34 AM. Reason : frothy goodness] 12/13/2010 3:25:31 AM
ncsuallday Sink the Flagship 9818 Posts user info edit post |
12/13/2010 4:56:16 AM
FroshKiller All American 51922 Posts user info edit post |
I see what you did there, but that unit of measure was called a couric. 12/13/2010 8:06:37 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
hawiian hazelnut kona blend sumatrian reserve newmans own special blend carribu daybreak
the last two are my "bulk" buys, lately i've been tossing in a andes mint in a cup of those last two... pretty decent. 12/13/2010 8:07:24 AM
FroshKiller All American 51922 Posts user info edit post |
I'm drinking that Newman's right now. It's all right, but it was seriously the only non-flavored, non-decaf coffee option on the rack this morning. 12/13/2010 8:09:48 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
it's rated really well for some reason... i don't get it either, but you can usually get a 80 pack of it at costco.... 12/13/2010 8:11:03 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
i dont drink coffee but my parents got one of these things recently and I used it during one of our family christmas dinners to make a cup of hot Earl Grey. definitely not as good as tea kettle tea but a nifty little machine i wouldn't mind having for guests and the off chance i do drink a cup of coffee.
That being said, the one they got is huge. It takes up a lot of space. Do they make smaller models? 12/13/2010 9:31:31 AM
Wadhead1 Duke is puke 20897 Posts user info edit post |
What's the best place to buy these suckers in bulk? I want to get some extras for my parent's for Christmas. 12/13/2010 9:34:02 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
I've been seeing these constantly advertised in the Kohl's circulars.
How is it different/better than just a grinder and a French press? 12/13/2010 9:35:17 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
^^ amazon frequently has sales with additional "subscribe and save" discounts that makes the cost more bearable...just check slickdeals on a regular basis
^ well, espresso and french press produce different and stronger coffees, so for comparison's sake, i'd say that it's about the same as most drip coffee...that said, it's GOOD drip coffee...it's really the convenience and ability to have different flavors (or tea or hot chocolate) per cup that makes it appealing to people, i think
[Edited on December 13, 2010 at 9:38 AM. Reason : .] 12/13/2010 9:36:38 AM
KInge21 All American 574 Posts user info edit post |
6 cups of coffee from your Keurig might result in a 6 Couric poo. That might be a record. 12/13/2010 9:38:10 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Wat. A French press doesn't produce stronger coffee unless you're letting your coffee steep for too long.
[Edited on December 13, 2010 at 9:39 AM. Reason : a] 12/13/2010 9:38:38 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Wat. A French press doesn't produce stronger coffee unless you're letting your coffee steep for too long." |
not compared to what you get out of espresso, but it certainly does produce a stronger cup of coffee...paper filters significantly reduce the amount of the coffee's oils that get through into the coffee you drink, while the press allows those oils through
[Edited on December 13, 2010 at 9:47 AM. Reason : .] 12/13/2010 9:40:17 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
True, but just having more oils I wouldn't constitute as "stronger" coffee. If you're putting a light roast coffee in your French press, it's going to have a similar composition to a light roast coffee brewed in a paper filter. For most people strong=dark. 12/13/2010 9:58:57 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
to me, strong is a reference to flavor and my point is that the same coffee in a french press will produce a stronger flavor than in a drip machine...it's not really opinion so much as fact 12/13/2010 10:03:05 AM
Stimwalt All American 15292 Posts user info edit post |
You are also supposed to quickly grind the beans, add them immediately to the press, add the pre-filtered hot water, and then stir the coffee for at least a minute or two. Most typical drip coffees only pass through the grinds for a short period of time. With a french press, the grinds are fully saturated, stirred for a minute or two, and are then pressed quickly. There are no barriers between your beans and you (filters, limited water saturation). You can let it steep for as long, or as short as you want. It is more efficient in regards to getting the most taste and strength out of your coffee, and it's really the best cup of coffee.
[Edited on December 13, 2010 at 10:21 AM. Reason : -] 12/13/2010 10:07:32 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
^^ You say that, but after working in coffee shops for almost 10 years I can tell you that most people have a bit sized brain when it comes to describing coffee.
[Edited on December 13, 2010 at 10:07 AM. Reason : a] 12/13/2010 10:07:37 AM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "You say that, but after working in coffee shops for almost 10 years I can tell you that most people have a bit sized brain when it comes to describing coffee." |
i get that...i just figured that if we're in a coffee thread, people would realize "strong" was in reference to flavor and not to color
^^ yeah 12/13/2010 10:21:51 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
It's not even color most people are referring to when they say "strong." It's just the earthiness of the roast. So many times I had customers come in at Christmastime saying, "My friend likes strong coffee, what should I give them," and you'd try asking them some follow-up questions, only to finally go when the person is just going, "strong strong strong" like some sort of mantra and you toss them a pound of Sumatra
As an aside, I highly recommend this coffee for people who buy whole bean: http://www.portorico.com/store/ If you catch them when they're having one of their big sales you can get some great coffee dirt cheap. 12/13/2010 10:25:41 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
amazon and costco are the best places for 80 count boxes, they make ones of all sizes, there are some really small ones as well...
french press coffee is great, got a big one from the wedding. just messy and more work...
kettle tea is the best but again takes the most time and effort.] 12/13/2010 11:07:06 AM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
Funny this was bumped today because my machine was just giving me issues
My perseverance prevailed, though! ![](images/tongue.gif) 12/13/2010 7:43:44 PM
Wadhead1 Duke is puke 20897 Posts user info edit post |
i want to find some of those folger's brand cups. off to the internet i go. 12/13/2010 8:34:03 PM
hollister All American 1498 Posts user info edit post |
<------Spoiled coffee snob
http://www.wholelattelove.com/Jura/capressof7.cfm?ConID=2 12/13/2010 8:52:24 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
^That looks epic but if its $700 on SALE it's totally out of the question for me lol.
Heck, I only paid $40 for my Keurig Platinum ![](images/beatup.gif) 12/13/2010 8:57:43 PM
hollister All American 1498 Posts user info edit post |
You can get better deals after the purchasing orgy this month, and/or on eBay. Supplies are cheaper than for a Keurig but not enough to make up that difference! Keurig prices have come down a ton, BTW; when we got one for my uncle they were over $200.
The coffee from the Jura is better than anything I've had outside of Europe. Can also have a huge latte every morning for ~$.50, so that does add up. ![](images/smile.gif) 12/13/2010 9:02:58 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
I just bought an AeroLatte milk frother on Amazon for $5. It was supposed to be $15 but I (for reasons I don't know) had a $10 gift card or promotional credit of some sort on my account.
Merry Christmas to me! 12/17/2010 6:43:43 PM
d7freestyler Sup, Brahms 23935 Posts user info edit post |
♥ my Keurig. 12/17/2010 6:46:34 PM
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
we just got one of these for christmas.
how do you fill up a travel mug? We only have 2 settings, 8oz and 10z..
i assume that we just use 2 kcups and do 8oz setting twice? 1/1/2011 8:42:53 PM
AlaskanGrown I'm Randy 4694 Posts user info edit post |
^ If you aren't into super dark coffee, I use a dark roast and run it twice. It tastes fine, not overly watered down, and its certainly cheaper than using two k-cups. 1/1/2011 8:47:56 PM
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
oh ok, so you run the same cup twice? I didn't know that would work.
do you use the 8oz or 10oz setting? 1/1/2011 8:53:34 PM
AlaskanGrown I'm Randy 4694 Posts user info edit post |
Usually 10-8. You pretty much have to use a dark roast though. 1/1/2011 9:01:38 PM
QTPie All American 7496 Posts user info edit post |
Coffee Cow (coffeecow.com) is where I order my pods.... If you google promo codes, there's always one you can use that usually gets the pods down to about 36 cents each (most are 50+ish, otherwise).
I buy a lot at one time, and orders over $65 ship free (and you have 6 mos worth of coffee/tea)
They have more to chose from (87 types, I think) so I stick with them & They've never failed me.
When all else fails, I use Illy in the 'my pod' and make my own. 1/1/2011 9:26:19 PM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
My current job doesnt have a keurig machine and I really miss not having one. Been thinking about getting one for home use and I would probably opt for the reusable cup. I shutter when I think of how many of those cups our office went through every day. 1/1/2011 9:38:06 PM
AlaskanGrown I'm Randy 4694 Posts user info edit post |
I buy cups to use at work, and have one at home which I use the filter/coffee grounds with. 1/1/2011 9:44:14 PM
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
I just used a regular kcup and a regular coffee mug, pushed the small setting, and it filled it halfway up... i guess i need to use the large setting even on a regular size mug...
i'm still confused about the "travel kcups" though... the small/large settings on the keurig only dispense a certain amount of water... so even on the travel kcups, will i still need to run the cup twice? It just has enough grains in it to stay strong? 1/2/2011 10:52:14 AM
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
I just use the 10oz setting for travel mugs, never had a issue with it 1/2/2011 4:23:31 PM
10409 Posts user info edit post |
I like the chai latte cup. Though the box recommends the 8 oz setting, I only run the 4oz through it and it tastes better and still empties the cup. 1/2/2011 5:48:15 PM
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
my sister-in-law recommended bigcatcoffee.com you can variety packs of 25 kcups on there for cheap.
has anyone tried any of these?
green mountain coffee - caramel vanilla cream wolfgang puck - creme caramel green mountain coffee - chocolate glazed donut timothy's - german chocolate cake 1/2/2011 6:58:04 PM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
got this for christmas...i much prefer it over the old bialetti ![](images/spin.gif)
![](http://images.bizrate.com/resize?sq=461&uid=2308609470) 1/2/2011 7:17:58 PM