bdmazur ?? ????? ?? 14957 Posts user info edit post |
Our paths had crossed many times and we had many mutual friends, but my first real direct encounter with her was on a student government trip to DC a few years ago.
We were playing a game of poker in the lobby of the hotel we were staying in...I believe a few other TWWers were there including TGD...and I recall getting incredibly annoyed because at the end of every hand she would just scream out "Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ!" because she didn't win.
I started out really not liking her, but as that week went on I got to see her speak out for the things she cared strongly about, and that passion exists in so few people. I was very impressed with her composure in professional situations, and her undying loyalty to her causes and her friends.
I didn't know about any of this until I opened the Lounge thread a few minutes ago, and I am still in a state of disbelief. All my love goes out to Xtine, Z, and your families.
Quote : | "And, of course, her sitting in the shade with a camera, guarding TGD's campaign signs, thereby starting off a shitstorm of hilariously epic proportions." |
A prime example of that loyalty.
[Edited on October 31, 2010 at 9:54 PM. Reason : -] 10/31/2010 9:52:47 PM
MrsCake All American 1146 Posts user info edit post |
In regards to my pregnancy:
Quote : | "ambrosia1231: congrats ...who the hell are you and mrscake?
qntmfred: they came to neomonde
ambrosia1231: I was wondering who they were " |
We had a decent conversation at Neomonde, too, she just never made the connection with who I was on the internet. 10/31/2010 10:11:06 PM
Beardawg61 Trauma Specialist 15492 Posts user info edit post |
For those of you who asked, my friend Christine Waddill has passed away suddenly with no warning and only speculation as to the cause. I met Christine while at NC State back in 2003 and she was a dear friend to me, especially during some dark times during which I had very few friends. Christine was a brutally honest, funny, & creative person. She never judged people for their quirks and flaws, rather she embraced them and welcomed you into her weird little world. You never had to wonder where you stood with her at any given time. She has been very influential in parts of my life and she is never very far from my thoughts. She enjoyed traveling and outdoor adventures. We were delighted to have her and her husband Matt over to go rafting on the Ocoee with us last year. I loved her dearly as a friend and I treasured our conversations. Some things just won't be the same without her and I don't have words to express how much she will be missed and remembered. Someone like Christine or "xtine" as she was known to many of us does not fade from memory quickly. If you are reading this please take a moment to tell the people that you care about, just how much they mean to you. It's so sad but if a young & healthy person like Christine could leave us so abruptly, it could happen to any of us, especially in our business. 11/1/2010 3:00:00 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
i cut their grass and xtine paid me with some tasty homemade food
gonna miss her 11/1/2010 9:29:05 AM
thegoodoctor All American 1670 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "From : ambrosia1231 To : thegoodoctor Received : Monday June 14, 2010 at 10:55 PM Subject : CONFESSION TO POAST! this pomegranate vodka is going to be DANGEROUS " |
your drunken threads were the best  11/1/2010 12:24:04 PM
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
that's a great picture Z posted on Page 1 to remember her by. 11/1/2010 1:08:34 PM
walkmanfades All American 3139 Posts user info edit post |
This is not a best memory, but I don't know where else to post it.
I knew something was very very wrong and it bothered me for a couple days leading up to Z's post that ambrosia had passed.
It went back to when she revealed in the confessions thread that she had thoughts of suicide. We ended up having a PM conversation that left me still upset but satisfied that she had a network of people that could help and support her. From that point on, though, I read her posts with a different eye.
When she recently started posting about how much she hated her hair cut (and remembering how much she loved her hair) I started getting worried again. However, I reminded myself of her support network (which already seemed to be kicking in in response to those posts) and decided not to say anything. I will never forget the picture she posted of her hair where she had clearly been crying.
For the next couple days I searched several times for her latest post. I wanted to hear that she had found someone to fix the cut and that she was happier. At the same time I was frequently stalking Z's posts. I began putting things together from her lack of posting and his posts about being worried that something was wrong.
Should I have said something? Did I REALLY know something was up or was it just a hunch that in a terrible stroke of luck turned out to be correct? I know it's selfish and dumb to even be talking about myself at a time like this, but I am effected by this to an extent that seems excessive for how little I actually knew her. I hope to God there is nothing more I should have done when I started getting bad vibes last week. I pray for comfort for her family and for Z.
Come to think of it, I do have a favorite ambrosia memory (or memories). It was every time I trolled her on TWW and she treated me like the little bitch I am. Eventually I came to understand that she was a far better ally than enemy. Shit's just not the same without her. 11/1/2010 3:11:38 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post |
she shared my affinity for assplay, and we spoke about it quite often in Chatterbox 11/1/2010 3:13:57 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
She did so many things for me. Any time she'd find out I was getting interested in something she knew anything about, she'd give me all the information she could, and even go out and research things for me. She taught me how to knit. I tried to teach myself off internet tutorials, but having her there to help me in person made all the difference.
I met her when I gave her some rabbit supplies when she temporarily had a bunny. She was incredibly appreciative and PMed me a bunch of times to let me know how much he liked the stuff I'd given her or tell me how he was doing.
Every time I hear Amarillo by Morning I will think of her because she introduced it to me one day when she was over at my place and we were listening to country music and talking about songs we liked. She also loved my cat ... and burping in his face.
After I was in my accident she came by just to bring me a cup of coffee and say hello.
When she was getting ready to leave for Colorado, she PMed me and said she wanted to "bachelorize" the kitchen and give me some of the stuff she knew Matt wouldn't eat if she left it. After she'd given me split peas, garbanzo beans, amaranth and things like that, she started loading me up with candy, soup she'd made, flour, and was looking around for anything else she could possibly give me. I still have some cinnamon rolls she gave me in the freezer 
Matt was sick a few weeks ago and she asked if I could make him something homemade to eat and take it to their house for him because he was pitiful and she felt so bad for not being able to do anything special for him from Colorado. I thought that was really sweet of her. 11/1/2010 3:27:59 PM
djeternal Bee Hugger 62661 Posts user info edit post | 11/1/2010 3:38:32 PM
Snewf All American 63556 Posts user info edit post |
sad to hear about this
11/1/2010 5:37:15 PM
zorthage 1+1=5 17148 Posts user info edit post |
An implied memory...
She worked in a hotel for her last few weeks. Her room faced east, but I know she parked on the west side of the hotel. Walking out of that hotel this morning, I had forgotten directly to the west was the rocky mountains. I'm sure she did that occasionally but would stand there in awe for a second and think 'this is why I am out here, and why Z needs to get out here.' 11/3/2010 2:34:21 AM
Fhqwhgads Fuckwads SS '15 20681 Posts user info edit post |
I remember when she told me that Matt and her had eloped...She sent me a link to the wedding album on Facebook.
Here is the gmail chat that we had after she sent me the album
Quote : | "Christine: do you like matt's outfit for getting hitched? me: very beachy. and laidback Christine: i just love those shorts me: lol Christine: 1) they look good 2) HE BOUGHT ENW CLOTHES me: ahaha Christine: the only thing he's bought new since we started dating are some shirts that's it me: he really meant business then if he bought new shorts " |
11/3/2010 11:19:33 AM
PackPrincess All American 10557 Posts user info edit post |
another request. i know, i'm needy. along with pictures you have of xtine, i would also love it if you could email or pm me any memories or conversations you had of her that were just pure xtine. any quotes you remember her saying. anything like that. this is for the post memorial get together, so don't hold back. no g-rating here. let it all out! 11/3/2010 12:06:28 PM
BoondockSt All American 2354 Posts user info edit post |

11/3/2010 12:28:38 PM
Jen All American 10527 Posts user info edit post |
- I first met Christine January 2008 when we went shooting with Rob. We had a great time. Learned she was a great with a camera but horrible at driving a stick (stalled out twice on the way there ) She also yelled very loudly and regularly at other drivers haha.

On facebook I said "you look like your aiming to kill, you picturing somones face on that target??" Christine Waddill McGuire Oh, no. That's smugness you see. I was having issues with DNL at the time and somewhere around here these photos that have something like "Just one more shot..." or something written in. Wish I knew where that thread was
- I don't know whos house we were at but best memory is getting dreadfully drunk off jello shots. However, these shots were made in syringes and made them astoundingly more fun and easy to take. We finished off a bag of these and talked about boys. We kept joking about doing this again
- The post cards 
- The once in a blue moon drunk call to tell me ,in a very fast, rambley, loud way, how drunk and horny and awesome she was and that I should join
- How beautiful her hair was. Damn that girl has some gorgeous hair and she didn't have to do a thing to it
- Loudly talking about her sex life at the salon. It was a small place and it was packed with clients. I was embarrassed but thats the great thing about Christine, she is completely unabashed and comfortable with who she is. Spending time with her was always a good reminder that I should be more secure with who I am and not let the people around me change that.
- When Matt came and picked her up from Ruckus one night. It was the first time I'd met him and she was plastered. If i remember correctly, he had woken up, driven a good 20 minutes to get her and they weren't together at that time. Doesn't sound like a best memory but I remember her demeanor became softer around him. I don't know what it is but she just melts a little bit, gets a little more girly, relaxes? Anyway, it's something that I notice every time Ive see her with him since then. She really loves him and it's endearing to watch people care for each other like that
i think Amna wins though. Thats a pretty stellar memory.
[Edited on November 3, 2010 at 12:44 PM. Reason : photos] 11/3/2010 12:34:24 PM
LunaK LOSER :( 23634 Posts user info edit post |
^ here you go

oh and had lunch with her and Z, djgrimx and packprincess a few months ago on the OBX. we were talking about things that have been posted on here etc, and i said i had avoided ever having seen tub girl. what's xtine do? she pulls up the gif and goes hey, look at this to me... i looked, and was utterly grossed out. especially since it was during lunch 
that's pretty much xtine though ] 11/3/2010 12:38:03 PM
PackPrincess All American 10557 Posts user info edit post |
^she took those jello shots from my house, lol. i had made them for Lutra's bachelorette party. Christine was there and Metricula was hosting a sex toy party. She could barely get the item out of the box before Christine would go on telling stories about that particular sex toy and how it worked or didn't work, and most often there was a story to go along with her review, lol. 11/3/2010 12:42:36 PM
PackPrincess All American 10557 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on November 3, 2010 at 12:44 PM. Reason : epic] 11/3/2010 12:44:16 PM
Jen All American 10527 Posts user info edit post |
hahaha, yeah. She was a fan of her sex toys. I remember her talking about her glass pieces and some brand she really liked whos name is escaping me at the moment. I knew if we went out to lunch to ask for a back table because it would end up in a conversation about butt plugs or something  11/3/2010 12:47:38 PM
Skwinkle burritotomyface 19447 Posts user info edit post |
haha, when I was stressed out a couple weeks ago she sent me a link with some "advice." It was a link to the Hitachi magic wand. She knew I was at work and would laugh about it, and when I called her out about that she said she prayed I was drinking something when I opened it. 11/3/2010 1:49:18 PM
Samwise16 All American 12710 Posts user info edit post |
I forgot I had sent this to her
Quote : | "From : Samwise16 To : ambrosia1231 Received : Sunday August 15, 2010 at 9:52 AM Subject : my dream last night involved you and when I woke up I LOL'd
I had a dream that the post office had messed up and for some reason sent your forwarded mail to my address... Well, that's what I thought in the beginning of the dream anyways. Then I realized you actually sent me a package -- it was this crazy dildo thing " |
She got a pretty big kick out of it  11/3/2010 9:54:08 PM
kylekatern All American 3291 Posts user info edit post |
I still remember getting her to show up at PDHSC and letting her pick through my handgun pile and try things out. 11/3/2010 10:03:19 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
She legitimately tried to help me with my basketcaseness. That was awesome. 11/3/2010 10:28:53 PM
Kiwi All American 38546 Posts user info edit post |
She came to my 21st birthday party.
 11/4/2010 9:52:46 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
Nice! 11/4/2010 9:55:32 PM
humandrive All American 18286 Posts user info edit post |
So one time, she thought it'd be a great idea to attach our dog's shock collar to her boobs... 11/5/2010 5:19:28 PM
tartsquid All American 16389 Posts user info edit post |
I will always fondly remember getting regular emails full of crazy porn from her.
And when she knew I was miserable and depressed about being in NoVA with no job, she went out of her way to regularly send me job leads in the area that she ran across.
She was so amazingly helpful. 11/5/2010 5:29:41 PM
pawprint All American 5203 Posts user info edit post |
When I first started teaching, I posted about looking for supplies for my classroom and she gave me all these notebooks, pens, and school stuff. I have one of the pens currently attached to my attendance clipboard. She always posted in the "free stuff I find online and wanted to share" thread. She will be missed. 11/5/2010 7:16:05 PM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "So one time, she thought it'd be a great idea to attach our dog's shock collar to her boobs..." |
oh xtine!  11/5/2010 7:29:40 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
I was out last night, and got a few fun text messages from 2 different menfolk.
Well I actually said out loud "Damn, Where's Christine when you need her?" 
This would have been a situation where we had a great PM or text conversation about things I should do to these guys.
 11/5/2010 8:25:41 PM
Lutra All American 12588 Posts user info edit post |
I remember before Zorthage (BZ if you will) how a bunch of us basically made up a "Christine vehicular support group" and we'd all trade off on driving her to shop, to work, or to just get her outta the house. Fun times.
And it was during one of those drives around Crossroads when I was bitching about being tired of dating guys who played video games that she said "what about a skater boy?" The rest is history. 11/5/2010 10:29:19 PM
Axelay All American 6276 Posts user info edit post |
Christine was one of the first TWW people I met in real life way back in (I think) 2004 when I returned to NCSU for another degree. I recall having met at I Love NY Pizza a small group of people including her, Misha, Nerdchick, and several others. (even esgargs... and that shows how old I am) She thought it was pretty funny that I carried around my GameBoy Advance SP in my pocket, but I did love playing whenever I got a chance. I'm genuinely sorry to hear that she's gone. She was always very nice to me. 11/5/2010 11:42:39 PM
begonias warning: not serious 19581 Posts user info edit post |
there's a lotion line we sell at my job called "ambrosia"
and the swirls remind me of this sex toy xtine talked about
so I took a picture with one:
 11/6/2010 11:34:07 AM
punchmonk Double Entendre 22300 Posts user info edit post |
bttt ****Reminder**** Memorial service Lake wheeler program center today, 2pm-5pm 11/6/2010 12:51:22 PM
bdmazur ?? ????? ?? 14957 Posts user info edit post |
^How did it go? If I was still within driving distance I would have been there for sure. 11/7/2010 12:03:15 PM
TheBullDoza All American 7117 Posts user info edit post |
It was wonderful. A lot of people showed up for the service at Lake Wheeler and the remembrance party at Mitch's Tavern. It was very sad, but was good for everyone involved. People were sharing personal memories and showing support for everyone involved. It was an all around great service. Matt's speech was one of the most touching things I've ever heard.
On a side note, it was sunny and hailing for about 20 minutes. It was like a metaphor for Christine. 11/7/2010 1:07:30 PM
WillemJoel All American 8006 Posts user info edit post |

11/7/2010 1:56:01 PM
twoozles All American 20735 Posts user info edit post |
It was really nice to get to spend time with everyone and share memories. 11/7/2010 2:35:29 PM
DeltaBeta All American 9417 Posts user info edit post |
She sent me several unsolicited PM's about the joys of getting pegged.
I LOL'd like hell. 11/7/2010 5:35:51 PM
EMCE balls deep 89896 Posts user info edit post |
I really wish I could have made it to the service.  11/7/2010 5:36:47 PM
TheBullDoza All American 7117 Posts user info edit post |
You should know that Christines Mom was so touched by a letter that you wrote (either you or some other Jeff). I'm not sure if it was something you posted online or what, but I was around when she mentioned it. She said she's read it a few times. 11/7/2010 5:59:53 PM
EMCE balls deep 89896 Posts user info edit post |
I hope that it helped those that loved her know that Christine was very much appreciated in this world. I posted the letter here in that lounge thread.
Also, thank you Elise (and whoever else was involved) in putting all of that together for the service. 11/7/2010 6:03:40 PM
eahanhan All American 21370 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "It was wonderful. A lot of people showed up for the service at Lake Wheeler and the remembrance party at Mitch's Tavern. It was very sad, but was good for everyone involved. People were sharing personal memories and showing support for everyone involved. It was an all around great service. Matt's speech was one of the most touching things I've ever heard.
On a side note, it was sunny and hailing for about 20 minutes. It was like a metaphor for Christine." |
Yes, Saturday was about as awesome as a sad sad day could be. The cold rain in the morning -> sunshine -> sunshine with hail was Christine in weather form, for real. 11/7/2010 6:23:07 PM
twoozles All American 20735 Posts user info edit post |

Christine's mom knew who I was because of this photo 
11/7/2010 6:27:34 PM
EMCE balls deep 89896 Posts user info edit post |
Honestly, that's the only reason I know who you are too  11/7/2010 6:29:16 PM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
I have avoided posting here or the other threads because I didn't know Christine as well as some and I don't really know if my words would help anyone or not. I feel like I knew Christine 1% as well as tons of other people, but that little 1% was enough for me to be genuinely upset at her passing.
One time she gave me some amazing financial advice that ended up saving me close to $6,000. I'm sure I said thanks in the moment, but I don't think I ever really let her know how important that was to me. We only chatted on aim a handful of times, but each time was for several hours and she was just one of those rare amazing people that you can just instantly connect with and feel like you have been best friends for years even though you barely know each other. I really do regret not speaking with her more, but I know that she didn't lack for friends and I'm the one that lost out by not getting to know her better. 11/7/2010 6:44:41 PM
zorthage 1+1=5 17148 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Matt's speech was one of the most touching things I've ever heard." |
Thanks. I was struggling all day for what to say, and I just ran with what came to me. An uncle recorded it, and I'm curious now what I said, because I don't remember it at all 
Quote : | "The cold rain in the morning -> sunshine -> sunshine with hail was Christine in weather form, for real." |
No kidding. I stayed around as the sun was setting after most everyone else had left; that day felt very odd in a 'she was here, and she very much approved' sort of way.
^ I want to see those memories of Christine. I know she was friends with a handful of people here, but I've seen and heard things from sooooooo many people on here that I didn't even know she talked to and never 'met' her.... It still makes me proud to hear that she has helped so many people who for the most part are strangers.
That was sort of my intent of the original 'Thank you TWW' thread; for as often as people come here to bull shit, troll, stir up what they can, or anything else non productive, its CRAZY how much this website (which helped Christine help people) has improved people's lives. 11/7/2010 11:24:30 PM
DivaBaby19 Davidbaby19 45208 Posts user info edit post |
I won't lie....I tear up every time I click this thread.
I'm so sorry I missed it today due to work 
The weather thing sounds so wild, yet so perfect! 11/7/2010 11:30:36 PM
Samwise16 All American 12710 Posts user info edit post |
I don't know why, but I think this song is fitting... Very, very sad but I couldn't help but think of her when it said "the sharp knife of a short life"
[Edited on November 8, 2010 at 12:24 AM. Reason : it would probably help if I put the video link on here] 11/8/2010 12:23:42 AM