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 Message Boards » » NC GOP takes control of general assembly Page 1 [2], Prev  
supple anteater
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Quote :
"Who's in those closed-door House policy meetings?

North Carolina House Majority Leader Skip Stam's office just sent out a list of the chairs and core members of the caucus' "policy committees."

These are the eight closed-door caucus committees that Speaker Tillis set up to "educate" Republican members on legislative issues. Members are welcome to attend any of these meetings, but the public, the press and advocates are only allowed in by invitation.

On an interesting note, Lee Republican Mike Stone's "Issue Education Group," the one that drew fire last week for meeting privately with gambling lobbyists, is called the "Jobs/Economic (and Regulatory Reform)" group."

Keep it secret, keep it safe. They're sticking to no transparency, spending 5.7 million trying to ban marriage for gay couples when it is already banned, spending up to 20 million more on some of the most restrictive photo ID voting requirements in the country to the point that it will disproportionately hurt college students, spending time pursuing possible abortion restrictions, they've given up any calls for independent redistricting the second they took power, and oh yeah, cutting colleges like NC States budget to make up for their new spending habit.

[Edited on February 16, 2011 at 11:47 PM. Reason : .]

2/16/2011 11:43:54 PM

supple anteater
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Speaking of redistricting, they just announced the House committee for redistricting this week. Not surprisingly, they opted against an independent commission, and there are more republicans than democrats on the committee, and the senior chairman, 2 chairmen, 4 vice chairmen are all on the republican side.

2/17/2011 1:46:58 AM

All American
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Democrats had their chance to play it down the middle with redistricting and they didn't and we ended up with gerrymandered 12th District.

I am sorry but Democrats crying about this have no one to blame but themselves they had no problem doing the same things when they were in control.

The Press is making a big deal out of all this because its the first time the GOP has been in control in over 100 years. If you think Democrats in the GA weren't wined and dined by lobbyists then you are just blind.

2/17/2011 10:52:18 AM

supple anteater
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I don't think they are writing these stories just b/c the GOP is in power, I think they are writing them b/c they are timely, as in the campaign promises not to do this are still fresh in people's recent memories.

Quote :
"Republicans gather privately

Republicans in the state House came under continued criticism Tuesday over their use of members-only committees to hear from special interest groups in secret."

2/17/2011 4:14:04 PM

All American
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So basically the democrats are getting angry that the republicans aren't fulfilling a promise that they themselves couldn't even be bothered to make in the last 100+ years?

Stay classy, NCDP.

2/17/2011 5:25:52 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"Republicans in the state House came under continued criticism Tuesday"

Quote :
"in the last 100+ years"

I'll agree completely that Dems have had a lot of control, but the last 100 years statement is a little dramatic and not entirely accurate:

Quote :
"Republicans ran the House for two terms in the mid-1990s before Democrats won it back. Then in 2003 Republicans appeared to have won the House back, but a change in party by one legislator produced a deadlock and joint Democrat-Republican management in the House for two years.

Read more:

And past corruption is no excuse for current corruption. The dems should have pushed through independent redistricting when they were in power, and the gop should now that they are in power.

Also, several of the issues they've acted on are new ways to be wasteful, so that your past corruption makes current corruption okay argument doesn't hold up. Marriage discrimination constitutional amendments and one of the most restrictive voting requirements in the nation together will cost us millions. And depending on how it is written, a lot of businesses could lose the ability to offer partner benefits even if they want to, which I think will especially affect the triangle.

2/17/2011 10:18:58 PM

All American
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I didn't say that past corruption makes current corruption's that democrats have ZERO room to talk, so they should probably just wait their turn in the corner and reflect on why it was that they got voted out in the first place.

2/17/2011 11:53:03 PM

supple anteater
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Which, based on the bills the GOP is considering, is because we didn't have enough government spending on restrictions on marriage, abortion, or voting, not because ppl cared about jobs or the economy.

2/17/2011 11:57:33 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"House Speaker Thom Tillis in the last few months handed out raises as high as 27 percent to half his staff after vowing in January to set an example for others in state government by cutting his office payroll.

Read more:

BY LYNN BONNER - Staff writer "

6/11/2011 1:42:33 PM

All American
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Senator Don East is a Whore

fuck this budget

that is all

6/15/2011 11:13:21 AM

26647 Posts
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Where's d357r0y3r's anti-corporatism stand?

[Edited on June 20, 2011 at 1:21 PM. Reason : ...]

6/20/2011 1:20:41 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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There's pretty much nothing that the North Carolina General Assembly could do that would shock me at this point. We live in a culturally backwards part of the country, the government operates exclusively through "good ole boy" networks, and I have no hope that anything will change anytime soon.

6/20/2011 2:42:17 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"While the NC General Assembly is on a 24-day recess, House Republicans are taking quick advantage of a loophole in state law to sponsor a major fundraising event this Wednesday and solicit contributions of up to $5,000 from political action committees (PACs) that are barred from giving while the General Assembly is in session.

Two days before the legislature temporarily adjourned on June 18, Speaker Thom Tillis’ general counsel sought and received an advisory opinion [attached] from the State Board of Elections
indicating that lawmakers may accept contributions from “limited contributors” other than lobbyists “when the General Assembly has adjourned or recessed for a time certain that is more than 10

State law [NCGS 163-278.13C] prohibits registered lobbyists from directly giving to legislators at any time, but another law [NCGS 163-278.13B] says other “limited contributors” – namely, agents and sponsors of lobbyists and their PACs – can give if the session recesses and sets a reconvening date more than 10 days later. During the break, lobbyists can also solicit campaign donations for the legislators; they just can’t personally deliver the donations.

With the advisory opinion in hand, the NC Republican House Caucus is now seeking donations of $500 to $5,000 for a fundraising event – including donations from PACs, agents of lobbyists and
others with business pending in the General Assembly.

The event is set for Wednesday at the 18 Seaboard Restaurant in Raleigh. It features Speaker Thom Tillis, Majority Leader Paul Stam and other House GOP leaders, with the theme “A New Day for North Carolina.”

“This kind of fundraising symbolizes the pay-to-play culture that Republicans said they would stamp out if they won control of the General Assembly,” said Bob Hall, executive director of the
election reform group Democracy North Carolina. “They are already so consumed by the chase for campaign money that they are either clueless or they don’t care that this event looks like cashing in on legislation delivered or still pending.

Democracy North Carolina has previously criticized Democrats when they were in the majority for holding fundraising events on the eve of the legislative session. It is unclear how many legislators
are sponsoring events during the current recess.

At the end of this release is an email solicitation from Rep. Darrell McCormick (R-Yadkinville) that includes a specific appeal to lobbyists: “We are providing you with a copy of this information
simply to inform you and request that you pass the information along to any interested parties and recommend support where appropriate.”"

Quote :
"Media reports have highlighted a number of examples this year where donations from PACs and special interests are linked to legislation.

• Food wholesaler Alex Lee Inc. made an unusual $15,000 PAC donation to the Senate
Republican Caucus and got a bill passed allowing it to keep a tax break worth $2 million even
though it failed to meet the job creations goals.

• The consumer loan industry donated more than $100,000 to Republican legislative candidates in
2010, and despite opposition by military leaders, GOP leaders pushed a bill through the House
to increase rates on small loans.

• The head of Wilmington’s home builders association donated $4,000 to a state senator this
spring, and the senator then introduced and pushed through the NC Senate the association’s bill
to change the rental policy of the city’s convention center, despite opposition by the city

• The top recipients of Blue Cross PAC donations now in the General Assembly sponsored
successful legislation to give the insurance industry significant influence over a commission
overseeing how the uninsured in NC will get coverage under the new federal healthcare law.

• The PAC for John Deere & Co. increased its donations by 50% in 2010 to over $100,000 and
won favorable legislation to change the state government’s contracting system for purchasing
tractors and other equipment."

6/28/2011 2:31:07 PM


18617 Posts
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Surely you aren't suggesting we take away their constitutionally protected right to bribe?

6/28/2011 2:43:22 PM

All American
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I am not sure whom to be more angry at here, the piece of garbage General Assembly or our spineless (in this instance) governor for not vetoing this straight up bs legislation allowing jetties to be built along our coast essentially fucking over natural processes. I have a bad feeling that this was merely a test run to try and get sea wall legislation through next.

6/28/2011 8:29:17 PM

4725 Posts
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What the shit do you really care? You'll be gone, your kids will be gone, and their kids will be gone before any real problems arise from jetties.

6/28/2011 9:16:15 PM

All American
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Because I actually care about the sustainability of the historic and ecological value of our coastline? Instead, the pawns in the general assembly did the bidding of their developer overlords at our expense.

6/29/2011 6:08:41 PM

supple anteater
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"Pro Tem's son mulls run for 13th"

Quote :
"Berger’s father, Phil Berger, is the N.C. Senate president pro tem. The younger Berger hasn’t run for a legislative office before, though he is vice president-elect of the state Conference of District Attorneys and has served as his county’s party chairman.

He said after he looked at the proposed district maps on his phone this weekend, he called his dad to talk about it. “I bounce a lot of ideas off him,” he added.

The proposed plan to redraw the 13th would change the district's political landscape, making it very difficult for Miller to hold onto the seat in 2012. Berger said that was a factor in his decision.

“Certainly, it’s a better district for a Republican candidate,” he said."

Nepotism at its finest.

[Edited on July 6, 2011 at 1:01 AM. Reason : .]

7/6/2011 1:00:54 AM

All American
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bump by request

3/4/2012 1:24:51 PM

All American
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Bill Would Overturn New Beach Driving Rules
Quote :
"Congressman Walter Jones has filed a bill to overturn new rules on beach driving along the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. The eastern North Carolina Republican says new restrictions to protect sea turtles and birds will harm the local recreational economy.

Walter Jones: Instead of finding a balance between the endangered species and the people, it seems like that they're always giving more consideration to the endangered species. And I'm for protecting the endangered species - you know my work to protect the horses at Shackleford Banks and up in Corolla.

The new rules from the National Park Service are the result of a lawsuit from environmentalists. With a permit, off-road vehicles are allowed on most of the seashore for all or part of the year. But 26 miles are off limits to vehicles. Jones' fellow North Carolina Republican Renee Ellmers has signed onto his bill, which would reinstate looser rules that preceded the lawsuit."

The bolded part is what gets me. No fucking shit endangered species are going to be given more consideration, because they are on the verge of being wiped from existence! Aww boo-hoo about not being able to drive on the beach. That's what roads are for! And I love how he implies that some endangered species are better than others with his wink and nod to wild horses. What a douchebag.

3/4/2012 4:41:38 PM

All American
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The wild horses are good for tourism, otherwise he wouldn't give a shit about them either.

3/4/2012 4:50:33 PM

All American
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Was taking a look at unemployment figures today (because I need something to blame)

Why in the hell is North Carolina so much higher than the national and higher than every surrounding state?

Google data explore (check it out, makes looking at data pretty quick)!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=unemployment_rate&fdim_y=seasonality:S&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=country&idim=country:US&idim=state:ST370000:ST510000:ST470000:ST450000:ST130000&ifdim=country&tstart=1202187600000&tend=1330923600000&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=false

This isn't necessarily only a NC GOP issue, but why are we so far behind?

also fuck amendment one and all the attention its getting while our unemployment hovers in the high 9 range

[Edited on May 5, 2012 at 10:10 AM. Reason : Where da jobs at?]

5/5/2012 9:57:52 AM

All American
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I'm sure it's Obama's fault we have the 5th worst unemployment rate in the nation.

5/5/2012 10:06:22 AM

All American
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I would say it's a combination of our poor economy outside of urban areas, a HUGE influx of new citizens, and a lot of government employees being let go. Government jobs have not done well in this recession.

5/5/2012 1:34:45 PM

All American
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A NC commttee considering a bill that would not allow the extrapolation of sea rise data by commisioned scientific panels

somewhat balanced news and observer

Quote :
"They circulated a bill that authorizes only the coastal commission to calculate how fast the sea is rising. It said the calculations must be based only on historic trends – leaving out the accelerated rise that climate scientists widely expect this century if warming increases and glaciers melt.

Science blogs for the Lawl
after hammering the state over amendment one:
Quote :
"The key language is in section 2, paragraph e, talking about rates of sea level rise: “These rates shall only be determined using historical data, and these data shall be limited to the time period following the year 1900. Rates of seas-level rise may be extrapolated linearly. …” It goes on, but there’s the core: North Carolina legislators have decided that the way to make exponential increases in sea level rise – caused by those inconvenient feedback loops we keep hearing about from scientists – go away is to make it against the law to extrapolate exponential; we can only extrapolate along a line predicted by previous sea level rises.

Which, yes, is exactly like saying, do not predict tomorrow’s weather based on radar images of a hurricane swirling offshore, moving west towards us with 60-mph winds and ten inches of rain. Predict the weather based on the last two weeks of fair weather with gentle breezes towards the east. Don’t use radar and barometers; use the Farmer’s Almanac and what grandpa remembers.


5/30/2012 9:37:16 PM

All American
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I'm going to only trust weather forecasts that are based on historical data.

While I feel this is extremely reckless, short-sighted and full of ignorance, after reading it last night I took solace in the notion that with their heads in the sand (literally?) they are less likely to do something EXTREMELY destructive like build sea walls which would no doubt be at the financially backed encouragement of hotel developers.

[Edited on May 30, 2012 at 10:13 PM. Reason : .]

5/30/2012 10:09:04 PM

All American
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That is actually scary. They campaigned on jobs, yet NC is still hanging around 5th worst in the country (Obama's fault, no doubt), and these are their priorities? The Dems probably wouldn't be doing any better, but at least they wouldn't be using our tax money to amend the constitution to make religious decrees and regulating who and how "valid" scientific research can be conducted.

5/30/2012 10:44:22 PM

All American
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Honestly, I'm not sure a conservative NC Dem wouldn't also support this bill. It's sorta a case of developers and real estate agents whispering in ears and getting whatever they want, which is too often the case in NC, IMO.

5/31/2012 6:19:31 AM

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