Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
even if they aren't distributed. they do have to be released though, obtaining them without that tacit stamp probably means you came about the material in a not so ethical way 2/8/2011 12:32:01 AM |
walkmanfades All American 3139 Posts user info edit post |
2/8/2011 12:36:51 AM |
dropdeadkate nerdlord 11725 Posts user info edit post |
Dr warren just called my ass out, in front of the whole class
Thanks for bleeding into real life tww 2/8/2011 10:06:36 AM |
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
LOL 2/8/2011 10:06:48 AM |
dropdeadkate nerdlord 11725 Posts user info edit post |
Sometimes I'm just slow
And by sometimes I mean always
2/8/2011 10:09:33 AM |
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
hahaha. ddk pwnt stay home. Had "the devil reincarnated" for CH 101 way back when. 2/8/2011 10:12:26 AM |
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
I can't remembre the name of my 101 teacher, but he was so old, he was only allowed to teach one section of the class, and he literally read the book when he was lecturing
I actually sat next to bellrabbit in that class (when I decided to show up) 2/8/2011 10:14:15 AM |
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
I sat next to chembob in CH 201 with Warren. He got called out for this very thing. 2/8/2011 10:29:08 AM |
walkmanfades All American 3139 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i am in warrens pchem class right now. we have a test tomorrow on ideal gas law shit.
there will be much crying and anxiety." |
lol2/8/2011 10:29:20 AM |
AstralAdvent All American 9999 Posts user info edit post |
I'm just glad that studing is against the academic integrity code. If you all's teachers weren't lazy this would never be a problem
I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message. 2/8/2011 10:29:40 AM |
Wraith All American 27276 Posts user info edit post |
Had Warren for CH201 back in like 2003. It certainly was more difficult than my other Freshman year classes but not nearly as hard as all the crybabies claim it to be. I just formed a study group with a few other people and we studied our asses off with our old homework and book examples. We all got at least a B in the class without too much trouble. 2/8/2011 10:29:44 AM |
grimx #maketwwgreatagain 32337 Posts user info edit post |
2/8/2011 12:13:07 PM |
GeniuSxBoY Suspended 16786 Posts user info edit post |
Hi, I'm Paul Cousins from Dateline NBC.
Please have a seat over there 2/8/2011 1:34:24 PM |
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
that suuuuuuuuucks.
Being called out by the prof in class for being on tww.
I don't know what I would have done if that had ever happened to me. 2/8/2011 9:42:26 PM |
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Arab13: hate to break it to you guys but old tests are always fair game. pretty much every where at every level... shit at harvard law they have them distributed...." |
My notion of ethics is not informed by what the folks at Harvard do. In fact, it might be just the opposite. If really smart/competitive lawyers guide our moral compass, we're all screwed.
^Pretend it didn't happen and don't talk about it. Only a giant jerk would bring that up.2/8/2011 10:53:17 PM |
AstralAdvent All American 9999 Posts user info edit post |
So if i take a class, fail or drop it then take it with another professor (or the same professor), is using my old tests to study grounds for action to be taken?
I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message. 2/8/2011 10:53:55 PM |
adder All American 3901 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Dr warren just called my ass out, in front of the whole class
Thanks for bleeding into real life tww " |
Let me tell you a little story about Warren. When I took his class (very poorly taught, textbook full of errors etc) there was a thread on tww about his class. I got very descriptive as to the reasons why his class sucks. He responded from time to time in the thread and then responded with a PM (or an email to my unity account I can't remember which) to me about how "a forum isn't the best place to discuss some things" this message used my last name (my profile only gives my middle name) so basically he took the time to match up my middle name with his class roster. I responded that I didn't appreciate his possible attempts at threatening me for my posts on an anonymous message board.
Quote : | "don't a lot of sororities have test banks?" |
They do and they also have Warren's tests (in his class that was how the greeks would pass because they do offer a serious advantage). Given his angry nerd persona I bet it really chaps his ass that he is giving the sorostitutes and frat-boys a leg up in his class.2/9/2011 9:08:19 AM |
rtc407 All American 6217 Posts user info edit post |
lol you sound butthurt dude 2/9/2011 9:38:05 AM |
grimx #maketwwgreatagain 32337 Posts user info edit post |
this post from ratemyprofessors had me lolling:
Quote : | "Doesn't seem to want to help you out at all, grades really hard, tests are really hard. Change your major" |
2/9/2011 9:41:25 AM |
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ the internet isn't quite as anonymous as it used to be...and it's becoming less so 2/9/2011 9:42:18 AM |
BigMan157 no u 103355 Posts user info edit post |
i've heard it from cousins' mouth that old tests and the like are fair game regardless of whether they come from teachers or students 2/9/2011 9:50:13 AM |
24carat Veteran 309 Posts user info edit post |
As I enjoy symmetry, I find that the true beauty of tdub is its constantly revolving, circular nature. 2/12/2011 8:26:00 PM |
AstralAdvent All American 9999 Posts user info edit post |
what the fuck are you talking about
I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message. 2/12/2011 8:55:49 PM |
24carat Veteran 309 Posts user info edit post |
^pm GreatGazoo. He will enlighten you (while quoting Social Distortion and expanding your vocabulary.) 2/12/2011 11:43:16 PM |