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13178 Posts
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^^^^ Why that particular thread though? Why a quote thread. You were looking for an insult. Stop trying to act like you didn't put effort into the OP. You did, and I proved it.

[Edited on April 25, 2011 at 12:30 AM. Reason : .]

4/25/2011 12:30:21 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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I don't know about the rampaging but the thing I read specifically mentioned this fleet bringing back giraffes for the emperor's zoo or personal collection or whatever.

4/25/2011 12:30:24 AM

All American
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ITT merbig carries his tiny asian dick in a box


4/25/2011 12:31:07 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Maybe just one of the herd rampaged

4/25/2011 12:32:41 AM

All American
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Wat. I was reading it to be entertained.

Something your posts do not do.

4/25/2011 12:33:04 AM

All American
8503 Posts
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Eleanor Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln were both gay.

4/25/2011 12:35:45 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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TIL Eleanor Roosevelt porn does not exist.

4/25/2011 1:02:29 AM

13178 Posts
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^^^ Right... Work harder. Try to be a little more creative.

4/25/2011 1:26:53 AM

37709 Posts
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I lol'd

4/25/2011 2:17:30 AM

All American
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4/25/2011 2:32:29 AM

All American
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Quote :
"in world war I, primitive tanks carried bundles of sticks on the front of their hulls which they dropped into trenches so they could cross them and the term for these objects is "fascines" but they could also be termed "enormous faggots" and basically if a wwI tank ever goes to mars and needs to cross the Valles Marineris it should strap merbig to the front of its hull"

i've reread this like... 6 times already

it's so fucking funny

4/25/2011 2:33:59 AM

soup du hier
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4/25/2011 9:05:07 AM

All American
797 Posts
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you just complained about me for effort posting where i wasn't

now you are trying to tell me to try harder

make up your mind

4/25/2011 9:45:54 AM

All American
6786 Posts
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Fun Fact: Nazi German had operation and deployed infra red night vision scopes sense 1939! Mostly for artillery and armored vehicular use, it was also implemented as a scope for small arms such as the STG-44 though the ZG 1229 Vampir (Vampire) scope system.

4/4/2012 1:18:23 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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Forgot all about this thread.

Read first post again.

Laughed like it was the first time.

4/4/2012 1:30:41 AM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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Me too, A+ effort 9.7/10.

4/4/2012 12:30:49 PM

16786 Posts
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What is the basic difference between Revolt and Revolution?

A revolution means a change in the way a country is governed, usually to a different political system and often using violence or war.

When a revolt happens, there is also violent action against authority, but the scope and consequences are smaller, more limited.

A revolt may take place somewhere for a particular reason usually to show disgust and as a way to protest about something and for a brief period of time. Revolutions are more radical and often shake the whole country.

4/22/2012 2:53:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Louis XVI: Is this a revolt?
Duke of Rochefoucauld-Liancourt: No, sir, it's a revolution.

-Louis XVI

Exchange after the fall of the Bastille,14 Jul. Quoted in F Dreyfus La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1903), ch.2, section 3. King of France (from 1795). He fled to Belgium in 1791, proclaiming himself Regent for Louis XVII in 1793 and King in 1795. On the fall of Napoleon, he landed at Calais (1814) and began a severe rule, until Napoleon's return for the Hundred Days (1815). His rule was subsequently more moderate."

4/22/2012 3:04:44 PM

13178 Posts
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Some history for you all. In April of last year, inSTAALed was fagging up the site with BubbleBobble. A year later I'm still posting and he is not. You're welcome everybody.

4/22/2012 3:13:13 PM

All American
11770 Posts
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How does that make you a winner? I doubt you are the reason he left.

4/22/2012 9:43:47 PM

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