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 Message Boards » » who here still has a Blackberry? Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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Quote :
"The attacks can only be carried out when the devices are using unsecured networks, such as those offered at Wi-Fi hotspots."

While it's still a valid hole, leave your phone on 3G/4G instead of wifi.

5/17/2011 3:45:13 PM

All American
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Had a Curve for two years, got a G2 in January. The BB was basically a Jitterbug in comparison.

5/17/2011 3:46:06 PM

35217 Posts
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Quote :
"While it's still a valid hole, leave your phone on 3G/4G instead of wifi."

meh, gotta love the tinfoil hat crowd. Oh noes. I'm vulnerable if I connect to a public network.

5/17/2011 3:51:00 PM

All American
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I get my emails faster on my Android phone than I did on my blackberry. someone who swore by the physical keyboard...Swype is amazing. Do not miss the physical keyboard at all now.

5/17/2011 3:55:22 PM

45208 Posts
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edit post I guess getting a droid would be fine

5/17/2011 3:56:08 PM

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yeah, gmail and exchange are as good if not better than blackberry. Plus you don't have to worry about flaky ass BIS or the added cost for BES use.

5/17/2011 3:57:22 PM

I'm Randy
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I have played with the playbook for a bit. It is definitely pretty cool and a far cry from any bb os you may be familiar with. My only gripe was the size, if I am going to lug around a tablet I want it to be a bit bigger than my smartphone, otherwise there isn't really a point. However pairing it with a bb or feature phone could be killer bc it has a very portable form factor.

5/17/2011 4:02:27 PM

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Been meaning to go look at one. The boss is pretty set on wanting one but I'm trying to talk him out of it. And it's kinda silly that they made it so dependent on a blackberry. You don't even get corporate email or anything business related without it bridged to a blackberry (at least not until a later update to address security concerns). And it's laughable at how they completely ripped off webOS.

5/17/2011 4:10:26 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"And it's laughable at how they completely ripped off webOS."

While completely fair to criticize for ripping off webOS, it's also important to acknowledge that they're the best possible people to rip off/steal ideas from.

[Edited on May 17, 2011 at 4:31 PM. Reason : .]

5/17/2011 4:31:11 PM

Deucefest '04
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I thought you couldn't even read email on a Playbook unless you dock a Blackberry to it or some shit. Also, no multi tasking... just a lame "me too" product rushed out the door by an increasingly desperate company

[Edited on May 17, 2011 at 4:45 PM. Reason : .]

5/17/2011 4:45:14 PM

All American
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^ I would have switched to WebOS the first time I played with a pre or a pixi - the multitasking is just MONEY. But their email application sucks balls, and I got tired of waiting for my texting/messaging app to load. Some things just need to freaking be left on 24/7.

As for the playbook I must be the only person in the world that I'm a little glad it works in bridge instead of wifi of 3G. First off I don't want to pay for 2 data connections. That's just retarded. And wifi hotspot uses exponential levels of power compared to bluetooth. Given, there should be an email and calendar client built in, but I like the idea of it being tethered. I take my blackberry literally everywhere. It's my alarm in the morning, read most emails on it, and have desk and car spots where it sits happily. I will never use the playbook where my berry is not in within a 30 foot radius unless I just happen to leave it across the house or something.

Eh, I'm waiting until the Touchpad/pre3 to pass judgement. Whatever the case I'm 99.9% android is not going where I want to go at the moment. Whoever gives me seamless app transitions from one device to the other will get my money/contract. Lose the tap to share BS and just give me a freaking button to switch screens/devices and we're in bitness.

5/17/2011 4:45:45 PM

35217 Posts
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Quote :
"I thought you couldn't even read email on a Playbook unless you dock a Blackberry to it or some shit."

That's the case for now. Nothing business related is actually stored on the Playbook because QNX isn't as secure as Blackberry OS. A later update is "supposed" to add the capability

5/17/2011 4:48:12 PM

Deucefest '04
7584 Posts
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I'm not an Android zealout I have an original Motorola Droid and have never owned any Apple products. But I am a Blackberry hater. Back in the day (2007ish) I had to set a couple up for company email and I just hated the Desktop manager software, I hated the screen, I hated the controls, and I pretty much still hate all of them. The fact that they have made some completely unreliable phones makes it worse.

5/17/2011 4:55:58 PM

Agent 0
All American
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10 more days until I make the switch from BB Storm2 (codename: ABORTION) to iPhone4

5/18/2011 10:36:28 AM

All American
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^ the latest crop of android monsters are about to drop within the month including the X2, galaxy S2 and an updated LG Optimus. They'll be trolling dual core processors and gorgeous AMOLED screens (depending on model).

5/18/2011 10:56:54 AM

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5/31/2019 12:29:01 PM

All American
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After years of android and iphone corporate phones... I'd take my blackberry bold back in a minute.

Corporate budget means 3-4 generations old combined with all their management garbage

Just give me fast messaging and email and I'm good.

6/1/2019 10:19:49 PM

26632 Posts
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Everywhere I've been lately is byod

6/2/2019 1:13:17 PM

All American
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^ we have that option... but it requires ironware and they only allow installation of software from the corporate store. We have government contracts, I get it, but our BYOD is "donate your phone and your data if you want to see your corporate email without logging in on a laptop."

I might consider repurposing an old phone, but I'm not paying their way. They got money

6/2/2019 9:38:27 PM

All American
15416 Posts
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i do miss my blackberry - i charged it once a week and the damn thing ran forever. hates the ring tones though.

6/3/2019 5:58:02 AM

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