grimx #maketwwgreatagain 32337 Posts user info edit post |
and if they don't target downstairs does  6/13/2011 1:54:09 PM
fleetwud AmbitiousButRubbish 49741 Posts user info edit post |
Super Mario Bros. 2.02] 6/13/2011 1:54:14 PM
Erfdawg All American 875 Posts user info edit post |
They only care about pushing pre-orders in the hope that you'll trade it back in. 6/13/2011 2:07:59 PM
Specter All American 6576 Posts user info edit post |
i quit buying brand new games from there years and years ago after they tried to sell me a "brand new" game that wasn't sealed. 6/13/2011 2:28:26 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
^yea cause what they do is give you dogshit for basically new games and turn them around and sell them for $55 instead of $60. 6/13/2011 3:07:03 PM
mildew Drunk yet Orderly 14177 Posts user info edit post |
Between, amazon, goozex, etc - these guys should be plummeting like Blockbuster when Netflix came out 6/13/2011 3:08:31 PM
ShinAntonio Zinc Saucier 18949 Posts user info edit post |
I usually only buy/preorder new games at Gamestop if it's something obscure that might be hard to find on release day. Otherwise I go other places that usually have a better deal (like a $10 giftcard at Target).
Ever since they pulled that bundling BS with Gamecube/Xbox launch I've avoided preorders whenever possible. I've heard about the not selling you a game on launch day even if you preordered thing. 6/13/2011 3:10:09 PM
BlackJesus Suspended 13089 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i quit buying brand new games from there years and years ago after they tried to sell me a "brand new" game that wasn't sealed." |
Gamestop is a fucking rip off. Best Buy FTW 6/13/2011 3:10:30 PM
se7entythree YOSHIYOSHI 17379 Posts user info edit post |
i rent from blockbuster by mail. it's much cheaper than gamefly & i can get movies and/or games. it's got to be really awesome, like lbp, for me to buy it. 6/13/2011 3:11:18 PM
ShinAntonio Zinc Saucier 18949 Posts user info edit post | 8/24/2011 9:14:56 PM