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All American
31924 Posts
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Facebook is so large already I don't see how Google will ever kill them.

I mean if Facebook was a company that once it got large enough to feel safe never did any innovating or adding features they might need to be concerned, but I doubt that's the case.

Anyway, I'm supporting Facebook in this to keep a single company from monopolizing the internet.

7/6/2011 2:56:55 PM

All American
21497 Posts
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Quote :
"i dont know how to use facebook anymore to be honest, other than posting things as my status"

7/6/2011 11:13:39 PM

56200 Posts
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I got an invite, and set up things, but cant get the page to load now, REALLY slow

7/7/2011 12:20:51 AM

15126 Posts
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what part of using facebook is hard

7/7/2011 12:59:24 AM

56200 Posts
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yeah, i dont get that either, FB is about as straight forward as it gets.

However, it appear Rockmelt and Google+ dont get along hahah... was wondering if that would happen as Rockmelt is based on Chrome, but has FB as a frame.

7/7/2011 1:10:52 AM

All American
6421 Posts
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Quote :
"I mean if Facebook was a company that once it got large enough to feel safe never did any innovating or adding features they might need to be concerned, but I doubt that's the case."

It is happening to RIM right now. So it can definitely happen.

7/7/2011 1:50:38 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"Facebook is so large already I don't see how Google will ever kill them."

Myspace? It had way more glittery features than Facebook but still fell

7/7/2011 2:02:49 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Myspace was never that large.

Also it had a few neat features that most people just used to create horrific pages filled with glitter and hard to read text on garish background colors. It wasn't anywhere near as good as Facebook in actually helping you connect with and communicate with people.

[Edited on July 7, 2011 at 3:50 PM. Reason : ]

7/7/2011 3:47:17 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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Man what is this giant fucking chat bar

7/7/2011 7:35:57 PM

All American
7239 Posts
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Quote :
"what part of using facebook is hard"

Keeping some random guy/girl you don't know that well from posting on your wall, "MAN BRO YOU WERE FUCKED UP LAST NIGHT." on a school night Private, public, and work lives are separate despite what Zuckerburg wants you to believe...

7/7/2011 9:28:46 PM

15126 Posts
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that problem lies with your friends, not facebook's.

or you could restrict certain people from seeing your wall.

whichever option you prefer

7/7/2011 10:26:19 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"Keeping some random guy/girl you don't know that well from posting on your wall, "MAN BRO YOU WERE FUCKED UP LAST NIGHT." on a school night Private, public, and work lives are separate despite what I've set up.Zuckerburg wants you to believe..."

7/7/2011 10:36:47 PM

All American
7239 Posts
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Facebook turns everything on by default. It should be explicit and easy to do not hidden behind 100 settings. It took me 2 minutes to setup Google+ how I liked.

Not to mention you can download all info out of it with one click...

[Edited on July 7, 2011 at 10:42 PM. Reason : a]

7/7/2011 10:40:55 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
" It should be explicit and easy to do not hidden behind 100 settings."

Clicking "Settings" and then "Privacy" is too complicated for you?

Quote :
"Not to mention you can download all info out of it with one click..."

You can do this in Facebook too.

[Edited on July 7, 2011 at 10:47 PM. Reason : .]

7/7/2011 10:45:58 PM

All American
34404 Posts
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Quote :
Man what is this giant fucking chat bar"

They are panicking.

7/7/2011 10:50:21 PM

All American
7239 Posts
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My last use of Facebook settings had about 100 options and they constantly added new ones. That's a shitty UI...

They are sketch about data. Listen to any of Zuckerburgs interviews. They don't give privacy a priority. And the face detection stuff is icing on the cake.

People wanted a clean simple way to manage your networks and the market provided it.

7/7/2011 10:59:39 PM

5975 Posts
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Anyone got an invite to spare?

7/7/2011 11:36:09 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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Quote :
"Anyone got an invite to spare?"

That being said, I'm the only one of my friends not to have a facebook, but just when i was about to buckle and give in to societal norms and make a facebook this comes out

Now i can be on the cutting edge of this one woohooo

[Edited on July 7, 2011 at 11:43 PM. Reason : ~]

7/7/2011 11:40:57 PM

All American
3046 Posts
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Quote :
"And the face detection stuff is icing on the cake."

I really don't see how semi-automating the process for your friend to tag you in photos is an invasion of privacy. If you feel that way, it's pretty simple to opt out.

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"Man what is this giant fucking chat bar"

I can't say I was a huge fan at first, but it's growing on me. If the algorithm for deciding which friends is implemented/iterated well enough, I could see it being a bit better than the old chat bar setup.

7/8/2011 2:56:26 AM

15126 Posts
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and you don't think Google will be just as sketchy about privacy?

7/8/2011 9:33:36 AM

All American
7239 Posts
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There are parts to be uncomfortable with both, I just think from the stand point of managing my personal circles they've stepped up the game...

7/8/2011 10:17:10 AM

37709 Posts
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Oh you're talking about the privacy settings that Facebook changes every week? With the trend of Facebook defaulting everything on your profile to be more and more open to the internet?

Quote :
"We all know that Facebook has been making privacy changes over the past few years which supposedly reflects society’s trends toward becoming more open. A new infographic produced by Matt McKeon effectively illustrates how Facebook has steadily decreased the default privacy settings of users’ profiles to be more open. The latest settings are surprisingly open and looking at the image below should make you wonder why Facebook is making profiles increasingly open."

Check the link for the image chain, its too big to put here

Quote :
"The release of Facebook Places raised serious privacy concerns for users of the social network. Places allows users to alert their friends to where they are by checking-in to a nearby location, often via mobile phone. Users can also view the location of nearby friends and the information they’ve posted about locations.

Critics of the feature point out that under Places’ default setting, a user can tag a friend’s location even if that friend is not physically in that location. What’s more, all checkins will appear in the News Feed and activity stream for that place, unless otherwise specified. If this sounds like over-sharing to you and you’d like to opt out, you can change your privacy settings.

This isn’t the first time Facebook has received criticism for its privacy practices. In fact, Facebook’s problems stretch back to before its founding when then Harvard sophomore Mark Zuckerberg hacked into the school’s network to steal pictures of students for a site that ranked their attractiveness. Below is an infographic tracing the history of privacy snafus that have dogged the platform since its creation."

[Edited on July 8, 2011 at 11:38 AM. Reason : there's another good "history of failures" but I can't find it]

Because of this thread, I actually went in to my Facebook privacy settings and found loads of my newer photo albums are set to "everyone" or "friends and networks", whereas older albums are set to "Friends only". Another privacy update I'm sure. Not to mention "Posts by me" are opened up to "Friends and Network", where every other setting on the list was "Friends only".

[Edited on July 8, 2011 at 11:46 AM. Reason : lkj]

7/8/2011 11:29:01 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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i received several invites, but upon clicking, they tell me that my profile will be public or some such crap

i don't like that...i don't want my google+ profile (real name, nickname, anything) to be public to anyone who searches the net for it

no thanks

7/8/2011 2:15:39 PM

All American
15446 Posts
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I think I heard they're going to force your name, sex, and something else to be public at the end of July. Or you can delete your profile..

strike 1, Google.

7/8/2011 2:40:52 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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no, that's all 3 strikes

seriously, i'll pass...i'm not really sure what google hopes to accomplish by requiring that you allow some of your information (limited though it may be) to be public...they have more information on me than i can imagine, i'm sure, why should they care to share that basic information with strangers?

7/8/2011 3:17:29 PM

148786 Posts
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7/8/2011 5:41:18 PM

All American
15446 Posts
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Meh, my real name is out there, let people find me in Google plus. All theyll see is my name. I'll leave a pic up that you can't see my face in, too. The gender requirement is off putting, but my first name is only used for men, soooo, no biggie.

If other shit were required, I'd delete the fucker. I'll be keeping a wary eye on it.

7/8/2011 8:43:55 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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i'll wait until google realizes they're being dipshits and takes away the requirement...then i'll sign up

7/8/2011 9:34:58 PM

All American
15446 Posts
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Its a dangerous precedent to change policy like that after people get set up... Facebook like garbage all over again.

Also, I would like to have parent circles. For instance I play on two hockey teams. Maybe I want to post shit to both at once, instead of adding people to a larger hockey circle, and a team a or b circle.... I want to have a and b be subcircles of hockey friends. It's easy to select both circles I guess, but I still think parent/child relationships would be a good feature.

7/8/2011 11:37:39 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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^maybe i'm reading you wrong, but i thought you could already do this; put a circle within a circle

Make a circle "Hockey Friends".
Make a circle "Team A".
Make a circle "Team B".
For a Team A, click View Circle in Tab.
Click More Actions -> Select All.
Move Team A into Hockey Friends.
Repeat for Team B.

[Edited on July 9, 2011 at 9:58 AM. Reason : no? Ø]

7/9/2011 9:49:07 AM

All American
77386 Posts
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I think they could easily recode this stuff to allow you to drag a circle into another circle, to add users from the dragged circle to the destination one

7/9/2011 11:01:19 AM

All American
15446 Posts
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Hmmm I'll check that out nothing22, thanks. I've really only been using it from my xoom. You figure theyd give honeycomb a little better ui than the phone versions.... and not be crippled compared to the desktop version

7/9/2011 9:42:45 PM

All American
15446 Posts
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I would like an option to send out a message to "your circles" but have the option of excluding circles.

I'm starting to get so many circles, as I'm messing around with how I want to classify friends, that it would be cumbersome to select 14 out of 16 circles.... for example "kegger at my place Saturday" or something like that.... I would want to send to all except for "work" or "family". Facebook does actually allow you to exclude groups from certain posts, in addition to posting to specific groups.

7/10/2011 11:18:49 PM

All American
14208 Posts
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i would like people to. y'know. post on it.

7/10/2011 11:55:30 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Yeah, pretty much seems like everyone has uploaded two pictures, made one comment (maybe) and then that's about it.

7/11/2011 12:22:18 AM

56200 Posts
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yup... has some nice features, but nothing that would make me give up FB... basically just have two things to check now but unless G+ picks up I'll be checking it less and less.

7/11/2011 12:53:04 AM

All American
1391 Posts
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for me, it's so much better just because it doesn't have all of the useless shit that FB does. How many times do I need to say "block this app"? FB is like buying a new HP. It'll do what you want but there's about 50 things they put in that are useless and annoying. Granted, G+ may end up the same way but it isn't right now so, for me, it wins.

Quote :
"Yeah, pretty much seems like everyone has uploaded two pictures, made one comment (maybe) and then that's about it."

I have a few of these people in my circles but it's a lot better than the constant stupid updates from people on FB that have it set to post every tweet, check-in, meal, & everything else. And really, it's been open for a couple of weeks. Did you really expect to join up and find a magical land where everyone & everything is operating at 110%? Figure most users haven't even been on it a week yet. Give it a month at least before you complain about the lack of users (especially if you're one of the ones that hasn't put any effort in).

7/11/2011 1:07:56 PM

Rat Soup
All American
7669 Posts
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huddle seems really cool. that's definitely something i'd use a lot when/if more people migrate over to google+. seems RIM no longer has any advantage over the competition other than security with imessage and now huddle, and even the government is looking into ways to use android and iOS devices. goodnight, sweet prince.

i really hope google+ catches on. it'd almost give me a way of starting over with my social network. i have a lot of people on my friends list on facebook that i'll realistically probably never interact with again, but i hate the stigma of someone realizing you've defriended them. stupid, i know, but at least with google+ i can now carefully pick and choose precisely who i want in my network, where i know them from, etc, and just still have a presence on facebook for the sake of having it. i see myself using google+ far more frequently just because of the integration with all the other google services i currently use. google has essentially created what facebook has been attempting to do for well over a year now - become a portal instead of a destination - and they've done it with a clean, intuitive UI. facebook has very few things that it does particularly well in my opinion, and i intend to use it less and less frequently. i'm sure i'll probably end up getting friended by some of the same bozos later whenever someone makes a contact migration tool to transfer the ones from facebook to google+, though.

7/11/2011 1:30:19 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"Did you really expect to join up and find a magical land where everyone & everything is operating at 110%? Figure most users haven't even been on it a week yet. Give it a month at least before you complain about the lack of users (especially if you're one of the ones that hasn't put any effort in)."

I mean, look at it this way -- pretty much the only people who are on it right now are the people who have put a bit of effort into getting an invite.

If the people who wanted to be on it aren't even using it, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement.

The big positive people keep pushing in this thread is that "oh man, now I don't have to deal with all the dumb shit my 'friends'" do. Seems silly that you'd want to migrate to an entirely different site because you don't have the e-balls to just de-friend/block someone.

7/11/2011 3:06:33 PM

485 Posts
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^ you do realize this is a beta right. Its not open to everyone yet. How do you expect all of your friends to sign up for a service that hasn't officially realized.

7/11/2011 3:14:49 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"How do you expect all of your friends to sign up for a service that hasn't officially realized."

Friend: "Hey, can I get an invite?"
Me: "Sure"

Friend: "Thanks"

Uploads two pictures. Makes one comment.


7/11/2011 3:21:12 PM

15126 Posts
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i'm honestly not that big of a fan...

7/11/2011 3:34:18 PM

All American
1391 Posts
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a bit of an effort to get an invite? Yeah, I said "hey, can I get an invite" and then signed up. Seriously though, it was tough. There was this quiz & then an endurance test. I was totally wiped out afterwards.

Seriously, I don't understand what you expect there to be on a beta site that is still not open to the general public and has been open to invites for less than 2 weeks. Please, tell me what should have been on this site ready for you to use. Chocolate chip cookies? Mind-reading UI enhancements that set up your profile and add the coolest people in the world to your circles for you? Let me guess, thought recognition so you don't actually have to TYPE in any "status" updates. People are fucking lazy. To expect a giant influx of people that instantly use the service 24/7 and forgo all other Social Media is pretty ignorant. Shit man, it's "hard work" to actually search for people and set everything up and you're not going to see a bunch of people doing anything until a lot of their friends are on there. Instead you're going to see threads on forums by people complaining that nobody is using it.

As for the de-friend/blocking people, I have a lot of people that I don't WANT to de-friend/block because I like to keep up with them. Unfortunately, like most people, my friends are a mixture and some of them are into some pretty stupid things. Some of them are straight up ignorant and don't know any better. Regardless, I hate the 5001 notifications that Facebook sends me or puts up in my feed because it wants more money from me/ wants me to sign up for more crap instead of caring that I've already blocked every other one 5000 times. Right now, with G+, I don't have to worry about that. Until it does or FB quits bugging me with stupid shit, I'll prefer G+. Sadly, it is Google so there's a solid 50% chance that it gets abandoned, forgotten, or "enhanced" in a way that destroys it but...

7/11/2011 3:41:33 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"Seriously, I don't understand what you expect there to be on a beta site that is still not open to the general public and has been open to invites for less than 2 weeks."

I would expect there to be a reason to use it.

But so far the only reason to use it is "because my Facebook friends annoy me".

7/11/2011 3:48:27 PM

All American
2354 Posts
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7/11/2011 4:22:06 PM

Rat Soup
All American
7669 Posts
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Quote :
"I would expect there to be a reason to use it.

But so far the only reason to use it is "because my Facebook friends annoy me".

so far it has all the things that make facebook useful in a much more user friendly layout and also has features facebook doesn't yet have. once facebook rolls out video chat, you can rest assured that it will undoubtedly suck since they can't do anything well. i'm not even really annoyed by many people on facebook since i just hide the people i don't care to see. i like G+ because it just looks like it's a hell of a lot better all around. i really only interact with a select few on facebook anyway, and i bet it's the same for most people. now i can interact with those people without all the frustrations of facebook and with a few extra features that facebook doesn't have and would probably stumble all over themselves attempting to implement anyway.

7/11/2011 4:31:01 PM

15126 Posts
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facebook doesn't have the group chat yet, but it already has one-on-one video calling, works pretty well.

despite the fact that they are more often used for useless shit and spam, the apps and other little things facebook has are still useful

7/11/2011 4:36:54 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"with a few extra features that facebook doesn't have "

Excluding group chat (which is a feature that can be done in Gmail and has been possible for, IIRC, years) what are these features? Sparks?

7/11/2011 4:45:49 PM

All American
1391 Posts
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^depends on the person. For me I don't have to click on "Most Recent" to see what's going on instead of seeing some random collage of posts that FB decided were best for me to see. The privacy settings are loads better. I can have friends, work colleagues, family, etc. all on the same account without having to basically completely blocking one group from posting/seeing my wall. I'm not constantly bombarded by apps & ads that I care nothing about (though I'd imagine the ads are coming). It's a much nicer interface overall.

Really, how many features does FB have over G+? More people are on it? If that's the case, maybe we should all go back to blackberries since they ruled the smartphone market for so many years.

7/11/2011 5:55:38 PM

Rat Soup
All American
7669 Posts
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Quote :
"Excluding group chat (which is a feature that can be done in Gmail and has been possible for, IIRC, years) what are these features? Sparks?

excluding 2 things that facebook doesn't have, what else?

i realize group chat has been around for years and has been provided through gmail. now i just don't have to be in gmail to do it, although i guess i'd still be logged into my google account, which is essentially the same thing. but from the standpoint of comparing things that one social network has that another doesn't, it still counts. huddle is pretty neat too, but that plays a bigger part in the mobile aspect of google+ on an android device, which i guess i didn't really mention. i understand that whatsapp already exists and apple is rolling out imessage, but i like the idea of being able to send super fast messages between groups of friends on my phone, whether that's for meeting up somewhere with a group or just bullshitting with groups of high school and college friends like a lot of them did with BBM (literally the only thing they used it for). old technology, but it's something facebook doesn't offer.

taking and uploading pictures in google+ is also much faster and easier than with facebook mobile. i can access photos, along with both the options to take a picture or upload one (which is automatically uploaded from my phone anyway if i have the option selected), and i have the same option from my stream. with facebook you have to navigate all the way to the home screen, select photos, then upload, and it usually takes longer than it should. the whole process is just easier and takes less time while not having to deal with an app that frequently shits itself.

and yeah, sparks is also an interesting feature. i like that i can pick topics i'm interested in and have information sent to my stream about them. facebook can't do that. also, when i'm on google+ on my laptop, i have quick, easy access to all the other google services that i use. unless i specifically outfit my bookmarks bar on my browser to have those, which i don't want to do because that space is taken up by other sites, i'd have to navigate away from facebook to do all that. the time i'm saving there is pretty miniscule in the grand scheme of things, but it's just more convenient to have everything i'm concerned with (news, sports, calendar, tasks, youtube, social media) in one place.

7/11/2011 6:01:48 PM

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