grimx #maketwwgreatagain 32337 Posts user info edit post |
2 7/24/2011 7:09:04 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "She hates it when I pull out instead of busting in her.
Oh sorry, wrong thread." |
 7/24/2011 7:11:16 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
he loves me too much
i am not deserving 7/24/2011 7:12:07 PM
elise mainly potato 13090 Posts user info edit post |
^this 7/24/2011 7:16:50 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
^^translation: i can't talk shit because he reads TWW  7/24/2011 7:23:08 PM
H8R wear sumthin tight 60155 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 24, 2011 at 8:03 PM. Reason : k] 7/24/2011 7:49:21 PM
elise mainly potato 13090 Posts user info edit post |
2^he is not on tww, he doesn't even have facebook. he is anonymous when it comes to the intarwebs 7/24/2011 8:04:50 PM
yuffie_chan All American 4898 Posts user info edit post |
NUH-UHHHHH 7/24/2011 8:27:07 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
i am over them 7/24/2011 8:30:30 PM
yuffie_chan All American 4898 Posts user info edit post |
kadwackle, will you run away with me and be my lesbian lover? 7/24/2011 8:31:22 PM
jaZon All American 27048 Posts user info edit post |
^^ perfect, let's get naked 7/24/2011 8:32:16 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
^ NOOOOOOOOOOOOO 7/24/2011 8:33:48 PM
jaZon All American 27048 Posts user info edit post |

7/24/2011 8:34:25 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
"i'm going to quit drinking" "i'm not eating bread anymore" "i'm quitting posting on the wolf web" "i'm quitting reading the wolf web"
every week 7/24/2011 8:40:20 PM
jaZon All American 27048 Posts user info edit post |
lmao 7/24/2011 8:41:57 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
^^I haven't seen him post much! 7/24/2011 8:42:16 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
he's a soap box addict. i was inspired to make ^^^that post when he handed me my laptop after saying he was never looking at this site again.
[Edited on July 24, 2011 at 8:46 PM. Reason : ] 7/24/2011 8:45:36 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
Bahaha.. he just can't stay away.
Also, I never venture into the Soap Box ] 7/24/2011 8:48:20 PM
Meg All American 6759 Posts user info edit post |
i'd say the soap box alone is to blame for his complete loss of faith in humanity. 7/24/2011 8:52:00 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
Really? I thought Chit Chat would be the reason for that. 7/24/2011 8:56:44 PM
jaZon All American 27048 Posts user info edit post |
^ nah, because people are serious as shit in the soapbox and somehow more fucked up than in chit chat 7/24/2011 9:06:55 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
^which is why I will continue to avoid TSB 7/24/2011 9:08:15 PM
LeonIsPro All American 5021 Posts user info edit post |
If TSB makes you lose faith in humanity something is wrong with you. It's called the internet. MAN UP. 7/24/2011 9:10:02 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |

7/24/2011 9:52:27 PM
Doss2k All American 18474 Posts user info edit post |
Well at least none of you crazy womens can complain about me! Now one of you bring me a sammich! 7/24/2011 10:40:50 PM
bottombaby IRL 21958 Posts user info edit post |
He does not worship the ground I walk on.
 7/24/2011 10:46:47 PM
bmel l3md 11149 Posts user info edit post |
I don't think he has ever planned a date. 7/25/2011 9:30:43 AM
yuffie_chan All American 4898 Posts user info edit post |
^^ lol
One of the problems I really don't know what to do about is that he doesn't like taking things out on people. This could be seen as a good thing, except that if he's stressed because of work or other people yelling at him, instead of being grumpy or something, he completely closes off and mopes around, which to me, is worse. I'd rather him be grumpy for a little while so I could try to make him feel better instead of him sitting there staring at a book or the tv while I have to sit there watching him be morose. I know he's got a lot of shit going on and I know he doesn't like to upset people, that's why he lies, too, but I'd rather be upset for a little while then have us both feel better than us both having to sit around being depressed because my mood is affected way too much by the people around me. 7/25/2011 9:50:18 AM
CassTheSass cupid 35382 Posts user info edit post |
^ um how old is your boyfriend? he sounds like this crazy ex i dated a few years ago.
i understand guys have a harder time explaining their feelings but you need to stop making excuses as to why he lies. you don't deserve a liar. 7/25/2011 10:02:22 AM
Samwise16 All American 12710 Posts user info edit post |
When he slips and says something to me like we're in 1950
For example, I'm late to lunch (not that late) and he gets in the car and says to me, "The next time I tell you what time to be somewhere, you BETTER be there AT THAT TIME."
That's a good way to make me even later next time, buddy  7/29/2011 2:56:32 PM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
Why would you put up with a guy TELLING you what to do?
he ain't the boss of you.
unless you let him be. 7/29/2011 3:05:01 PM
Samwise16 All American 12710 Posts user info edit post |
He isn't the boss, and trust me... That statement didn't go over well with me.
I refuse to be a kept woman... I attribute random slip-ups to the way his family lived -.- but that doesn't make it ok to say things like what happened today.
[Edited on July 29, 2011 at 3:09 PM. Reason : And when I pick him up today when we go to va... Trust me, there will be words >_>] 7/29/2011 3:07:42 PM
slackerb All American 5093 Posts user info edit post |
The problem is that even if he doesn't say it, it's clear that's the way he is thinking.
Yikes, sounds like a bad sign to me...take it from a dude, slip ups just mean that I'm thinking stuff all the time and sometimes i don't think before I speak. 7/29/2011 3:13:14 PM
yuffie_chan All American 4898 Posts user info edit post |
"You BETTER be there"? Really? What kind of phrasing is that?  7/29/2011 3:14:00 PM
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
I don't even talk to my direct reports that way. 7/29/2011 3:31:31 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The next time I tell you what time to be somewhere, you BETTER be there AT THAT TIME." |
this is a warning sign that you will undoubtedly ignore 7/29/2011 3:37:18 PM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
Three cheers for Mr. Samwise, thought I would've thrown in some expletives for good measure. 7/29/2011 3:37:50 PM
AxlBonBach All American 45553 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The next time I tell you what time to be somewhere, you BETTER be there AT THAT TIME." |
this is a warning sign that you will undoubtedly ignore 7/29/2011 3:40:59 PM
ScubaSteve All American 5523 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The next time I tell you what time to be somewhere, you BETTER be there AT THAT TIME." |
this is a warning sign guy saying something stupid that you will undoubtedly ignore hear every once in a while because all guys say stupid shit.
Not excusing it b/c it is still a dick move but he is a dick sometimes and you know that.
 shit just got real. 7/29/2011 4:09:42 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
:-X 7/29/2011 5:04:11 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
^^ i have a hard time believing it's just a momentary lapse
a guy that thinks like that doesn't just think like that part of the time 7/29/2011 5:10:31 PM
paerabol All American 17118 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 29, 2011 at 6:17 PM. Reason : shrug]
7/29/2011 6:12:42 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
ghost edit = not cool, Dave! I liked what you had written. 7/29/2011 7:23:03 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
samwise=future battered wife  7/29/2011 7:28:03 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
i see samwise doing the battering, actually
bitch is hardcore!
no.. really. dont mess with her. she may look sweet on the outside with her cute little aprons and frosting-covered cupcakes but she'll kick your ass ] 7/29/2011 7:30:39 PM
merbig Suspended 13178 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i'd say the soap box alone is to blame for his complete loss of faith in humanity." |
Who is it? 7/29/2011 7:34:23 PM
ThePeter TWW CHAMPION 37709 Posts user info edit post |
Well I mean, you WERE late  7/29/2011 7:36:38 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
exactly, lucky you got lunch at all 7/29/2011 7:55:45 PM
egyeyes All American 6209 Posts user info edit post |
I am --- close to turning this thread into The official complain about ThePeter/saps852 thread.
You penises.  7/29/2011 8:33:14 PM
Samwise16 All American 12710 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "no.. really. dont mess with her. she may look sweet on the outside with her cute little aprons and frosting-covered cupcakes but she'll kick your ass" |

But in all seriousness, ScubaSteve has known my fiance' for longer than even I have so if he was an abusive/controlling person, ScubaSteve would know. And hey guess what, we had an adult conversation about it and I didn't even get a black eye. 7/29/2011 9:30:57 PM