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hey heyep86, is your roomate hey now?

8/26/2011 9:27:12 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18195 Posts
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There is no reason that two people getting drunk together can't have a good time, although I second the suggestion that you acquire friends, and quickly. You have booze and are presumably around other underage people -- it shouldn't be rocket science.

Occasionally when I get drunk with a friend, we fight. And I don't mean some greco-roman wrestling shit. Last time I ended up with a twisted ankle, and my friend ended up with a sign smashed over his head and most of a dead tree in his sleeping quarters. Fucking wile out. Get creative. You ever worn a hard hat while your friend hit you in the head with a machete? Neither have I, because that's fucking insane, but I have been the one with the machete before.*

*-Do not actually do this, it's a terrible idea. Best case scenario, you ruin a perfectly good hard hat. Worst case scenario, it wasn't that good and you have skull and scalp damage.

Plan for the coming zombie apocalypse. It's one of my personal favorites.

Build something ridiculous. A buddy and I once stayed up all night drinking, making a trebuchet out of furniture we had destroyed. The thing almost worked, too.

Play what would otherwise be a benign board game, but be overly competitive and testosterone-y about the whole thing, then see suggestion number 1 and fight.

Walk down to the railroad tracks and find weird stuff down there to bring back. I once got the bumper off an '97 Hyundai, a bicycle tire, a baseball, and what seemed like a very interesting rock at the time. (Do not do this either. If you don't die, you'll get arrested. If you do die, everyone will think you're retarded for doing it.)

Do you live in a dorm? Have you met everyone on your floor, the other floors, and in nearby buildings yet? Then what the fuck are you on TWW for? Bonus activity: Rate the people in each room. We used to do a thumbs up/thumbs down of everyone on our hallway periodically, and it was quite a hit. People would come out and watch, and either be pleased or very, very angry.

More to come as I think back to college.

8/27/2011 12:09:55 AM

New Recruit
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TreeTwista10 nope, he isn't registered on here.
GrumpyGOPWe live in an apartment off campus. The people that live around us don't speak English.
We did try the whole Apples to Apples thing last night. It was interesting, but we didn't have enough booze to get a good game going.

8/27/2011 2:58:40 PM

All American
2991 Posts
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May be a generational gap here....

But playing Loaded Questions is fun as shit while drinking with some ladies/good friends, but it sounds like you need some ladies

8/27/2011 4:16:15 PM

oh we back
25965 Posts
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^YES! That game is fun as shit...

8/27/2011 4:27:25 PM

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