wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
2 9/2/2011 1:27:04 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "We use English lessons as a tool to help people and share the gospel. We do this in schools, camps and orphanages." |
it couldn't be more clear that this is not just about teaching English or only mentioning Jesus if asked about him
Morphine Boy, either you aren't being completely honest or you do not follow the mission of CEO to the letter
i bet it's the latter 9/2/2011 1:37:01 PM
Morphine Boy All American 10900 Posts user info edit post |
"Sharing the gospel" is living it out in front of people. Loving unconditionally. Helping where we can. Very rarely (EXTREMELY rarely in Europe) can we just walk up to people and start conversations about stuff. I passed some American mormons today on the street with a sign that said in broken Hungarian, "Ask me about the Book of Mormon." What good were they accomplishing?
We teach English in schools. We are helping to birth a Non-Profit over here called "Serve the City." Check it out, there's nothing Christian about it. http://servethecity.net/ is the international link and http://www.stcbudapest.eu is our local link that we are trying to start. We purposely make it non-Christian even though we are all Christians.
CEO is our sending organization. The executive director is my father in law. He sometimes doesn't take paychecks because CEO doesn't make any sort of money. He does this job to help people and that is what we do.
Our final goal is to show the same love that we believe Jesus shows us and whether or not someone shares our beliefs, we're still going to help them in any way we can. We are "sharing the Gospel" through our actions and that is our goal.
Now let's all just settledown. 9/2/2011 5:20:15 PM
qntmfred retired 41010 Posts user info edit post |
boom 9/2/2011 5:44:33 PM
bmel l3md 11149 Posts user info edit post |
I voted. Good Luck  9/2/2011 5:47:50 PM
Morphine Boy All American 10900 Posts user info edit post |
Thanks bmel! 9/2/2011 6:08:52 PM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
serious question (just because i'm curious) - can an altruistic atheist partner with CEO to teach English in Hungary? 9/2/2011 7:14:05 PM
Morphine Boy All American 10900 Posts user info edit post |
It's a good question but I don't think so. There are bylaws to agree with and a memorandum of understanding that one has to sign that basically says you agree with the mission of CEO.
I don't really see how one would want to though since there are lots of different sorts of sending agencies that specifically aim at teaching English as a foreign language that don't have anything to do with being a Christian. They actually pay a lot better too.  9/3/2011 3:42:34 AM
settledown Suspended 11583 Posts user info edit post |
i see, thanks for the sincere answer
best of luck to you 9/3/2011 7:46:45 AM
Joie begonias is my boo 22491 Posts user info edit post |
lol after posting in here a few times i realized i never voted 
i just did
good luck 9/3/2011 8:22:43 AM
Morphine Boy All American 10900 Posts user info edit post |
Thanks Joie!
We're up to 364 votes! That's awesome that some of you guys have helped.
Thank you to everyone that has participated. 9/3/2011 4:57:45 PM
Morphine Boy All American 10900 Posts user info edit post |
39th place right now with 390 votes. Top 50 finalists go to debate with the board of Giving of Life.
A HUGE thanks to those that have voted already. If you haven't, please vote!
http://givingoflife.com/browse/christian_educators_outreach/ 9/4/2011 4:49:15 AM
Morphine Boy All American 10900 Posts user info edit post |
Guess who's up to 448 votes?
GG tdub. 9/5/2011 3:41:18 PM
Morphine Boy All American 10900 Posts user info edit post |
El Bump.
We've dropped down to 23rd place.
We have 1308 votes.
Anyone want to help out?
[Edited on October 26, 2011 at 12:53 AM. Reason : ] 10/26/2011 12:53:01 AM
Roflpack All American 1966 Posts user info edit post |
Wait. It says you're in Charlottesville, VA. I was just there Saturday. Didn't like it too much. Fans are too much like UNCHeat. 10/26/2011 1:06:22 AM
Morphine Boy All American 10900 Posts user info edit post |
I'm in Budapest, Hungary.
The non-profit is based out of Charlottesville. Doesn't mean we're UVA fans. haha 10/26/2011 8:59:09 AM
Morphine Boy All American 10900 Posts user info edit post |
Shameless el-bump.
http://givingoflife.com/browse/christian_educators_outreach/ 11/1/2011 3:59:01 PM