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All American
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9/9/2011 12:03:17 PM

11583 Posts
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Quote :
"I know a guy who gets disability checks for acid flashbacks so you never know you might actually qualify lol."

no you don't

9/9/2011 12:11:15 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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9/9/2011 12:11:41 PM

11583 Posts
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i'm tired of this bitch's bullshit stories

9/9/2011 12:13:09 PM

45208 Posts
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Seth LeDown gets disability checks because his dong is so strong.

9/9/2011 12:14:43 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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He actually does. He gets social security for having a mental instability when really he's just a druggie burnout. It's bs in my opinion.

9/9/2011 12:16:42 PM

TX R. Snake
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DJGrant gets disability checks for crossed-eyes.

9/9/2011 12:20:58 PM

All American
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Depending on how severe the strabismus, he theoretically could

9/9/2011 12:23:33 PM

Sup, B
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the NPR report on the shenanigans at the Mall of America was incredible. They took an old man's digital camera card and erased it, without due process, without a warrant, because they could. They destroyed his property because an Army veteran was "acting suspicious" by asking security guards if it was OK to film and being told it was OK.

9/9/2011 12:44:36 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Is this thread not about the Wiz Khalifa song?

9/9/2011 12:44:54 PM

All American
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^^ shit like that makes me so angry. Mall cops should not have that sort of power.

9/9/2011 1:28:25 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Is this thread not about the Wyclef Jean song?

9/9/2011 1:32:00 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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Is this thread not about the Gorillaz/D12 song?

9/9/2011 2:45:42 PM

All American
15446 Posts
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Quote :
" 1609 – Henry Hudson discovers Manhattan Island and the indigenous people living there."

2001 - 1609 = 392

392 + 2 planes +11 = 405

Divided by 9

Is 45.

Coincidence? I think not

[Edited on September 9, 2011 at 3:07 PM. Reason : conspiracy]

9/9/2011 3:06:38 PM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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^ and so it begins.

Machiavelli up in here. Hail Mary!

9/9/2011 3:19:22 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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9/9/2011 5:09:52 PM

63151 Posts
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9/9/2011 5:16:07 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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The biggest tragedy about 9/11 is how we decided to go and waste a bunch of money and lives afterwards, sending us to where we our today. terrorists didn't just win. they won big time AND got dem virgins.


9/9/2011 5:47:22 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Quote :
"He actually does. He gets social security for having a mental instability when really he's just a druggie burnout. It's bs in my opinion."

yes let's hear more about your enlightened view on mental illness

9/9/2011 6:21:31 PM

Sup, B
53289 Posts
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how about you tell us: if he fucked himself up via drug use, should we have to pay him disability for doing so, oh great and wise McDouche

9/9/2011 6:39:05 PM

8379 Posts
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it's the same thing as someone getting a head injury playing sports. drugs are a form of recreation.

9/9/2011 6:43:16 PM

Sup, B
53289 Posts
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except that sports are a far more viable and responsible form of it than drug use

9/9/2011 6:45:03 PM

All American
14296 Posts
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lets get this back on topic

9/9/2011 6:45:47 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"except that sports are a far more viable and responsible form of it than drug use"

Not really. There are safe drugs users and safe sports players, as well as reckless drug users and reckless sports players.

9/9/2011 6:49:46 PM

Sup, B
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name me a virtue of drug use, out of curiosity. I can name at least 2 for sports for every alleged virtue of drug use. to compare the decency of playing sports to the stupidity of drug use is about as crazy as it gets, dude.

9/9/2011 7:04:07 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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It's pretty irrelevant. It's not my business what you do to your own body. If you run full force into a brick wall, you're going to get hurt. If you do crystal meth, you're going to get hurt. You should be free to do either of those things, just don't then force me to help you recover.

The terrorists won. 9-11 marks the beginning of the end of U.S. hegemony. We reacted exactly as Bin Laden thought we would, and it has been our downfall. Consider yourself lucky - you got to live in the United States before it went down the shitter.

[Edited on September 9, 2011 at 7:07 PM. Reason : ]

9/9/2011 7:06:31 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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Competitive drug use is where it's at.

9/9/2011 7:07:54 PM

Sup, B
53289 Posts
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i can agree with that, but if you force me to choose one to pay for, I'm gonna pay for the guy playing soccer every day.

9/9/2011 7:07:54 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I don't think the cause of your disability matters. People with disabilities recognize this the most--a guy who has been in a chair his whole life doesn't shun the guy who is one cause he was drunk driving or street racing.

Of course, the cause cannot be ongoing and untreated. You can't be "too drunk to work." But there are plenty of lifelong alcoholics who will still be seriously mentally/physically disabled after getting sober.

The point is too help people who can't work, not dole out money according to our own personal values/judgments of people.


[Edited on September 9, 2011 at 7:27 PM. Reason : To be clear, I am concerned about disability fraud.]

9/9/2011 7:18:51 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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soccers for pussies you faggot

9/9/2011 7:18:53 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"name me a virtue of drug use, out of curiosity. I can name at least 2 for sports for every alleged virtue of drug use. to compare the decency of playing sports to the stupidity of drug use is about as crazy as it gets, dude."

depending on the drug: increased intelligence, open-mindedness, empathy, creativity, shared bonding experiences, etc. of course, im not talking about crystal meth or pcp.

the average lifespan of an NFL player is about 20 years less than the national average. and how many sports players have permanent health issues due to excessive physical strain?

just saying, both activities have benefits and drawbacks.


9/9/2011 7:27:16 PM

13178 Posts
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Fuck 9/11. I'm leaving the country to be with people who don't care.

9/9/2011 7:41:18 PM

114668 Posts
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Fuck 9/11.

9/9/2011 7:42:29 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"The biggest tragedy about 9/11 is how we decided to go and waste a bunch of money and lives afterwards, sending us to where we our today. terrorists didn't just win. they won big time AND got dem virgins. "


9/9/2011 9:35:41 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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I don't think this was ever aired in the US. Good documentary, if you're interested.

[Edited on September 9, 2011 at 9:40 PM. Reason : ]

9/9/2011 9:38:48 PM

45208 Posts
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I've seen that..its nuts!

9/9/2011 9:40:39 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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^^ I do think it's odd how the US media basically scrubs war of the vision of casualties. I hadn't really thought about how they've done that with 9/11 as well. I guess this trend started after the Vietnam War.

9/9/2011 9:53:45 PM

All American
25834 Posts
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I read somewhere the real threat was two girls one cup......very serious threat.....

9/9/2011 10:31:48 PM

All American
3402 Posts
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Brack and yerrow 9/11 brack and yerrow 9/11 brack and yerrow 9/11 brack and yerrow 9/11

Mmm, yes, I concur.

9/9/2011 11:00:37 PM

Sup, B
53289 Posts
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Quote :
"depending on the drug: increased intelligence, open-mindedness, empathy, creativity, shared bonding experiences, etc. of course, im not talking about crystal meth or pcp."

show me a drug that is increasing IQ. especially an illicit one. I want that fucking drug right now.
Open-mindedness is probably what leads to the use of the drug, as opposed to the other way around.
empathy? really?
creativity, ok.
shared bonding experiences... meh, I'll give it to you.

moreover, we are specifically talking about pcp and crystal meth. huffin paint thinner really isn't helping you out all that much.

now, for sports: increased health, increased flexibility, increased coordination, shared bonding, teamwork, character building. do I need to go on?

9/9/2011 11:08:34 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"show me a drug that is increasing IQ. especially an illicit one. I want that fucking drug right now.
Open-mindedness is probably what leads to the use of the drug, as opposed to the other way around."


Quote :
"moreover, we are specifically talking about pcp and crystal meth. huffin paint thinner really isn't helping you out all that much."


[Edited on September 9, 2011 at 11:20 PM. Reason : .]

9/9/2011 11:19:44 PM

Sup, B
53289 Posts
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I'm not seeing that tryptamines are actually increasing intelligence... you got a link for that?

9/9/2011 11:34:20 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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9/9/2011 11:54:55 PM

All American
2404 Posts
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I heard the mall of America story on NPR as well.. that shit was really ridiculous.. I didn't know stuff like that happened in this country..

9/10/2011 11:02:14 AM

mainly potato
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9/10/2011 11:30:44 AM

TX R. Snake
10566 Posts
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Guilty laughter fills my room.

9/10/2011 11:54:47 AM

All American
15540 Posts
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9/10/2011 11:59:42 AM

mainly potato
13090 Posts
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edit post is one of the many reasons i'm going to go to hell

9/10/2011 9:59:18 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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God, they keep showing the memorial. It looks horrible with all the crap still around it.

Has there been any good articles written about this? Were these people just too depressed to get it done?

9/11/2011 7:59:29 AM

23634 Posts
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there was a lot of back and forth about what was going to happen on it, so it's not like they started on it 8 years ago.

plus there are two buildings being built/rebuilt next to the memorial. once the water turns on, though, i've heard it looks amazing.

9/11/2011 8:01:46 AM

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